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Launch was yestaday, 2 "extra days" planned from beginning, EA strategy.


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You can call it Early Game Access.

You can call it launch.

(Bioware has called it both by the way)

You can call it pre-launch.

You can call it soft launch.


It is all semantics.


Honestly, if I were someone planning to go out and BUY this in a brick and mortar store I'd be even more pissed than the people not getting to play every day of this "Seven Day Period" currently taking place. You go to the store to buy the game the date it is "released" and find out you are a week behind.....

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Has your free 30 days started yet...? When is it going to start...? If you're not in by December 20th you have every right to spout your definition nonsense, but the game time hence the "official" launch does not go into effect til December 20th.


Oh *snap* on me.... I didn't know we were talking about the Official Launch.




We were only talking about the game launching. LOL


And yes they have started up the servers and started letting people on.

Edited by masterjedishane
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it is strategy , it is unfair to the customers... yes they informed us.


But if you are the only person in the world to sell caramel dipped cookies and only sell them if you can kick the customer in the balls first, youll still sell caramel dipped cookies..


just cuz caramels so nice.. y know.


^-- being vaguely informed doesnt make it right.

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We're being played.


You agreed to be played when you purchased a pre-order with clearly stated terms as to how Early Game Access would be rolled out for registered pre-orders in the order of registration.


I don't get the point of your post. If it that it took you until now to realize you are a stupid tool, yeah, that is pretty pathetic.

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it is strategy , it is unfair to the customers... Yes they informed us.


But if you are the only person in the world to sell caramel dipped cookies and only sell them if you can kick the customer in the balls first, youll still sell caramel dipped cookies..


Just cuz caramels so nice.. Y know.


^-- being vaguely informed doesnt make it right.


i love it!!!! Big props!!!! Rofl!!!! Ha!!!! Ha!!!! Ha!!!! Ha!!!!


epic win!!!!

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The real sad part isn't that people will leave because of this they won't lol), but a large portion of the games base considers this "strike one", whether you are actually mad or not, this will be held against Bio unless they turn it around) and when they actually do run into real technical trouble they'll have wasted their "goodwill" points that every game maker gets on 2 dumb polices in the "no grace period" Christmas launch and the staggered launch plan.
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You agreed to be played when you purchased a pre-order with clearly stated terms as to how Early Game Access would be rolled out for registered pre-orders in the order of registration.


I don't get the point of your post. If it that it took you until now to realize you are a stupid tool, yeah, that is pretty pathetic.


Actually that's not quite true. You would have had to click on the details to get to that.


So it was not CLEARLY MARKED!

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The real sad part isn't that people will leave because of this they won't lol), but a large portion of the games base considers this "strike one", whether you are actually mad or not, this will be held against Bio unless they turn it around) and when they actually do run into real technical trouble they'll have wasted their "goodwill" points that every game maker gets on 2 dumb polices in the "no grace period" Christmas launch and the staggered launch plan.




{CHECKS} First strike box.

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It's funny how stupid so many of you are acting. Early Access is Early access not launch. Did they plan an early access from the beginning? Yes. Why would they do such a thing as not let everyone in at the same time at the start of early access....oh wait that's why they planned an early access, to bring people in over time instead of all at once. The official launch date is still Dec. 20 until then they are not obligated to let anyone play the game. If they really wanted to for some unknown insane reason they could stop letting people into the game, and not let anyone else in until the 20. They plan these things for a reason stop acting like the little children you are and try to understand how the grown up world works.
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Has your free 30 days started yet...? When is it going to start...? If you're not in by December 20th you have every right to spout your definition nonsense, but the game time hence the "official" launch does not go into effect til December 20th.



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Every MMO launch has been an unstable mess, Bioware wanted to avoid this with the staggered release strategy slowly letting more and more players in. You are right, if they told everyone that purchased the game that they could not log in on day one, everyone would be pissed off. So how do you release the game slowly to maintain server stability and a quality service without pissing off the masses? The solution Bioware came up with was to allow pre-order customers to get "early access" in a staggered release. Whether "it was the plan all along" or not is irrelevant, it was a solution to the problem. How would you have done it?


I am from Australia and will not be seeing this game on local shelves for a long time, I am also impatient and want to be able to play SWTOR now but you should try and understand the reason behind this releases strategy.

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If these threads had started and continued on when the EGA was announced, I'd have no problem with people having complaints... yea, if you wanna ignore the game and roflrush to max level, the staggered launch kinda sucks.


But right now it just seems that a lot of people weren't aware of the EGA details and are making a big scene they should have made months or weeks ago.

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It's obvious for any MMO veteran that "launch day" IS the first day players are let into the final servers of the game, which won't be wiped anymore. And that day was yesterday for SW:TOR.


From Bioware themself:

This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


That does leave a huge distaste in your mouth being a verteran MMO'er . I dont care when i start, I just wanted to be fair that i can have the same chance of getting in as anyone else trying to log in spam... lol


Water under the bridge, if you dont like it. You can always quit and go find a job to find something to kill your time. :D

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Get over this "the game has already launched" thing. So what? Official RELEASE is still December 20. If you pre-ordered, you're entitled to a maximum of five days of Early Access before that day.


And as it's still only the 14th - six days to go until release -, you have little right or basis to complain.



I think bioware should have put EGA starting on september 13th, and since that day one guy of the beta would get a "your char will remain active on live servers" message.




then when they closed the servers 4th december they would let those about 60 guys in early access to stay logged in a special server, and now they should continue adding one per day until the 19th at 23:50, then open the gates to early access and finnaly at 20th open the game.



What, sounds ridiculous? why? its still UP TO 99 days, too bad you could only play for 10 minutes.


and what those people that were in would have all the gear already when you logged? too bad, you should have preordered sooner! those 5 minutes you were taking a crap at the bathroom screwed you up.


now really, for the people that say that they only said UP to 5 days and so ppl that preordered in november and december will get 1 or 2 days its fair, remember that they could have done it the way im saying and put up to 99 days and you would play 10 minutes and it would still be fair.

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The game was launched the minute the Dr.'s stated it was launched. It doesn't matter what Reid or Ohlen or anyone else says. When the founders of Bioware declare the game launched, it is launched.


The only ones sticking to the "It's not launch yet!" spiel are the same fanbois who said "It's only beta!!" and will soon be saying "It's only 1-2-6 months since launch!!".


Added to sig. My sentiment exactly.

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The funny part is that all of this marketing for ToR's early access including the twitter crap like "If we get 500k likes on facebook there might be another wave!" and "ZOMG BONUS WAVE!" is text book stuff.


These are pretty basic marketing ploys. There is nothing immoral or unethical about them technically, but they are still lying to you in a way.


Want a really basic example of how this type of strategy is used in every day life? Well, have you ever ordered a pizza and they tell you it will be there in 45 minutes, but it comes in 30 minutes nearly every time? This is the under promise/ over deliver strategy. When you get it in 30 minutes you feel like the pizza place did good by you and got your food to you early. Now if they had said "It will be there in 15 minutes" and it took them 30 minutes you would be angry and ask for a discount or something.


BASIC marketing and business stuff here folks, stop being naive.

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The funny part is that all of this marketing for ToR's early access including the twitter crap like "If we get 500k likes on facebook there might be another wave!" and "ZOMG BONUS WAVE!" is text book stuff.


These are pretty basic marketing ploys. There is nothing immoral or unethical about them technically, but they are still lying to you in a way.


Want a really basic example of how this type of strategy is used in every day life? Well, have you ever ordered a pizza and they tell you it will be there in 45 minutes, but it comes in 30 minutes nearly every time? This is the under promise/ over deliver strategy. When you get it in 30 minutes you feel like the pizza place did good by you and got your food to you early. Now if they had said "It will be there in 15 minutes" and it took them 30 minutes you would be angry and ask for a discount or something.


BASIC marketing and business stuff here folks, stop being naive.


I worked in customer service for two years and basically lied to people every single day using fancy words whenever they had problems due to server issues and what-not.


When a server went down, and it would be back up within 30 minutes, we always told people to that it would be up in 1-2 hours, and then notified everyone through their smartphones that it was up and running again. That made people's days sometimes, as they could be under a lot of pressure from deadlines with projects.


Saw this coming from miles away. :D


- Elim

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