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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I'm a player that tends to focus on what was done right, and BW has done a great job so far on making pvp fun and rewarding. I look forward to their future changes and adjustments.


I am glad you are. You must be an operative/scoundrel 3 hitting people or a sorcerer/counselor getting 11 medals in a bg.

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I'm a player that tends to focus on what was done right, and BW has done a great job so far on making pvp fun and rewarding. I look forward to their future changes and adjustments.



I know everyone has different opinions, but a 9 for the current state of PvP in this game?

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I consider it average. The PvP in general feels slightly generic. Hopefully some of the more frequent complaints get addressed and the game can progress into being a much better experience. I was honestly expecting a lot more out of BioWare.

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Being 1 month post launch having this type of PVP is actually exciting. Plus I just saw/heard the BW commitment to PVP. Most people who are complaining are acting like this game was release 2 years ago.


If our main concern is population imbalance in world pvp (and honestly for wz pvp too) then I am super excited to see where we are in another 1 month.


There have been SO MANY bugs that need fixing that I don't really blame BW for the "current state". Everyone is complaining about Ilum now but all BW did was give us what we want. We all QQ'd about armament trading and asked for daily/weekly of killing opposing faction to encourage pvp (lets be honest, we called for this ourselves and they gave it to us). I'll take the headache Ilum now than the pointless Ilum 2 weeks ago.


We got lvl 50 brackets... dealing a bit with higher Q times, but to me its worth it. Bracketing the lower levels isn't going to fix anything but make more ppl complain about Q's.


I dont understand how anyone could vote below 4 or 5... you must have NEVER been involved in a massive launch before. (althought the UO launch was the best pvp they ever had, and it only went downhill).

Edited by RJChief
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Untill they fix the stun system and resolve system, it's a 1 for me. There is no fun or skill in being chain stun'd every GCD.


You have ONE complaint and rate the pvp a 1? You must hate life because you grow older each day... and thats a negative.

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I would give it a 6/10. Ability delay and slight empire advantages are well documented already. For me it comes down to the mechanics of the warzones. Civil war is pretty well designed, though I do wish the side speeders dropped you a bit further away from the turret, it's laughable how quickly you can get back into the fight after dying.


Voidstar I really hate, we had a game where we were getting our asses handed to us we couldn't kill a damn thing because they had guarded healers and did a great job. We got a lucky plant and then sprinted ahead of the other team because when they finally did die we were so far ahead of them planting again. I also think each person should have an equal respawn timer, sometimes you win just on sheer luck where you kill a few guys right as the gate closes and you cap. Other times you can clear out a side but they respawn with an open gate and they're right back in the fight.


My only complaint about Huttball is that certain classes have advantages with the Huttball. I don't mind the Sages Rescue ability because there is at least a level of team work, but it's silly when a guardian gets the ball drops down below and then uses force leap to jump up to the end zone, by passing the most difficult part. Same with Shadows/sage ability to Force Armor and force speed. I feel like these abilities take away from the teamwork that can make huttball an enjoyable experience.

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- Mirrors are not actually mirrors because of ability delay


- CC's is ridiculous. Every class has half a dozen CC's and only one CC break which is on an absurdly long CD.


- Only 3 Warzones and one is idiotic in the extreme.


- Sorcerer's. 'nuff said.


- Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile... dead.


- Melee is terribad. If you get close enough to attack, then you get stun locked and face melted while ranged can sit in the back and kill everything and not get CC'd at all.


- Ilum is a joke. There's no HP buff for the team that's outnumbed. ffs, Planetside had this feature and it was released a decade ago.



But after all is said and done, you have to PVP in order to play because the PVP armor is better for raiding than anything else you can get before you raid. So even though PVP is awful, everyone has to grind through it for their first set of gear so they can start HCM raiding.

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- Mirrors are not actually mirrors because of ability delay


- CC's is ridiculous. Every class has half a dozen CC's and only one CC break which is on an absurdly long CD.


- Only 3 Warzones and one is idiotic in the extreme.


- Sorcerer's. 'nuff said.


- Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile... dead.


- Melee is terribad. If you get close enough to attack, then you get stun locked and face melted while ranged can sit in the back and kill everything and not get CC'd at all.


- Ilum is a joke. There's no HP buff for the team that's outnumbed. ffs, Planetside had this feature and it was released a decade ago.



But after all is said and done, you have to PVP in order to play because the PVP armor is better for raiding than anything else you can get before you raid. So even though PVP is awful, everyone has to grind through it for their first set of gear so they can start HCM raiding.


1. Both sides experience ability delay its the animations they need to work on

2. Most have 2 some classes get snares/roots but half a dozen is ridiculous

3. Sorcs/sages really only have an advantage in huttball outside of that they're not bad

4. LOS= tracer missle fails

5. Stop trying to fight thier whole team by yourself....work as a team and melee is fine

6. The outnumbered team doesn't need a buff. An instanced Ilum with a pop cap would fix this.

7. If you think you can't do HM's in regular 50 gear then you my friend are terribad as you so delightfully put it. You don't HAVE to pvp. Do the hardmode FPs get your tionese crystals get your low tier pve gear and work from thier its not rocket science.

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I give it high marks because it's almost as good as any pvp I've seen in an mmo. I have no doubt that SWTOR will get better; the potential is there and a solid team is at the helm.


I'm having fun with my guardian despite imbalances between classes and factions.


But I would drop this game in a second if there was a pvp MMO without heals and CC-spam-from-hell.

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0. Pvp in this game is bad. I used to enjoy it when I wasn't 50. Now that I am and see the end result, its a major let down. I am a scoundrel but never went dps spec always healing. So nerf or no nerf, still have other classes that are op in my opinion. You know the ones that throw pebbles or spam lightning? How about the ones who take no damage and hit like trucks? I'm sure you've seen them around. Did I mention the resolve bar does NOT work one bit? How about when its full and I'm still getting stunned andy slowed that my two minute cooldown break affect gets refreshed? That wouls be neat.


Sorry I got carried away. Anyway like I was saying before the rage took over, pvp is terrible. As long as you have two sides(sith and rep) (ally and horde) there will always be one side with an abundance and the other with few. That being said, I do enjoy hitting buttons watching them light up but no activation. Also I thoroughly enjoy the graphics in ilum when there is a massive battle going on. You know the one I'm talking about, the one where it skips worse than kids at recess with chalk.


Finally the point I'm trying to get to is unless they fix issues with their jurassic engine and get creative with the pvp rewards. I don't know maybe gear that doesn't look like the other classes. For me gunslinger looks just like mine (soundrel) just a different color. Pvp offers nothing exciting. Bring back pvp that mmos started with, no sides, all items drop on death and maybe just maybe a player base that doesn't compare games to the only one they grew up on and in my opinion the death of real skill based mmo pvp. You might of heard of such a title. I think EA bought rights to it to. Its called WOW.


Please someone make a game for pvpers and not for raiding dungeons or being a carebear. If I wanted to hit the same buttons on the same mobs id play single player. I know the game is still in its infancy of launch, but they were making it forever. The little things that you would not think would be issues still. Ie mouse glitch, ui broken, and lettuce not forget the broken raid frames in wz when premade.



I know I have no room to talk but complain less about classes being op and learn how op yours is :) except commandos and mercs. Sorry you guys got shafted.


There is definately potential in this game, just don't see it. Not now, maybe in a couple years...

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I think its fun and I have the good fortune of being on a faction balanced server.


Considering that PvE is even a bigger lottery I dont mind the loot bag system much either, even if my expertise to date is just above 200.



Only thing that ROYALLY peeves me off is fighting tooth and nail for a WZ win for it to then not count towards the daily/weekly total.


ffs BW... I mean wth is that... I don't even... WAT? :mad:

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6/10. I have a ton of fun, but it isn't without occasional glaring reminders that this game is still being polished.



Very well designed Warzones that reward team play, and occassionally produce extremely tight games. I get a decent variety on our server. I like the medal mechanic. I like how tanking works.



BUGS -- bugging daily rewards and ability lag are the two biggest problems, the latter will be truly game-breaking if ranked WZs become a reality. Failing interrupts and knock=back abilities which send enemies in unpredictable directions due to server-side lag are major issues in PvP.

Class balance is okay, but not quite perfected yet. Given how close things are at this early stage though I have quite a bit of faith it will be ironed out.

Pop balance in Ilum. Basically breaks world PvP, though my server isn't as bad as some.

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It is what it is...but it's not enough. I would like to see some actual Open World PvP that means something. Would love to see some sort of Guild Fortress system where you can sink some of the millions of credits we have sitting in the bank. Something similar to (yeah I'm saying it) Shadowbane where you would be able to build and defend an Entire Fortress. You would have control areas on one big open map that would dictate your guild's fame. Call me crazy (and I'm sure you will) but I would like to see some freakin action in PvP, make it mean something. Give me aspirations to control the whole freakin map. Make me want to take a scout group out and sneak up on a lightly defended control point. Make me feel a sense of urgency as my Fortress is being layed to siege by the Republic. Make me feel something other than HUTTBALL FFS.


Just saying.....

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-Resolve system is born dead. Also it's broken with some CCs working on a full resolve bar.


-No world PvP

Ilum, even if implemented right, is not a world PvP

Crafting is dead, and pets can gather crafting materials -> no people in the open world -> no world PvP. No extra rewards for world PvP kills. No motivation for it.


-No challenge

Easy play for every class, random drops, no competitive PvP.


-Gamebreaking bugs

Like getting my adrenaline rush never go on CD, healing me for 800 3 times a second. Also ability delay, kicked into char select while charging through the air on voidstar


-Retarded class mechanics

Commando, while not being OP even remotely, can only spam grav round. Half of the builds in the game is heavy proc dependant, defence stats are useless in PvP aswell as shield procs. Guard is too overpowered compared to what it was like in warhammer (since mythic is in charge of PvP in here) because the game is slow and knockbacks are short.


Also minor class balance issues


-Game engine

Can't hadle 40 people on a screen at the same time -> no epic battles. I personally like small scale pvp, but still. The engine is horrifyingly bad.


-Nothing new actually.

This game offers nothing I haven't seen in WoW, WAR, Rift or whatever else. Same boring s h i t like everywhere. Hire me, bioware, I have my head swarming with ideas!


-Devs listening to forum whines.

That made me leave rift back then. Same s h i t here. They do all bad players want them to, making stupid desicions like making biochem bottles and expertise ones not stack instead of simply nerfing the biochem itself, without making expertise buffs useless.


-Devs being sure that dialogues with sound is just what MMORPG needs.

No comments.


All in all it's old, boring, bugged and can't compete even warhammer or rift on release, or wow on BC launch, which are quite old games already. For a 2012 game made on a famous universe you'd expect alot, alot more.

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Currently 6/10, its slightly above avg if compared to other pvp in mmos.



-some very interesting mechanics

-interesting class/ability combinations (stealth tank, stealth healer etc)

-open rvr zone

-2 mechanically interesting battlegrounds



-performance needs to be increased

-server client lag reduced (ie the thing why you need 2-4 tries to get shadowstrike etc to work)

-open pvp needs to be flashed out

-more warzones


Overall its fun most of the time and I´m pretty confident that in a few months all the technical difficulties are corrected and that we will see more content for pvp coming out and the open rvr zone being actually made a fun endgame experience.

But the negatives currently hold it back for me to come in the ranges of daoc which would have a solid 9/10.

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It is what it is...but it's not enough. I would like to see some actual Open World PvP that means something. Would love to see some sort of Guild Fortress system where you can sink some of the millions of credits we have sitting in the bank. Something similar to (yeah I'm saying it) Shadowbane where you would be able to build and defend an Entire Fortress. You would have control areas on one big open map that would dictate your guild's fame. Call me crazy (and I'm sure you will) but I would like to see some freakin action in PvP, make it mean something. Give me aspirations to control the whole freakin map. Make me want to take a scout group out and sneak up on a lightly defended control point. Make me feel a sense of urgency as my Fortress is being layed to siege by the Republic. Make me feel something other than HUTTBALL FFS.


Just saying.....


Agreed on a pvp server every territory should have an area where a guild or even side has to actually control it. Maybe a command post that rewards xp buffs (for lower levels) or better drop rates. I'm going to say it maybe even some REWARDS like setting a tax rate on sales in that area you control. Lineage 2 reference I know I did it. Can't beat those grind games :)

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Had to change my previous rating

0/10 now

PvP in this game doesnt worth it...

Resolve system is the worst stupidy i ever seen on mmo plus its buged.

50000 knockbacks in a game with platforms (huttball) this is the top till now..

Quest 0/3 wins, that doesnt update per win....i bet this bug will still exist in 1 year+

Class balance 0

1 out of 3 specs for each class is not broken

PVP reward system based on dice...

Ability delay


PVP fails miserably on every aspect, balance, rewards, open pvp, wz


But cant say anything...this is a pve game, not pvp...

Sadly Bioware isnt blizzard.

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