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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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This is why PVP is a 1/10 for me...

I am Powertech, Valor Rank 50, 1 piece of Champion gear

I leveled via PVPing and finally hit level 50 2 days ago... one would think pvping to level 50 would make you a PVPing beast right? WRONG.

I got screwed by BioWare in the following fashion for PVPing to level:

-1000/1000 Commendation cap

-Bag unique cap

-Lost commendations trying to buy more than 1000 mercenary commendations... should prevent me from losing commendations when trying to purchase them...

-10-49 cap introduced late so all the facerolling the 50s have a leg up

-Expertise not craftable for new level 50s

-All my class quests gave me 5xp since they went grey on me

-Legacy level is so low since I only started doing class quests when I heard you get legacy levels.


1. who cares, buy something


2. ?? what?


3. pay more attention


4. non issue


5. craftable expertise gear? is that a joke?


6. should have played the game the way it was meant too, not just play wz....mouthdrool


7. again, pay more attention, and actually play the game.


i just cant take your post seriously. your seriously whining when u play one of the most op classes in the game? dps tank and healer rolled into one. play a guardian/jugg like i do and i may have some respect for ya.


FYI BW didnt screw you, you have done that yourself

Edited by vrgadin
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I'm perfectly content with it atm, id say 8/10 due to issues with the game having barely been out a month. I don't feel that the classes are imbalanced to any broken degree, and any issues seem like they can be fixed rather easily.


A lot of complaints about the bag system I've seen are by the basement dwelling minority. While I agree that the random bags may not have been the best choice, it does help even things out for the time being. Realistically it favors casual players, as it should be, since they make up the largest portion of subscribers. The system may not be great, but at least there isn't a huge disparity between the casual and the no lifes who play 10+ hrs a day. Sure, you should be rewarded somewhat if you choose to play that much, but that shouldn't mean that those who can't dedicate that much time should get nothing....like wow was for a long time with their PvP/arena system.

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1. I hate skirmishes. MMOs are NOT fps. Skirmishes are SO predictable, and you can only do them so many times before they become extremly boring. Stupid e-sport, ranked crap.


I guess the next step in totally ruining pvp and becoming even MORE like WoW is to add Arenas...


Ilum is a really bad zone aswell

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I'll give PvP 9 outta 10, I've played to 50 on imp side and played 60-70% huttball games and rolled people constantly, heard people complaining about republic so I rolled republic, guess what, rolling people even harder, just wish I had more huttball (1 point lost for some current WZ bugs, turrets, animation issues, non casts, loot bags could be adjusted) Edited by CountVlad
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Faction/side balance

Class balance

Too much CC

Forced minigame grind

No WZ premade only queue

Too much emphasis on gear

World PVP is next to non-existent, and clearly overlooked in favor of the forced minigame grind model


Ilum. ROFL. I mean... really????!!!!!!



Nailed it here. I agree.. 2/10.


Faction Balance - It's so bad, about a quarter of the rebs in there don't even engage.. they end with no dmg, no healing, no mitigation, no objectives. We all get a leveling buff.. it should take gear scores and more importantly team size into account.

Class balance - Really poor.. Full defense spec guardian with defense PVP gear and get smoked by elemental, internal, etc.. like i was naked! Each class should carry an "Ace", but too many classes have way too many "Aces".

Too much CC - Waaay too much CC.. and cc is way too effective!. While being choked or such, even mild focus fire will destroy you way too fast.

Forced minigame grind -Guessing you are talking about the bag lotto. Only lvl 44, so not there yet.. and not really looking forward to it.

No WZ premade only queue - I like the small tight encounters, but it gets old way too fast. I would like a larger warzone.

Too much emphasis on gear - This wouldn't be a show-stopping problem except that some of us, like Guardians, don't get nearly the bang for our buck out of out of our gear. it increases defenses that don't do us any good against most PVP attacks. This means that those DPS that gear stack are even MORE effective against us. I can't gear stack in return.

World PVP is next to non-existent, and clearly overlooked in favor of the forced minigame grind model - agreed.

RNG, RNG, RNG - Eh..

Ilum. ROFL. I mean... really - Yea, it would be funny if it didn't just further imbalance the factions.

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Top 10 Things I like or Dislike about PvP (in no particular order)


1. Huttball - Like the concept, layout/map.

2. Alderaan - Like the concept, layout/map.

3. Void Star - Dislike the choke-point & timed concept.

4. OWPvP - Dislike the options & the fact there's no population control so it's zerg warfare ftl.

5. Dislike not getting credit for wins. I read that a fix is coming in tomorrow's patch, but I'll wait & see if A. They actually don't postpone the patch. and B. If the fix actually works.

6. Dislike the RNG bags fiasco. Perhaps the worst reward system I've ever seen in a MMO-pvp format.

7. Dislike premades vs. pugs although since the last patch, the 10-49 bracket has been much fun.

8. Dislike that I can only hold 1 champions bag in my bank/bag before level 50. With the 50s bracket now implemented, we should be able to stack these so we don't enter the 50s bracket as fodder. Did BW not learn anything from Rift? And yes I already have a geared 50, but I do play alts.

9. Dislike the "working as intended" cheese mechanics such as getting grappled past the goal line to your death but you don't score as you fly over the goal line. LAME!

10. I'm actually OK with the class balance, so I'll consider that a like.


So that's 3 likes out of 10

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The biggest qualm I have is that illum is just terrible in every way. In theory it should work, except that there is no incentive to actually use it for pvp over warzones especially with the massive faction imbalance. There is no reward for holding objectives outside of increased valor gain, which again due to the population imbalance can be gained faster through warzones. Warzones additionally grant commendations that can be exchanged for merc commendations that can be exchanged for champion bags.


In most cases its a situation of go to illum for the daily, abandon illum after the daily because there are no actual rewards to be gained other than from that quest. Illum pretty much needs to grant merc commendations on pvp kills. That would fix one aspect of it. But the population imbalance issue would still be there.


The RNG system needs a look at too. [sarcasm]It's a great feeling pulling four pairs of pants consecutively.[/sarcasm]

Edited by Shivus
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I have never experienced lag while in pvp, I do not understand peoples lag spike problems/ability delays. I have been kicked out of a match to the main menu right before winning... that has made me QQ a bit.


Despite all that I still give it a 9/10. I love pvp, the bags are kinnda wonky I keep getting earpieces.


PVP is still fun for me, and I do it alot. I do not go crazy about the medals, even thou I heal alot.

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what concerns me is i see a large amount of gear hounds so once those people get thier gear that thier farming at the rep base for hours are they going to stay? I see more people switching to imperial now to. The republic got screwed and has been getting screwed since 1.1. They should have let them play wookies or more alien races that would have made rep side more appealing i think.


Id rather fight 200 wookies then have 60-70 imps camping 10-15 reps at thier base 24/7...

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I give TOR PvP a 2.


I really love the idea of Huttball, in that it gave a new twist to PvP. But I really hate how in warzones you have higher levels mixed with lower levels. PvP should be tiered.


I feel class balance is off. While it's true some people can really make some classes shine, in general people are just at a disadvantage.


I hate the idea of expertise since it imbalances PvP more so than the problem with proper gear.


Open PvP was baddly implemented where players on the opposite side can gank others while in PvE, which is the worst aspect of PvP, IMHO. Should be out in the open field before you get to the PvE areas or areas where NPCs don't aggro.


Open PvP should matter.


And the one thing I hate the most about PvP in TOR is that it's too easy to exploit the line of sight where people go for your back in knowing you can't attack, and leave you highly vulnerable.

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Out of all the MMO's I've ever played in my life, this game has the absolute worst PVP I've ever experienced. It's so bad, that it doesn't even function properly.


I'd give it a 1.5/10


I still get splash screens at the odd moment, horrible ability lag, my UI bugging at random moments, abilities flat not going off at all, wretched imbalances in population, etc.


I actually think Age of Conan was better than this. As was COH/COV. At least they functioned, even if they were terrible. All that money they spent, and we get 3 glitchy Warzones and an open PVP area that makes you want to gouge your eyes out.


I'm going to play the stories I want, then I'm done. There is zero incentive for me to keep playing outside the leveling and RPG elements.


I've even considered to just watching the stories finish on youtube and moving on.

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Anything that isn't level 50 pvp doesn't really count. Even if you look at WoW bg's, sub level 50 is ridiculously imbalanced. Sure, these days when you hit level 50 you're probably going to get blown out by premades and people who have leveled and grinded enough to have the best gear and you're getting crushed. It's so early, though, that you shouldn't be too concerned. The average player either just hit 50 or is just about to hit 50.
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8/10 for me TBH.


Things they need to fix (besides the small bugs):


* Open world PvP needs a serious overhaul (I wanne see where there is fighting a la WAR).

* Some extra Warzones

* Input lag (I guess this will be fixed soon)

* Ranked teams (coming in March it seems).

* PvP armor looks.... no they are not very cool. Let me use my orange gear!

* Quitting. We need a system to make sure you can't quit unpunished.

* Some exploits on most maps. Needs to be fixed.


Things that I like:


* Sub 50 has no twinks!!! Great. Killed WAR and WoW PvP basically.

* Class balance seems reasonably ok to me now that everybody is gearing up. I am sure tweaks will be inc to solve some issues.

* Maps are kinda good... maybe Voidstar needs some tweaks since that is a draw 95% of the time now.

* I am getting to know the players very well (both sides).


Things I don't care about:


* RNG bags... stop whining. It is an MMO... you grind for stuff. That is the way it is. Yeah I have 3 pieces out of 25 bags... and NO I am not complaining about it. That is the system. Statistically RNG is always fair for a big population. Yeah it can be tweaked to be less random

* Server pop balance. On Frostclaw we seem to be balanced so I have no idea how bad it can get on other servers.

Edited by BubblegumYeti
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No seperation of Premade V Premade (just roflstomping pugs or being roflstomped if you're in a pug)


Ilum (Horrible, Horrible) Need to set population caps and instance it if necessary with a queue and give Ilum only daily rewards with purchasable valor tokens or allow the lower pop side to pull companions.


The entire current gearing concept is FUBAR'd, a RNG loot table in purchasable/rewarded bags is idiotic, letting luck, or the lack of therein dictate gearing up.


Two, 8v8 mini-map warzones that could be made better by two modders in their mothers basement during an overnight Doritos binge, anime infested, sleepover. And (A)Voidstar, a lag laden, error prone map that might have one team planting the bomb before the other's gate even goes down, or the ever popular occasional overpopulation of either side. This is of course without mentioning the flawed nature of putting an entirely FPS map into an MMO.


Class balance is unimportant right now, focus on getting out new warzones, improving Ilum by adding incentives to be there. Ooooh, here is a concept, add vehicles/defensive structures circa Wintergrasp, Warhammer, et al to attract the uninitiated by adding anonymity.


My 2c

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For now, I give it a 1/10, and this is purely due to the ability delay. As a melee class, I have to use more than my force lightning button, and the ability delay ABSOLUTELY kills pvp. I cannot find the words to describe how frustrating it is to get an enemy player to 20% health then they go to full because of DAMNED ability delay and abilities not firing.


Once they fix that, which I'm sure they will, PVP will be a 5/10. I rate it 5/10 based on the pvp rewards system. RNG has no place at all in a pvp rewards system. If I wanted RNG, I'd go back to WOW so I could raid as an enhance shaman again and NEVER EVER see a weapon drop.


If they realize their bass ackwards rewards system is stupid and fix that, then I will give it an 8/10. I find the warzones to be fun, and a welcome change from WSG, AB, and EOTS, my favorites from that other game.


This game has the same class imbalances EVERY game has. I don't particularly blame Bioware for that. They've already taken steps to nerf one class, I just really hope it isn't too harsh, because we all know seesaw class balance is fail.


The only way that a gear based game such as this will ever be pvp balanced is to automatically scale every person to the same stats and damage regardless of gear. That isn't going to happen, so there will be QQ posted every single day about this class or that class being OP.

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3 small, boring WZs


Borked Illum


Gear > Skill


Class imbalance (*cough*sorcs*cough*)


Poor performance inside WZs


Ability delay




Empire favoritism in class abilities or hilariously accidential imbalances on many accounts (Dirty Kick, Flash Grenade, Full Auto, Project, Mortar Volley, Stock Strike etc.)


WZ level imbalance (even with the addition of lvl 50 brackets, lvl 15 vs lvl 45 is still a joke of a contest)

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WZ level imbalance (even with the addition of lvl 50 brackets, lvl 15 vs lvl 45 is still a joke of a contest)


I then give you a 3/10 in your area of skill. It isnt hard as a level 15 to kill a level 45...the thing you are lackin is skill and knowledge of your class. I have rerolled Merc/Op to subside boredom and they are lvl 15ish and owning higher levels. Again learn how to play your class, use terrain, and LOS. Use CDs appropriately and win. Myself and another lvl 15 sat at one turret in Alderaan WZ the other day for about 5 minutes vs roughly 5-6 Republic high levels...kite if you can and work with your team.

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i havent been to ilum yet, but so far i think pvp is very slow and the grind to get pvp gear seems kinda excessive... another problem is the lack of 1 vs 1 pvp, you always seem to get ganked or gank someone... bgs arent bad at all but for some reason 90% of the times its huttball which is the one that has less to do with pvp...

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I have only seen one MMO where gear centric PvP hasn't killed the PvP given long enough.


And guess what this game has, gear centric PvP.


It had such a great IP and really good class balance(apparently everything is OP) but the gear imbalance and the way that has handled has made the end game... well you might aswell end the game there, roll an alt if you want or whatever.


You shouldn't need to treat a game like a job to remain in competition.

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I'd give it an 8.5/10 I really enjoy it now that the 50s are out, but with that said, I took out some 50s when my toon was in her teens. I like that it is the exact same as in Rift or WoW, so it was easy to pick up and get into. I hate and love the fact that we have Huttball. I rage when some knuckledragger chases me halfway across the board and then is on my team the next match, but i'd do the same thing for my killing blow medal. There are some things I don't like, but that's just common sugar that you see in all games. I'm used to being an OP healer, and healers certainly aren't in this game. I do like that as a healer, I can kill another healer. As resto D in that wow game, I could never come close to killing a disc priest, and he never close to killing me. Or as a Warden in Rift, I could tank heal the entire Port of Scion raid at the bridge with no chance of dying. I'm glad this game does not have that... even if I secretly wish it did lol
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if abilities would work when i use em (hello force cloak) & mirrored classess would be mirrors (project shock) i would say 7-8 but currently 2-3 becouse its DAMN frustraiting to die when i could live & see your opponent escape when he should have died already with project floating in the air


oh & i even forgot to say about 30 fps in wz with core i5 760 radeon 5770 & 4g ram

graphics are not that great to have this kind of fps with 16 ppl in wz

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