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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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Right now i would say 3/10


1) 6 years and still only 3 warzones? are u kidding me?

2) There is a need for brackets

3) I want lager groups then 4.. I come from EVE.. we got 250 ppl in fleet..its not a single player game... its a multiplayer game.


4) More PVP gear for 25 - 35 lvl players.. there is not a full set of pvp gear witch u can upgrade until lvl 40. That sucks.


5) The lag?? come on.. we are not talking 100 ppl playing one warzone.. we are less then 20 and still the lag is really bad. I'm a Jedi Knight and stand swinging at the empty air most of the times because of the lag.


6) Open World PVP should have some rewards.. and whats up with the republic guards at the outposts.. they get owned by siths.. but if we go to empire outpost we get owned by the champion guards, just a side note :p


7) Cross server warzones! Yeah that would be awesome! Why do need to keep us locked in on different servers when it comes to PVP..


8) I love the story u have build BW.. its really good.. but i'm not a farmer.. i want to kill ppl in game.. PVP.. fix it.

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2/10 - Wish it was more like SWG! Not a single game has even come close to how good the PvP in that game was Pre-CU.


And what kills me is that they have some of the same people developing this game, and on top of that Lucas Arts is in the mix and they own the rights to both games.

Edited by keedo
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5,5/10, just what I expected from a PVE based theme park.


Lvl 50, pvp rank 58 powertech.


- Ilum is a joke.

- Poor perfomances in warzones.

- only 3 warzones to farm over and over...and over.

- Abilities delay.

- Im fully champion now, but I still think the gearing system is pretty stupid.

- Crashes to logins screen when you enter a WZ.

Edited by atreyuz
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Horrible optimization.

Force Leaping into the Character Select screen.

Zero class balance.

Resolve system is worse than post-buff Warhammer Online and pre-buff. Almost as bad as 45s warlock fear, but at least your character moved around in hilarity.

Champion bag system is on par with chewing on marbles.

Companion bugs so you cannot finish your quest line.

Ridiculous bugs like PvP queue to character select screen and Jawa Ballon despawn death.

So many loading screens that it feels like I spend more time staring at tooltips than playing.

Most melee classes hitting like wet tissues compared to range, while ranged have mega-defensive buffs or heavy armour, which is the opposite of most MMOs.

Huttball being a pointless exercise in futility because knockback, knockback, knockback.

Mirror classes not even being mirrored, and the devs admitting they are stupid about it.

No brackets.

UI and SCT and buffs menu is archaic. Feels Like Badlur's Gate 2, which was AWESOME....ten years ago.

Biochem being the only useful profession.

ABILITY DELAY - who prioritizes animations over responsiveness in a combat-oriented game?

Combat tolerances are too tight. Out of Range, Condition Effect not met, when clearly they are.

Population imbalances making Ilum a joke, but this one is out of their hand.


PvP right now is a joke. I love my scoundrel, hate my sentinel. I love my BH, and /facepalm everytime I accidently load my trooper.


With their response based on combat responsiveness, they got me for one more month of hope. If not D3 GW2 ME3 are just around the corner, and I haven't gotten around to finishing Skyrim anyways.


I would say at least this game has story, but JK and BH quests are bugged, so I can't say that. So I hope ME3 isn't as abysmally designed. But hey, it can always be patched through the Cerebus Network.

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4/10. Game in and of itself is very fun. The lag can be pretty painful if you're trying to play a melee class. I don't mind the warzones, 3 is way more than WoW had for a long time after launch and that game is doing just fine - people saying everyone will drop sub if they don't make more immediately are just being unrealistic.


Most of the issues are growing pains' type issues. Class balance, segregating people with end-game gear from levelers, and more enjoyable owpvp will come with time, I'm pretty confident. I have a feeling I'll be sitting at 9 or 10/10 by mid spring.

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I give it a 7/10 at the moment. I really enjoy all the WZ's so far. When playing against other decent players, they all have some interesting tactical interactions. Class balance seems pretty solid for a game that just launched. Any buffs/nerfs needed are minimal at best.


The ability delay can be a bit frustrating at times. The bag system is a bit RNG heavy, but as someone who also does a lot of pve, I'm used to it. Ilum is borked right now, but I know they're working on it.


I'm normally a pve'er in MMO's, but the pvp in SWTOR has actually grabbed my interest more than any other I've played.

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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).


11/10. I love it. It's all I want to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Warzones are garbage. PvP in this game will remain garbage until they add arena and some sort of rewards for not sucking instead of making PvP rewards something that every person will eventually get with enough mindless grinding.
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3/10 at best


PvP should be like a very quick game of chess. Acting and reacting to your opponents moves and besting him by knowing when to use what skills.


PvP is NOT constantly finding a way to stun your opponent so you can spam as much damage as you can while they can't fight back.


PvP is good when both sides have complete control over their respective talents throughout the duration of the fight concluding in someone winning the fight. (not stealthing out or stunning you and running away)

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Fixing Ability Delay would increase this to 7/10 temporarily


Changing the RNG bag token system would increase this as well


getting seriously board with only 3 warzones and Illum being a total disaster.


I have about 1 month left in me if the Ability delay is not fixed.


as it stands i only log in to dailys

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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).


7/10, a few more lobby/queue options would fix warzones. Otherwise its alot of fun.


I've been pvping on a sorcerer, sniper, and a merc BH, and the only real damper on my experience with any of them is that at lvl 50 queues just die. I mean all day, no pop on a Warzone since my sorc hit lvl 50 2 days ago. But I haven't run into balance issues with the classes, I have been able to have about the same success with any of the classes I have played, so I am not seeing a class balance issue.


I have made some suggestions about a WZ lobby with more options, to allow players to pick which warzone they want to queue for or first available. Queue without caring about faction just even teams, which would assist the faction imbalance by placing Imps and Reps on same teams in order to produce balanced teams, and more.

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10/10 for the people I make cry in the warzones, type /say when I burn then down, also I like my gear, like my class, like being in the Empire, and love people crying on the forums.


This year is starting off great, I hope 1000's more die and cry more and more.


My wish is a big giant *********** ball of crybabies.


Ever see the movie Critters with that giant ball of critters?


I want it like that, but crybabies.


I hope more and more people cry and cry.


The more that cry the more don't sub, the less that sub the less that play the less that play the less that cry.


Just remember it will go to $9.99/month before it will go free to play.

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