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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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6/10 right now ability delay and warzone performance ( Low FPS) are keeping me from enjoying it as much as i want to *it's pretty fun when the only WZ you can kinda play in is huttball..* since this is a MMO i expect alot of changes and fixs is in the future so till then this is staying at a 6.


Same here, ability delay and low fps in warzones. Weird cause if I'm on the Republic or Imperial Fleet I'll get 60 fps with tons of people around. Get into a warzone and boom it drops to less than half.


4/10 here.

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By far the most imbalanced PvP I have experienced among swtor, rift and wow. I thought r8 players were too op in rift but at least you were up against a similar level :p. PvP is completely unplayable for the first half of a character. I'm a sith jugg and I think I picked the the most usless class in the game right now.

Edited by Baredevil
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Before geared 50s entered the scene: 8/10 (only 8 because empire just dominates on Shien and we're playing republic there)


After geared 50s entered the scene: -192678903275896/10. PVP in this game is absolutely worthless unless you're 50 now.


From the company that INVENTED tiered battlegrounds, I expect more. This is really awfully implemented.

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I give it a 3 why?


1. Not being able to choose my own warzone

2. Loosing 7/10 games i play about 10 games a day and this is my usual stat

3. Champion Bag lotto so ************ lame

4. Open world pvp ? where is it ? Met like 5 people on my way to lvl 50

5. Illum - Getting yelled at by my own faction for pvping cause they just want that damn bag

6. Balance ?

7. Bugged to hell finally win a game and i go to claim my bag.. Oh thats right that win didnt count... There are more bugs but i just lost for the fifth time in a row so im raging..

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50s really need a separate bracket. Before I was 50 I was tired of getting rolled by 50s, now that I'm 50, I'm tired of just facestomping lower levels. The gear bag lotto is pretty ridiculous. Players should be awarded for effort/skill/commitment whatever, anything besides luck really.


Worst of all, Ilium is a joke. The only place in the game I see pubs and imps working together is the pvp zone. People legitimately get upset if you attack the other faction in Ilium. Honestly, on my server the only way to ever get the daily done is to LET the other faction cap. The faction imbalance is strong enough that if imps actually decided to pvp in Ilium, the republic wouldn't set foot in Ilium and neither faction would ever get the daily done.

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rofl you guys are a bunch of complaining spoiled wow kids. I say wow because most of the complaints are lack of balance and lack of maps as there is only 3. PvP balances at 50 so unless your 50 quit complaining, some classes bloom sooner then others. 3 maps is more then alot of other mmos had at launch so be grateful we have at least something. PvP is good the way it is right now, aside from the lag and bugs but it is nothing that they cant fix with time. Be patient and give them time to fix it. Everyone complains about a game that has been out for what 3 weeks now?
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Class balance is satisfactory.

Don't mind the random PvP games, but there sure is a lot of Hutball (which I suspect I will grow tired of down the track).

I'm content with the Champ bag Lotto

Haven't tried Illum.

Great map layouts/concepts

Wouldn't mind bigger matches (i.e. 10-20 v 10-20, not 8v8)

50 bracket is necessary but we all know its coming so I'm pretty relaxed.

Overall, quite good...




The FPS issues and the ability delay issues are simply game breaking for me.

Fix those two things and I would rate PvP, all things considered a 9/10. And that is pretty high for a game that has just launched.


Get onto it BioWare, Please :)

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im fifty(heal spec sorc with no champ gear).. oops but not biochem.. so its imbalanced.


geared and buffed hippys critting fer 8k? 3 people can dimantle 8 in about 20 secs.


feel like a counter strike knife fight and those with biochem have hacks.


7 years in daoc.. wicked.. hated leaving.


3 years in war hammer pvp.. they couldn't keep people interested with pvp alone


3 weeks of swtor and i doubt ill ever be able to compete.

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I would say about a 3/10


1. Complete imbalance in number of cc's available to various classes.


Right now Force users rule the cc category. In games where cc/gimmick is heavy *cough* Huttball *cough* generally teams with more Force users is going to win (Unless of course they are FMC (Free Mercenary Commendations) or Feral Uprising.


2. The current way Resolve functions.


With the plethora of cc's available Resolve quickly fills little to no purpose. Especially, when you can still be knocked back or pulled with a full resolve bar up. Resolve needs to be standardized for -all- forms of cc onto 1 resolve bar. Adjust the resolve that cc's give so that 3 or 4 cc's will fill up the bar.


3. Huttball - This game is terrible. This game has very little to do with any sort of pvp skill/ability and relies completely on gimmicks. Whoever designed this game should be fired, shot, and have their fingers chopped off so they can never touch pvp again.


4. Ilum - Open world pvp that was promised is for the most part people just sitting and trading base points. It suffers the same issues that WAR did in that points are flipped back and forth since there is no benefit to actually killing enemy players.


5. FFA Zone - No one goes there. There is no incentive to go there. It is on Tatooine... nobody goes there.


6. You can't queue with more than 4 people. Sometimes your 4 man team ends up on opposite sides. Which leads into...


7. WZ Team balance issues. Multiple matches where one team has more than 8 players. While the other team has less then the allotted number of players. The system ends up giving one side bonus players for no reason.


8. WZ crash to character select bug or desktop crash bug.


9. Disparity between Melee and ranged damage. Right now except for the Powertech Fire spec, and Operative's 5k+ backstab Melee are really forced into 1 spec and are pretty lackluster.


10. Plethora of individual class issues... to many to address here.



Edit: Forget to mention little/low commendations for healers in WZ. I've healed in pvp for a long time and enjoy it. However, like most games SW:TOR gives healers very little way to merit commendations past the first 4 or 5. Where as the Sorc/Op/etc I am following around nets an avg of 9+ every game.

Edited by Gornish
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Can developers please stop thinking that PvP instance grinding is a good idea? Grinding the same 3 instances for 15 minute intervals is terrible and boring by the 5th hour, let alone days or months later. Also, I would sacrifice a goat or a lesser guildie if the lag, FPS, ability delay, and 5 minute load screens could be fixed (don't say hardware, I see plenty of complaints about the same thing from people w/ a top processor/ vid card / 8-16gb of RAM).


Ilum may be the most poorly thought out "PvP Zone" I've ever seen. Let's make a map where the entire point is to run around the map and fire missiles at things. There's no real capture or control mechanism, everything is just there to be chain capped over and over. Making dailies about kills or a resource at one point isn't going to change the fact that it's an isolated ghetto that they're trying to hide PvP players in and that there really isn't much to do in there.


Then there's the resolve system. If you time it right you can cram 3 full length stuns in before triggering a white bar. The balance of PvP right now is who can bring the most stuns. There isn't any strategy, just chain stun until the target is dead or has a white bar, then wait for the rapid decay on immunity, rinse and repeat.


And finally, there's the gear grind. Another game where crafting anything other than pots is useless at 50. Where you're forced to grind the instances to maximize the chances of getting your gear faster. And it's mandatory since the gear has a ridiculous PvP stat (defense and offense). Whatever happened to suiting up once or twice once you hit the level cap and relying on skill. Or having an alternative PvP skill system for as you rank up, rather than a gear grind. But I guess that would require a meaningful and well thought out PvP system, not some mini-game slapped on so you can advertise that the game has PvP.


I didn't expect much from the game's PvP, but this has managed to be worse. And the problems are built into the core of the game, so there won't be any major improvements in the near future. Maybe enough to raise it to a 2 or 3. I think BioWare would have been better off not including PvP since it's more of a single player game anyway, or at least they shouldn't have attempted to market the game as being viable for PvP.

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2/10, no rewards for killing players in world pvp is so lame. Instanced pvp is boring *** ****. Grind grind grind...zzzz. When are devs gonna incorporate their beloved roleplaying story elements to the actual pvp.

Look at DAoC and get a grip already.

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1/10...balance the classes out!!!! that is what the damn beta was for. The fact that the Pub shadow can use "tumult" in pvp while sins can't is ridiculous. 2-3 people on a commando and still survives is ridiculous......


I am noticing an overall lack in balance with classes between factions....start there 1st, then go about individual class balance, really BW?!


The resolve system is CRAP....snares should be included in resolve and make it ACTUALLY WORK. a level 20 smuggler should not be able to stun lock a lvl 50.

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7/10 Hutt ball is the greatest pvp game ever with a million ways to make it into an e sport, the resolve bar does need to be more reactive to stuns, i like the concept better than diminishing returns concepts but it does not activate fast enough nor does it stay full long enough...



Level 50s with expertise, they definitely need to be removed from the normal q...as a lvl 50 myself i have seen an insane advantage over non 50s, and since i do not have even half of my gear yet that is pretty broken


as far as lag or the latency on moves, i have seen little to none, however i do have a fairly top end system.


over all people complaining about lack of people in Illum need to wait about 4 more weeks so the rest of the population can arrive at 50 those of us with no lives need to chill out and relax


and as far as people calling it a grind...if it is a grind to you do something else... i pvp for fun, everything else is a bonus, when the game stops being fun for you then it is time to leave.


Grind is doing the same thing over and over and not enjoying it ... if you dont enjoy it then dont do it. take a breath, relax and you will find that the gear will come slower but it will still come and you may enjoy it

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