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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I'm at about a 3/10.


Having about 1/4 of my matches count for nothing due to a bug is annoying. The bolster system is not working. Certain classes/professions are leaps and bounds ahead of others. Huttball is a nuisance (and I'm Republic). How can you call it a "War"zone when you're playing a game with a ball vs the same faction as yours. Playing the champion bag lotto is not a good way of gearing up. Pugs vs Premades are bad, and so is the fact I can only queue with 3 other people. Ilum is an absolute joke, where PvP gets in the way of getting PvP gear. The "fixes" they have in store for the planet will not change anything.




The map layouts are nice. When you get two teams that are more or less equal it can lead to some very entertaining matches (when they count anyways).

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5/10 atm


Straighten out ability lag, fix the PvP gamble for gear. Fix illum to avoid win trading, 50 brackets (coming next patch). Expand WZ slots for bigger battles, 10/15/20v20, more warzones or new modes.

Edited by ZeffSide
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I give it a 4/10 , thou I understand for BioWare that PvP is simply a side show for them. I never expected much, PvP in this game was being thrashed since Beta. Balance needs to be addressed but even more so mechanics of certain classes in a PvP setting , and yes I mean Gunslingers/Snipers, worst mechanics for pvp of any class in any game I've played.
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I'd give it a 7/10 just because when a lot of games have debuted the pvp system has been even worse than it is here. They're trying, at least. And frankly my only real gripe is having to play Hutt Ball so much against my own faction as Empire. Even the premade 50 stomps don't bug me that much, it'd still happen at 50. Everyone gets smashed once in a while, that's the nature of any matchmaking system (they all suck, after all).
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how it is right now i give it a 1.


only 3 warzone maps wich hutball is the one mostly played so its like having 1 warzone map with a bonus of 2 others you get to play every great once in awhile.


no world pvp what so ever i have seen 2 players in the world and im 40+ ( and yes i have actually searched for others to gank and found nobody )


i hope they fix it maybe it will get better, but i fear the population for pvp servers will be demolished before its worth paying a monthly sub for.


and when GW2 comes out this games pvp servers are done.

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They get an A for effort but PvP at the moment just doesn't deliver. Warzones have there moments when they are fun but after 2-3 of them I can't do it anymore. They begin to feel like a chore.


In order to make PvP much more optimal some massive changes would have to be made and I don't think Bioware has it in them to take risks like that. So far everything in the game is very safe. It's all been done before and proven to work. Being a large business that is for profit this makes perfect sense so I honestly don't blame them for going the safe route.


I'm a little confused as to why people thought PvP was going to be really good in this game. This game was developed by Bioware. They have limited MMO experience and their focus is usually on RPG and story.


The PvP will never measure up to the effort put into story driven missions and flashpoints. Just wait till Guild Wars 2 comes out. That's where all the real PvP is going to be at.

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2/10 And thats just because while levelling in Alderaan I had loads of great PvP encounters.


However the general PvP of this game is utter rubbish and this was my main reason for buying. I am level 36 and have pvped on only 2 planets so far, Tatooine and Alderaan.


I rolled PvP so I could encounter Sith as I level up, have some battles, get attacked as I quest but apart from Alderaan it's been a very safe universe devoid of any action at all, it's very, very poor.


I won't even comment on warzones as I don't class that as mmo pvp.

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Map design: 10/10


These are the most immersive, most tactically interesting PvP instances I've ever seen. Far superior to WOW, WAR and Rift.


Class design: 5/10


Not bad, really. I like that taunts have a PvP effect and it's clear that they put some thought into how classes will work in PvP. But it's less than perfect. I still have abilities that don't work in PvP.


But I have too many abilities that are just ... "obvious". When do I want to use Rocket Punch? Every time it's lit up, that's when. I have to assign a hotkey to it and remember to use it when it's ready and that's about it. Which brings me to:


User Interface: 4/10


In other games, I would just macro these "obvious" abilities on top of other abilities, which made the UI a lot cleaner but SWTOR doesn't support macros. It also doesn't support custom UI layouts, and has pretty limited space for a game that requires you to assign so many hotkeys to so many useful-but-tactically-uninteresting abilities.


Rocket Punch is an example of an ability I should just be able to put on "auto-cast" and drag off the screen somewhere. It's taking up a hotkey and a quickbar slot for a completely obvious thing that I would never want to not use.


Rocket Punch is just one example but there are many abilities like this in every class. You could macro 6 things into 1 hotkey without losing any tactical edge.


Group friendliness: 2/10


Awful. 4-man groups are all you can queue with. Lack of open world PvP until level 50 and that zone launched incomplete.


Hope you didn't invite more than 3 friends to SWTOR.


Drop this to "1/10" after they introduce brackets, which will be the nail in the coffin to many friend groups. The game encourages soloing to the extent that it's almost impossible to level together even as pure PvE.


Amount of PvP content: 2/10


Almost couldn't be worse. 3 small maps and 1 open world map that you can't really participate in until level 50.

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