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Everything posted by ChosenoftheRaven

  1. Usually my issues come when a very geared and skilled tank of any kind takes issue with me (especially assassins), or any time an operative comes out of stealth on me. The operative I can often overcome if I've got my CDs up, but assassin tanks can whittle me down or at the very least take a LONG time to kill. Just for reference, I play Watchman spec.
  2. Alacrity would still allow you to cast more abilities, let's not forget you have a free one (Rapid Shots) and being able to get an extra ability in every minute, or even two extra, is still more DPS or healing. Especially if the hard caps on crit/surge are correct. In that case especially, knowing your limit for crit/surge and then stacking power/alacrity (alacrity secondary to power, of course) would be the way to go instead of pushing more and more of the maxed out stats and giving yourself useless stat points.
  3. Problem? Tracer missile in a hybrid healing build with the interrupt-prevention on improved energy shield. Solution? Move Tracer Missile up the tree so that particular build can no longer be used. No other changes necessary.
  4. Nope, but you can make a logical, intelligent argument based on what you know would result from having too many of one class and too few of another. And if the players are all saying, "I play what I want how I want," then you never had a chance to be any good anyway. Having all selfish, whiny players is the first key to a failure in any group activity, pvp or pve.
  5. Last I checked, each pvp warzone isn't a dueling ground designed for you to show off how easily everyone else is apparently stomping your terrible self. They're for teams. Make some friends, pvp the way it was designed for, and stop whining.
  6. Holy crap this this THIS. Why is it idiots think they should be able to magically crush all the melee? If he charges into you, and that's the first move in the exchange, you SHOULD lose. If you open up on some poor melee and he takes a couple seconds to target you, he SHOULD lose. And that's how it goes, if you don't suck at the game. Mercs aren't the best class ever, but they certainly don't suck. Doomsaying is for bads.
  7. OP, you are obviously expecting all those tank talents to magically make you an unstoppable killing machine without any skill or intelligence required. I invite you to try other games, which I will not mention, where tank spec can make you such a ridiculous creature in pvp. Here, however, sense must be applied, along with skill, to make tanking viable in pvp. If you lack these, I suggest you try a different spec. Or just don't pvp.
  8. I don't think the animation is any worse than bending over as if I'm constipated to spam tracer missiles as a mercenary.
  9. Best how exactly? In terms of overall mitigation? In terms of threat? Just in general? If it's in general, you're most definitely wrong. Juggernauts and Assassins have much better survival cooldowns than Powertechs do. They are also just as capable of single-target threat generation, and have better snap-aggro for groups due to low-cooldown high-threat AOE abilities (all we have is DFA, and that's hardly reliable). Consider yourself wrong.
  10. My advice to you if you're being brutalized in pvp? Get into a premade. This may not be the case with you, but I've found most of the people complaining about a class needing help are fighting as a solo against other solo players or against premades, and don't understand that the game isn't balanced around one class being self-sufficient, but a group of classes supporting each other. If you are a merc being protected by a group, you can really crush people with your sustained high damage. If you go in solo, expect mixed or bad results because those other guys out there decided to group up to queue, and you didn't. TL;DR: Mercs aren't any worse off than anyone else in a solo queue, everybody gets mobbed with CC sometimes.
  11. If you have two experienced players on you as any class, you're not getting away. That's like saying "If someone shoots a white guy in the face with a shotgun, he dies." Well no kidding, so does everyone else.
  12. DOOM! DOOOOM! Now let's all sing the doom song! Doom doom doom, doom doom doom doom doom! Gimme a break, just quit the game already and stop posting this garbage about "everyone" quitting. You and your two friends who "hate" this game so much won't be missed.
  13. I've already seen enough complaining about gear disparity on these forums to just flat out laugh at your question, but I'll bite. Do I think a small difference in gear isn't enough? I think it's fine, and if you don't, then no one's got a gun to your head to force you to buy it, or play the game. You should be PvPing because you like it, not because you want moar stats. If that's your reason, might as well quit, the gear runs out eventually.
  14. Everything you just described is exactly what World of Warcraft did, and did very poorly at launch (while completely lacking any of the pvp features at all, mind you). How'd they do? I think TOR will be fine so long as the devs address the concerns of the community and keep improving the game. Doom-saying is easy, and I'm sure if you're right you'll brag to a few people about how you "predicted" a game failing in a very, very tough market (MMOs). What's hard is being a helpful community member and telling Bioware what is actually wrong with the game the way they've built it rather than saying "This model is doomed to fail" with no factual basis to found that argument on other than your dislike of the model.
  15. A lot more impressed than many launches where the game was either A) unplayable (server crashes, instability, etc.), B) buggy to the point of absurdity (getting stuck in instances for days, falling through the world, etc.) or C) was a boring grind-fest. This game isn't any of those in my opinion. So yes, I'm fairly impressed it's this good so far.
  16. I'd give it a 7/10 just because when a lot of games have debuted the pvp system has been even worse than it is here. They're trying, at least. And frankly my only real gripe is having to play Hutt Ball so much against my own faction as Empire. Even the premade 50 stomps don't bug me that much, it'd still happen at 50. Everyone gets smashed once in a while, that's the nature of any matchmaking system (they all suck, after all).
  17. The fact that nearly every CC in the game has a huge cool down makes your post seem quite silly to me. Let's take electrocute, a four-second stun common to a few classes. It lasts four seconds, and it has a minute cool down. This is the only stun available to the Mercenary/Commando (probably has a different name on the commando). Now, your CC breaking ability will handle that ONE stun the other guy has at his disposal. Then it's a matter of killing him or dying. If you're talking about being mass-CC'd when you barrel into a crowd, I have a news-flash for you sir: you ran into a crowd, you're probably dead. Why should you care if you lost control of your character for the two-three seconds before you were obliterated?
  18. This DFA argument has been beaten to death, and it's total garbage. DFA has a rise time before you fire, and a travel time for the projectile. I play a BH, I know what I'm talking about, and you're just plain lying if you think mortar volley is any slower than DFA. Do you honestly think Bioware, as in all couple thousand of their employees, are each dumber than you, some ***** on the forums crying and lying about pvp? Get a life.
  19. Healing isn't "broken" or "bad" in this game, healing is what it's been in a lot of very good pvp games lately (NOT WoW, just to be clear): strong enough to help, but not powerful enough to win on its own merit regardless of other factors. Healers which can completely cancel out multiple damage dealers are the result of a poorly thought out system where fights last way too long and are more about getting a mistake gift-wrapped from the other team than anything else. The pvp in TOR involves a lot of dying, and I can tell you from personal experience that a good healer, guarded by a tank, can make a warzone all by his or her lonesome. If you solo heal in pvp with no friends, and then complain, go make friends with a tank or shut up. No one should ever want overpowered, ignore-damage type healing. It's a bad idea, and it spoils idiots into thinking it should be the norm.
  20. I understand what you're saying, but frankly the chain-CC isn't that big of an issue. There's a much larger issue at play, namely the frame-rate drops experienced by a large group of the player base in pvp. If you don't like how the CC works, I'd advise making a very well-thought-out, edited post and trying to get support for it from other players on the forums. What you're doing right now is not helping your cause (saying anyone who doesn't think it's stupid is wrong, etc.) as there is no logical basis for your argument besides "I don't like this."
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