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Everything posted by Enaver

  1. Nope never heard of you. And i know why after watching that shocking gameplay.
  2. Enaver

    MVP votes

    Total lies, all people vote on my server is healers. As a DPS i would like some MVP where deserved.
  3. Here you go everyone, doubt you will see this much! http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff424/Enaver/Screenshot_2012-01-14_12_41_21_762692.jpg
  4. /yawn Guess thats right, i didnt know much about it so its why i asked. Was hoping for a answer like yours.
  5. Sorry, seems i have asked my question in the wrong way. I know its meant to do it. What im asking is whether its good or not. For example, in voidstar some peoples DOTs last long enough for the enemy to re spawn and defend.
  6. Pretty much the title. When DOT (Damage over time) moves hurt you and while doing so interrupt you from taking a control or planting a bomb in voidstar. What you think?
  7. Enaver

    Pvp is broken

    You need to look up with word "broken".
  8. Well if you getting rid of all of these then you need to get rid of all the push moves that every other class has. I play a marauder and force leap is my only skill to get back up from somewhere where i got pushed of off. Without force jump i am pointless in Huttball. I dont have the ability to push you all away off of me. Stop complaining.
  9. Enaver

    Sigh PVP bags

    Ive opened 37 bags and just got a earpiece. I feel your pain.
  10. Anyone else getting this? I have a really good connection and 30% of the time when a opponent is right next to me its not registering.
  11. Hahahaha, god that made me laugh.
  12. I dont get all these threads like... "Im a tank/healer and i never get MVP" Total lies! Tanks and DEFO healers always get mvp in the games im playing. Infact im DPS and always top of the board with the best damage and a high objective score and i get nothing. Its the DPS which never actually get MVP.
  13. Dont worry i never rage in the game, i just tell people what they need to do. Its just a simple concept and i wish people would ask if they dont understand. Hope it gets better.
  14. You fight by the doors, stop fighting outside of the bloody spawn. I shouldnt let a game make me rage this much but hell some people running around like headless chickens kills me. I dread this match every time it comes on now. Had to rage this somewhere... my apologize.
  15. Total myth. I started PvP at level 50 and was valor 0. Now i am valor 37 and all ive got is a earpiece from the bags. Ive saved up coms and got a centurion implant and boots.
  16. If it wasnt played so much, id enjoy it alot. Still enjoy it now though.
  17. 8 and im playing mara. I quite enjoy it.
  18. I thought id see what you were doing. And all i hear is talking about rashes and guts lol.
  19. Ive never understood this and it has been bothering me for a while. If you managed to get 6 goals within 5 mins you get less commendations than if you wait at a score of 5 till the time is gone. Mostly its annoying because you kind of get punished for winning to fast and secondly the other team who is losing tend to get farmed while the other team stop scoring at 5 making it not fun. Surely winning it faster should grant you more commendations, having to wait the whole time is just a pain even when you on the winning side.
  20. A few jealous people in this thread.
  21. You assume wrong. Im level 50 and have been for a while as i stated that ive got 2 pieces of gear. Obviously BH are OP but thats BH own issue not the Mara. Ive killed countless lvl 50 BH's.
  22. Amount of threads im reading about Mara being bad is silly. At first i believed everything everyone was saying on this forum about how bad it is and how much it needs a buff. So at first i played a class i thought was bad which made me play bad. Now ive gone over the talents and moves properly and using everything at the right time and i can pretty much beat anyone 1v1 i come against. I dont even have PvP gear apart from bracer's and earpiece. I am loving this class and it is not underpowered. Only thing i will say is it requires more time to learn and is harder to learn, but apart from thats its a great class.
  23. Mara's dont need a buff, they are just harder to play than the other classes. But if you learn them they do alot of damage.
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