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Please Nerf Covert OPs and Smugglers for the love of GOD


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WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp. Edited by Individual
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WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp.


Clearly they are OP, because the alternative is you suck at PVP, and we both know that is impossible.

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Clearly they are OP, because the alternative is you suck at PVP, and we both know that is impossible.


Ya, because you say so troll? Just doesn't take a genius to figure out they always get top dmg and kills in every pvp match. Go troll elsewhere. I must suck eventhough you don't know my toon, or played againt me.... Hmmm mmmm your absolutly right, what was I thinking by posting this thread.

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Ya, because you say so troll? Just doesn't take a genius to figure out they always get top dmg and kills in every pvp match. Go troll elsewhere. I must suck eventhough you don't know my toon, or played againt me.... Hmmm mmmm your absolutly right, what was I thinking by posting this thread.


Instead of just crying for nerfs, why not explain how to balance them in PvP without screwing them in PvE?


Also, explain how they come out of clock. Do they break time doing this? Stephen Hawking must hate Smugglers and Ops too.

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Yes...they hit like a derailed train...but thats how theyre SUPPOSED to work. 1v1 is the ONLY way they can fight (they try to attack a group of 2 theyre boned quick...)


Then even 1v1 they HAVE to bring you down in their quick blasts within a 5 second timeframe or you will likely turn around and eat their face with a spork. Yea they are serious pansies for getting to vanish and run away when their hit and run attempt fails, but again, thats how they are MEANT to be played. Every class has their strong points =)

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Come one trollolololios. We all know the class is broken. No class in the game should 100% someone in the opening 3 seconds leaving stealth. An operative can 100% a vanguard tank before he stands up from the initial knockdown when the tank is wearing full champion pvp gear... Working as intended?


But the truth of the matter is as game breaking as the scoundrel and operative are it pales in comparison to how broken their engine is with the ability delay for all classes. I'm actually happy they won't have it fixed before the end of everyones free month. Watching new MMOs fail because they promised the world and couldn't deliver makes me smile.

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Instead of just crying for nerfs, why not explain how to balance them in PvP without screwing them in PvE?


Also, explain how they come out of clock. Do they break time doing this? Stephen Hawking must hate Smugglers and Ops too.


tone down the burst dmg so we at least have a fighting chance. I don't care if they hit hard. Either that or get rid of the knock down crap and give them one stun. I can break away from the knockdown, but then I get stunned. Not even worth using the cooldowns at this point against them. Maybe give them light armor instead if they go covert instead of medium? I don't know, just something other then what they are now.


From what other people say, once they use their cooldowns, they can't do anything for a little while. If that's true, just tone down that initial burst dmg and give them a few other abilities that do decent dmg so they can hang in the fight.

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Here we go again, nerf crying time apparently. They are fine, some other classes could use tweaks but I really hope Bioware does not nerf any class.. just bring them all up to speed.


Honestly though I have way more trouble against other classes than the smugglers, and neither really have that much CC at all compared to the other classes, which was one of your complaints.


But the truth of the matter is as game breaking as the scoundrel and operative are it pales in comparison to how broken their engine is with the ability delay for all classes. I'm actually happy they won't have it fixed before the end of everyones free month. Watching new MMOs fail because they promised the world and couldn't deliver makes me smile.


You appear to be a sadist, why would you want any game to fail that makes no sense at all?

Edited by MaGicBush
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WAAAAAAAY op. Two of them can destroy a team in pvp. Their burst dmg is ridiculous. On top of that, if you manage to survive the initail blow and get them pushed back and start wailing on em, they just use an escape ability. Come on already, please nerf them. I have 15k health, heavy armor, and pvp gear. My life gets drained in only 2-3 seconds from these guys. Also, how many stuns, knockdowns, ect do they need coming out of clock? I don't care how much dmg they do in pve, but they seriously need an ajustment in pvp.


Are you one of these here playing like a noo... uh pro ? :D



And here screen with damage, they cc you and later you dead in 2 seconds:


Here 3.7k+3.7k in 1 second: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t..._18_586326.jpg


here 6k and later 3.7k by i can not scren the first damage: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t..._31_306031.jpg



What a pro not having up his bubble, your bubble skill on the first screenshot was not even on Cooldown....hope you did learn your lesson. With your bubble up you would absorb a lot of the incomming dmg. People complain so much but dont know how to play their class in pvp at lvl 50. Your bubble is your life saver and one of the most important skill, use it always if you are in a hostile region.


Maybe this is your first mmorpg or first light armor "Mage" character you play, but in other mmorps i.e. WoW, running around without your bubble is a deadly high risk...same in this game.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Here we go again, nerf crying time apparently. They are fine, some other classes could use tweaks but I really hope Bioware does not nerf any class.. just bring them all up to speed.


Honestly though I have way more trouble against other classes than the smugglers, and neither really have that much CC at all compared to the other classes, which was one of your complaints.


Probably because you're an agent, smuggler, or assasian yourself.

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Probably because you're an agent, smuggler, or assasian yourself.


I am a sniper, which does classify as agent. But I seem to get away from them easily in a wz, just stun them with my 4 second debilitate and run :p.

Edited by MaGicBush
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Yes...they hit like a derailed train...but thats how theyre SUPPOSED to work. 1v1 is the ONLY way they can fight (they try to attack a group of 2 theyre boned quick...)


Then even 1v1 they HAVE to bring you down in their quick blasts within a 5 second timeframe or you will likely turn around and eat their face with a spork. Yea they are serious pansies for getting to vanish and run away when their hit and run attempt fails, but again, thats how they are MEANT to be played. Every class has their strong points =)




so what your saying is, **Individual** sucks at pvp...roger that

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I love how people always say learn to play or you must suck at pvp. It really doesn't matter what class you play as or what class you are fighting. You have 1 CC breaker and most classes have about 25 thousand cc's.


The ONLY reason PvP is worth playing right now is if you're tired of the quest grind and want some xp in other ways.


Yes I do like the game btw, and NO I'm not going back to wow. Just because I think PvP is utter trash right now does not mean I hate this game.

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