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GTN Terminals- There aren't enough


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Developers don't do extra work (e.g. removing GTN terminals) without a good reason for it... although "good reason" can sometimes be in the eye of the beholder :). I'd guess that either they were trying to concentrate the social hubs in the game, or else they have some performance / server memory limitation that they have to deal with.


On the latter, consider if they cached all recently Searched items in server memory to help speed up performance, and wanted that cache to be on the server where the GTN terminal was - also to speed up performance. Then you could understand why they couldn't have them "everywhere", and certainly not on every ship...


Like most others, I'd love it if there were GTN terminals near the cargo hold terminals near all space ports. But if I can only have 3, put them on the most populous planet for players in the 30s, 40s, and at 50. Nar Shaddaa can serve as the one for the 20s (even if it's different due to the cross-faction market).

The issue there being GTN aren't social hub, or would I say they are really poor social hubs.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


My ship. My ship. And, oh, I guess my ship. In real life, I can shop from my home using my computer. In game, I can speak to people from my ship via holo across the known galaxy, but I can't connect to the GTN?


Also, I should be able to send my companions (via crew skills) to put items on the GTN or pick up items/mail, just like I can send my companion to sell my grey items while questing. Frankly, part of C2's duties should be to ensure my mail is picked up at each planet I visit. He should retrieve it and stack it neatly in the inbox located in my bedroom. It's not a stretch here. While we're at it, while questing I should be able to send my companion to my ship's hold to store stuff I'm wanting to keep, but I realize that's a taller coding order.

Edited by Altairien
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but maybe at the spaceports of each planet. At least that way i can quick travel to that hub.


A bigger time-saver would be adding some basic filtering to the gtn search options, specifically:


1) filter by item slot

2) "usable items only" checkbox (to exclude schematics i already know, gear with level/alignment restrictions i don't meet, etc)

3) filter by level range


^ this ^

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


Why aren't they in the starports? Every airport I've ever been in has dozens of kiosks. At the very least there should be atleast one on every planet

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one GTN near each spaceport, like it was in beta. idk why they were removed.


Not to rant, but why were so many things removed... crystal colors and titles being the main I feel frustrated about. Bioware, please explain the reasoning ????

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Definitely should be one on every ship, not a mailbox, just a GTN kiosk. (Possibly a crafted or purchasable vanity ship upgrade for fun)


I can order stuff from ebay on my smartphone, surely with space age technology we can manage something similar ;o)

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This is star wars.. people need to access GTN and mail via their own personal mobile datapad / holoprojector, not medieval market square and mailbox.


Wait, retrieving heavy items absurd? Maybe have a droid swoop in a deliver it with "Sign here please".

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luckily this is the future and every ship comes equipped with an obediant droid, that will most likely happliy recive the larger "physical content" that does not fit in the ships mailbox.

Also your have your on friggin hangar with ppl beeing there all the time. guess they could be bothered too.


In Addition. Also i can shop from like everywhere ( at least in civizlized areas) with my smartphone. This is the future with an intergalatic Holonet. I bet they will have mobile connectivty covered.

And even if not, why cant I have my droid run the errands?


So now put the logics and "realism" aside and get to convenience.


1. Every Star Port.

2. My Ship (alongside Mailbox)

--> those two would be enough for me, but since you asked for three:

3. Every major in game trade market (the place at wich you find all the vendors)



For those arguing about social hubs: you will have them at the fleets anyway, because this is where you are going to flashpoints.

Star wars is the past mate.

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On my ship. Along with a mailbox.

But then, that would mean alot less people at fleet or other social hubs.


I used to play WOW a couple of years ago.

I know, I know, most ppl here seem to think WOW is the spawn of the devil, and every idea that resembles WOW must therefor be EVIL EVIL EVIL.

But before you start yelling "Go back to WOW"... WOW was an immensely popular game. This can't all be credited to sheer luck. They must have done something right. And most likely, quite a bit more than just something.


In WOW i travelled far to go to a major city to acces the AH. It didn't bother me. It does bother me here... because of the loading screens.


Forcing ppl to be in the same place does (or can) enhance player interaction. In orgrimmar there was always alot going on. I also played guildwars, it was the same there, where you got alot of ppl together, you get social interaction.

In here, if you get alot of ppl together, you get a system that is dealing rather poorly with the strain.

Also, it's just to much of a pain to go anywhere with all the loading screens. I really don't want 5 loading screens to get from one spaceport to another. So I don't go to fleet and simply vendor everything. I don't mind travelling, all part of the game, but I do mind having to just stare at a picture half the time.


Personally, I would concentrate more stuff in a couple of social hubs. There is very little cross level interaction here. Put all trainers and most vendors (apart from repair bots) together in 1 or 2 places. Also add some non-essential minigames or whatever, as some ppl suggested. That will, I think improve social interaction. Not for everyone, some ppl (perhaps quite alot of ppl) will just do what they came to do and leave, but others might get caught up in whatever is going on at the hub.


But if your players are brought to tears by the effort of getting to said social hub... that just won't work.


Just my 2 cents.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


My ship.


My ship.


My ship.


While I'm talking about things we should have on our ships - EMAIL! IRL I have email on my phone but in TOR I have to land on a planet / fleet to check my email? Crazy.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


I would make sure there is a GTN in every major city, or at least the first place you land on a planet (starport or the first outpost). While questing on Alderaan, I was disappointed I had to go back to the fleet to list something.


Also as already stated, I absolutely believe that you should be able to access your mail on the fly wherever you are but not be able to receive attachments. That way you can still get the info of what you're selling/receiving and you can still send offline guildies mail, just without attachments. To complement this, I think there should be a mail terminal on your ship to deal with attachments.

Edited by Eortotai
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There are 27 pages of this by my time of writing, this has probably been said already. But can I please be able to shift+click an item directly into the search, that way I can see how much it's selling for and adjust prices accordingly. As it is, the GTN is just plain archaic, I don't understand how it got through beta.


I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to mats and blues I can't use- I'll save them up then stop off at the "auction house" and dump them in one go if it looks like selling, as it is now me doing that takes a heap of time. What with all the sodding drop downs, then clicking the next page... not to mention the travelling back to where I was to begin with.


Please, please just fix it, look at a "other game" look how its "GTN" works- its simple!

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Just popped some stuff on the GTN and forgot how much this next thing annoys me.


I have multiple items, the stuff I usually sell is items. I've never bothered selling mats, couldn't be bothered with the drop downs and page turning, and checking the best stack size to profit ratio.


Anyhoo Im selling epic advanced skill barrel 17 (22 end, 32 cunning, lvl 39, 8k creds a pop, ravager EU if anyone is interested...) I have 3 of these.


Why do I have to set the price for them individually? Why when I delete the default price set do I have to then delete the random "1", that I am guessing is a place holder.


Most importantly Why do I have to price them individually? It just does not make sense!

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


1. Tatooine

2. Ilum

3. Hoth



I feel they should be relatively evenly distributed by level ranges. Got one on Coruscant, so wait a couple planets and get one on Tat, then none on Ald so you've got the one on Hoth (because you're not on Queesh for any significant time), and then Ilum up at the top. Guess maybe Belsavis should be in there somewhere too, in which case remove the Hoth one and throw it on Corellia.

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Just popped some stuff on the GTN and forgot how much this next thing annoys me.


I have multiple items, the stuff I usually sell is items. I've never bothered selling mats, couldn't be bothered with the drop downs and page turning, and checking the best stack size to profit ratio.


Anyhoo Im selling epic advanced skill barrel 17 (22 end, 32 cunning, lvl 39, 8k creds a pop, ravager EU if anyone is interested...) I have 3 of these.


Why do I have to set the price for them individually? Why when I delete the default price set do I have to then delete the random "1", that I am guessing is a place holder.


Most importantly Why do I have to price them individually? It just does not make sense!


That's actually been fixed.

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