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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anti Aliasing is back!


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Can't wait cause some of the areas have worse visuals then a nintendo wii.


Right now WoW looks 10 times better especially when it comes to armor. I think the best graphics in this game are on the faces of our characters. Everything else you can really see the pixels.

Edited by Kabloosh
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If you do not like jagged lines go back to WOW. This game rocks. :)


Seriously I have spent some time on this, well actually a lot of time. You can achieve some antialiasing if your drivers AMD allow you to override the application settings. This has worked on my HD5770 card and drivers. But I could not do it on my son's Nvidia card.

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If you do not like jagged lines go back to WOW. This game rocks. :)


Seriously I have spent some time on this, well actually a lot of time. You can achieve some antialiasing if your drivers AMD allow you to override the application settings. This has worked on my HD5770 card and drivers. But I could not do it on my son's Nvidia card.


I use Nvidia...All you need to do is edit the .ini file. Super easy just adding 1 line of text.

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Currently, High is Medium. When High is High we will either get Medium back or High will become Ultra High.




I just hope my super-flashy-annoying trees go away soon. They were introduced for me in 1.0.2 (I'm nVidia, though I have heard others with ATI cards saying they've been seeing it all along). Only shows in conversation cut scenes when you happen to see trees in the 'shot'. :confused:

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I really want this game to shine, but it seems as though there are alot of issues out of the box. This is mostly evident in the graphics.


-No AA at all


-No high res textures


-FPS drop in-doors


Really ***? Why can't bioware put the same level of polish into this as they did with their KotOR series? I venture to say that the graphics for KotOR on the original xbox are better than TOR's right now.

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Anti Aliasing never went anywhere. Learn to force it on.


I've been playing with AA x 16 since launch and let me tell you, it's a night and day difference in visual quality. I've never seen AA work so well in a game.


So why did they remove it from the games options-menu? Hm?

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I really want this game to shine, but it seems as though there are alot of issues out of the box. This is mostly evident in the graphics.


-No AA at all


-No high res textures


-FPS drop in-doors


Really ***? Why can't bioware put the same level of polish into this as they did with their KotOR series? I venture to say that the graphics for KotOR on the original xbox are better than TOR's right now.


You clearly don't remember how many bugs KotOR 2 had when it came out. It was basically unplayable.

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