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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The game is fantastic: runs like silk, is a blast to play, and is relatively buggless


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I am glad to see a positive thread for once on these forums. It seems that, for many people, the forums are a place to whine and troll about how bad a game is, not just this one, but any mmo ever made in existence.


I have enjoyed my experience thusfar immensely. My smuggler is level 14 and I am just starting to learn how to assign quests to my companion to scavenge, underworld trading and crafting. I find times where I am deep in some cantina in black sun territory and I still have like a half an hour to wait for my quick travel command to cooldown, so I hang out and send my companion to work while I wait.


I consider myself a casual player, not hardcore by any means, and I am not a pvp'er so the pve game so far is quite enjoyable for me.


I have a fairly solid machine I've invested quite a lot of time and money into and I am rewarded with smooth running trouble free gaming most of the time. Perhaps the people having problems need to update their drivers, upgrade their hardware and learn how to turn off unnecessary programs that chew up your system resources. This is not an xbox game.

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Yah, it’ll be great after it’s optimised. Shame they need to optimise a commercially released game. :)


I agree. That's the "jaw dropping" portion of my original post. Bioware has a unique opportunity here with a wonderful game. They better chop, chop before the opportunity vanishes. (btw..when I say "chop, chop" I do not mean by next Monday :)

Edited by Makade
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I agree, but i can't tell you how many times someone has actually gotten mad on this forum because i'm enjoying myself in spite of the bugs. its hilarious. people actually get mad because you are having fun, how childish is that?


Oh and my favorite, since i haven't crashed i must be a liar. Sorry for buying a nice sandicore processor and top of the line comp......


I’m not disputing that there are trolls who get irritated that other people like the game. I just don’t think the fan boys are any better, and god knows they’re feeding the trolls.

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Not to sound too negative but this game is like the MMO equivalent of Skyrim. It's riddled with bugs that range from harmless and funny, to game breaking and insanely frustrating. However, not everyone is going to experience the same range of bugs. Some will obviously be more lucky than others.


While there will be a good fair share of trolls who will just say the game is poor without good reason, people who like this game alot shouldn't act in denial when bugs and other negative issues are pointed out. The game has just launched so ofcourse there will be lots of issues. How are we to expect Bioware to fix things if the white knights continue to act as though the game is 100% flawless, and bash those that complain?


To deny there's nothing wrong is like sitting in a sinking ship, claiming there are no leaks, and thus doing nothing to help.

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Not to sound too negative but this game is like the MMO equivalent of Skyrim. It's riddled with bugs that range from harmless and funny, to game breaking and insanely frustrating. However, not everyone is going to experience the same range of bugs. Some will obviously be more lucky than others.


While there will be a good fair share of trolls who will just say the game is poor without good reason, people who like this game alot shouldn't act in denial when bugs and other negative issues are pointed out. The game has just launched so ofcourse there will be lots of issues. How are we to expect Bioware to fix things if the white knights continue to act as though the game is 100% flawless, and bash those that complain?


To deny there's nothing wrong is like sitting in a sinking ship, claiming there are no leaks, and thus doing nothing to help.


When did I deny there was nothing wrong? I am simply saying my experience with the game is fantastic so far. By the way, your analagy of a "sinking ship" is a bit dramatic, wouldn't you say? I know you didn't directly say the game is a sinking ship (see, I actually have reading comprehension skills), but the use of this analogy was not an accident.

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I agree. That's the "jaw dropping" portion of my original post. Bioware has a unique opportunity here with a wonderful game. The ball is in their court.


Fair enough but looking back at a lot of your posts in this thread you have to admit that you are being more than a little over the top on the positive spin. My evaluation of the game is that it’s currently fun. However it was released with far too many bugs (including ones that were highlighted during beta) and that it needs to develop in many areas ASAP is it’s gonna successfully make it get past the first few months without losing a large proportion of possible subscribers.


Don’t get me wrong, I want it to do well. At the moment it’s an acorn I’d rather see it grow into a great Oak than a withering sapling. But BW needs to take on board community opinion and all these “STWOR is the best thing ever” threads are not helping.

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What's funny is the thread title is the exact same as the most trollish threads but positive, lol. That makes it a "good post", haha.


The game is terrible: runs like crap, is boring to play, and riddled with bugs.


Ooooh OP, I bet you and the other knights would be all over that thread huh? ha!

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The game is very good, however it has a huge number of bugs, some of which are severe enough to affect gameplay. If the OP has never noticed ability delay, (among others), then you must never have PvP'd, or never PVE'd a trooper. In addition, if the OP can't take the "whining posts any longer", then I'd suggest the OP leave these forums, and actually let people willing to give constructive feedback post here.


Constructive feedback helps Bioware improve this game. People like you saying the game is "relatively bugless" are actually doing Bioware a disservice by hiding bugs which are affecting the gameplay of many people.

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Bug Fixes for Patch 1.1 to becoming soon, aka, you were just served. I'll highlight the ones I was getting. It's not all the bugs, but some of them:








Anti-aliasing is now available and can be enabled in the preferences menu.




Classes and Combat






Healing caused by crowd control abilities no longer generates threat.


Tooltips for abilities modified by skill points now display correct damage values.






This ability now transfers to a new friendly target without requiring deactivation on the previous target. Activating this ability while targeting a guarded or invalid target will still toggle the Guard ability off. A distinct visual effect is now present on characters using Guard on another character, and another effect is now present on the guarded characterif they leave Guard’s range.






A new visual effect has been added to the user and the target of the Taunt ability for the duration of its effect.




Jedi Consular


Project: This ability no longer shakes the screen of onlookers.






Battle Readiness: Now allows Combat Technique to trigger once every 3 seconds.


Combat Technique: Healing received through Combat Technique has been increased, scales properly at higher levels, and can only be triggered once every 4.5 seconds.


Slow Time: This ability’s damage has been increased by 15% and it now slows the movement speed of all affected targets.




Jedi Knight


Force Leap: This ability no longer functions on Portable Holo Dancers.






Sith Inquisitor






Dark Charge: Healing received through Dark Charge has been increased, scales properly at higher levels, and can only be triggered once every 4.5 seconds.


Overcharge Saber: Now allows Dark Charge to trigger once every 3 seconds.


Wither: Damage has been increased by 15% and it now slows the movement speed of all affected targets.




Sith Warrior


Intercede: This ability no longer functions on Portable Holo Dancers.


Shatter: this ability’s tooltip now correctly reflects its damage; damage from this ability has not been adjusted.






Imperial Agent




Bug Fixes


Corrected an issue where activating cover, using Explosive Probe, and then using Snipe could cause Snipe to be interrupted.




Bounty Hunter






Incendiary Missile: This ability is no longer misclassified as an Area of Effect ability.




Companion Characters








C2-N2 and 2V-R8 no longer vocalize crafting commentary during combat.


The Carbonized Stream companion ability no longer breaks prematurely.








Kira Carsen


Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to progress in Kira’s affection conversations. Players previously affected by this issue can now speak to Kira and progress normally




Bug Fixes


Companions will now sell trash items when requested, regardless of group size.


Companion healing abilities no longer apply a permanent green effect on the character.


Fixed an issue that caused Companion Characters to sometimes have the incorrect appearance in cinematics




Crew Skills




Bug Fixes


Corrected an issue that prevented recently completed Crew Skill missions from showing up in the next list of available missions.


Fixed a bug that could cause Crew Skills a character didn’t have to appear in the Crew Skills window.


Players can no longer loot harvesting nodes they do not have the appropriate Crew Skill for after a group member harvests (but does not loot) a node.




Flashpoints and Operations






A new level 50 Flashpoint, Kaon Under Siege, is now available for play in Normal and Hard Modes!


The Gav Daragon and the Ziost Shadow have been expanded to accommodate the Kaon Under Siege gateway.


The difficulty of some non-boss enemies in Flashpoints has been adjusted.


Enemies now drop credits more frequently in Flashpoints.










General Ortol’s rocket fire damage no longer occurs when the rocket is not active.




The Black Talon


Some enemies in this Flashpoint are no longer invisible.




The Foundry


Corrected an issue that could cause the final boss to become stuck at 10% health.




The Battle of Ilum


Krel Thak’s Allied Weequay Pirates have had their toughness reduced in Hard Mode.




The False Emperor


The Sith Entity’s affliction ability now properly deals damage in Hard Mode.


HK-47 now has the correct amount of health in Normal Mode.








Eternity Vault


Players are now able to successfully loot the chest after defeating the Infernal Council.


Perimeter Defense Cannons have been re-tuned and have improved targeting behaviors.


Soa’s Mind Trap and Force Throw abilities no longer target the same player multiple times; they now target every player in the group once.




Ball lightning enemies summoned by Soa deal damage in a smaller radius.


The Annihilation Droid’s rocket burst attack no longer deals double damage in 16-player Operations.




Soa now summons fewer ball lightning enemies during the final round in 16-player Operations.




Karagga’s Palace


Four new bosses can now be battled by players in Karagga’s Palace!


Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga’s Palace phase.




Bug Fixes






Corrected an issue that prevented some enemy NPCs from spawning in Flashpoints.


The correct error message now displays when a player attempts to enter a different Flashpoint than the rest of the group.


Flashpoint gateways no longer display as orange in incorrect circumstances.


Fixed an issue that prevented Flashpoint difficulty from being set properly.


Fixed an issue that caused mapnotes directing players to some Flashpoints to not appear correctly.


Corrected map issues that made locating mission objectives on the Gav Daragon difficult.


Fixed an issue preventing some players from opening a chest after a boss fight if the group was previously defeated by the boss.










An Item Modification Table has been added to the Supplies areas of the Republic and Imperial Fleets.






Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations.




Missions and NPCs






All Bonus Series missions and their required missions can now be abandoned.


Certain Wampas on Hoth that were preying on lower-level characters have had their level reduced.










Pressure Points: The Lerantha Lurker no longer engages players in combat before completing its spawn sequence.


Geroya be Haran: Objectives related to this mission now glow when selected.


In Cold Blood: Enemies that use Armor Piercing Cell during this mission no longer each stack a debuff on the player.


Shadow Spawn: The Sith Spawn no longer knocks players down for longer than intended.


Thuggish Behavior: Corrected an issue that could cause the player to remain stuck in combat during this mission. The required kills to complete this mission have been reduced.






Climbing the Ladder: A conversation related to this mission no longer ends prematurely.


Droid Clean Up: Corrected an issue that caused the bonus mission to persist in the player’s mission log.


The Summit: The difficulty of the encounter with Sidone has been reduced.


Vivicar Awaits: Lowered the amount of enemies that attack the player during the step “Find a Way Past the Force Field.”










Bug Fixes


Jilcoln Cadera’s abilities now correctly take into account whether a player is immune from knockbacks.


The “Primal Destroyer” World Boss on Belsavis is now “Overwhelming” as intended.


The World Boss “The First” on Dromund Kaas no longer inhibits Bounty Hunter’s Rapid Shots, and Imperial Agents will no longer be knocked out of cover during combat with it.








The shuttle room in Dorn Base Command Center on Hoth is no longer considered contested territory.


Ka on Voss is now a PvP Sanctuary.






Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.






The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.


Players now gain increased Valor from player kills in Ilum.


Players now gain increased bonus Valor for kills based on the number of objectives controlled by their faction.


Increased bonus Valor is now granted for player kills when defending an objective your faction owns.


A notification is now displayed when a player gains Valor.


Three new respawn points have been added for each faction.


Companions are now restricted from the PvP objective area on Ilum.


Notifications are now displayed when enemy players are close to an objective.




Bug Fixes






The scoreboard value for “Highest Protection Per Single Life” now functions correctly.


Players who have left a Warzone can no longer receive an MVP vote from teammates.


Your PvP status will now be toggled automatically upon leaving a PvP region.


Additional feedback is now provided when a player attempts to toggle their PvP flag.


The Bolster tooltip now more accurately represents the buff’s effects.






Corrected a rare issue that could cause the Frogdogs to be declared the winner in a 0-0 match even if the Rotworms held the ball last.






Mountable turrets in Ilum no longer deal damage to targets behind them or outside their range.


Turrets no longer immediately dismount the player after use.










Fixed a bug that prevented the minimap title from displaying when loading into the game or refreshing the UI.




Corrected an issue that caused some mapnotes to disappear from the minimap when other mapnotes were updated.






Item hyperlinks now display stats for crafted research items properly.


Item hyperlinks no longer display erroneous additional information relating to schematics when examined.


Attempting to place a non-mission item into the mission inventory now displays an error message.


Dragging equipment onto the character paper doll no longer prompts an item deletion notice. Items dragged to the paper doll are now equipped if possible.


Item set bonuses now appear on the tooltip when viewing an item on a vendor.


Items that can be modified now display with the correct loot color in the loot roll window.


Comparative tooltips now correctly display stat differences when mousing over items in the Crew Skills window.




Bug Fixes


Fixed the tooltip display for ability cooldowns over one hour in length.


The interface for splitting stacks of items now displays correctly.


Servers that are online now always display on top of servers that are offline in the Server Select screen.


Corrected a typographical error in the “Additional Commands” context menu option.


Players nearby a player who achieves a new Legacy level no longer receive the Legacy level-up notification.


Legacy name display preferences now persist when travelling between planets.


A new confirmation dicorrectly in the Guilds tab.






Miscellaneous Bug Fixes


The owner of a holocall conversation is no longer shown in the last frame of the cinematic.


The spacebar button is now recognized when a player presses it to progress after a loading screen even if the spacebar button has been re-bound.


Additional issues that could impact performance on Taris have been addressed.


Vanity pets can no longer be considered targets for any abilities.


Corrected an issue that could cause some preferences to reset to defaults upon area transitions.


An Aim Datacron on Ilum is now accessible and no longer repeats its initial cinematic once used.


A Datacron on Coruscant is no longer blocked by unintentional collision. alogue now appears when submitting spam reports in game.


Sorting now works





So many, many bugs.s And so many to go... And yet you act is if this was all wine and roses...


I don't think they've fixed the mail bug yet. The one that deletes all the stuff you got in the mail and throws you back into your ship hanger. Oh that was a joy...

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Many MMO's have released with plenty of bugs. It's hard to have the same level of quality on every new MMO because they are all made by different companies. As well as how they implement said ideas into a new video game. Not every game is WoW, Mass Effect, Super Mario Brothers 3. You got variety and you can view for yourself how each company goes about implementing said ideas. Skyrim was released with bugs yet people still enjoy it and are still playing it. Daggerfall would have towns with homes rotated different angles. Planescape: Torment literally is so buggy at times that the game in itself will stop functioning in the middle of cutscenes and sequences. Yet Planescape: Torment still delivers a grade A storyline and even with it's bugs it is still amazing in it's own right.


Some companies improve with time while others tend to stay more or less the same. If Bioware is putting a foot forward to address things in some way shape or form then I give them credit. Even taking the time out of their own work days to have someone reply with information to try and keep their own consumers or investors of sorts on the up and up of what is going on. Would you prefer SOE handling The Old Republic? I'm sure many to this day still remember what happened with SWG.


Beauty/curse of the internet is the ability to communicate more directly now with the developers. But it does come with a price of having to go through all the muck and crap to get solid information on things. People should know by now even though it's 2012 even MMO's coming out after SW:ToR are going to release with bugs. Some will have less bugs. Others will have more. No game is completely bug free.

Edited by Erstok
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What's funny is the thread title is the exact same as the most trollish threads but positive, lol. That makes it a "good post", haha.

The game is terrible: runs like crap, is boring to play, and riddled with bugs.


Ooooh OP, I bet you and the other knights would be all over that thread huh? ha!


Better watch out. I got a 'warning' for having the opinion that a thread was a 'troll thread.' It too was a 'positive support BioWare thread despite the huge number of bugs and issues in this prematurely released game.'

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Look...I can't help it if you are trying to run the game on a toaster. And yes, the game is RELATIVELY bugless, as in, compared to most launches I have been through. Of course there are a lot of bugs to squash, that has been the case for every MMO released to date and always be.


LMFAO as soon as imread the bit the clueless person mentions running it on a toaster but doesn't bother to look through the forum to see people are running the game on machines far superior to what they use.

Edited by Elgarr
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How are we to expect Bioware to fix things if the white knights continue to act as though the game is 100% flawless, and bash those that complain?



This is part of the problem. You, a dissatisfied customer are unhappy with the game. You and those like you cry how game breaking all of these issues are. Seems like what you are saying is the 'white knight' oblivious noobs who enjoy the game despite the bugs and issues need to just STEP ASIDE and SHUT UP so the malcontents' message can be heard. Are you for real?


I'm tired of complainers getting their facts wrong. I'm tired of the elitist attitudes.


'white knights' praising and defending this game in the GENERAL FORUMS are going to be the RUIN of SW:TOR! :mon_frown:


This attitude angers me.

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This is part of the problem. You, a dissatisfied customer are unhappy with the game. You and those like you cry how game breaking all of these issues are. Seems like what you are saying is the 'white knight' oblivious noobs who enjoy the game despite the bugs and issues need to just STEP ASIDE and SHUT UP so the malcontents' message can be heard. Are you for real?


I'm tired of complainers getting their facts wrong. I'm tired of the elitist attitudes.


'white knights' praising and defending this game in the GENERAL FORUMS are going to be the RUIN of SW:TOR! :mon_frown:


This attitude angers me.


You mean, just like those who claim that the issues the another poster might have is entirely false and that he is just a troll, and that there's no problem with the game at all, and then starts flaming with fanboyism ?


I don't think anyone here of what I have seen actually tells people they aren't allowed to enjoy the game, and the forums are here for discussion, and some of those discussions are focused on what can be improved upon - I highly doubt that the majority of people who post actually, makes threads or post about issues to make it seem like a bad game, but trying to give their feedback around an issue that they actually would like to have fixed, even though they might not be all that good at actually giving constructive feedback as such.


And since SWTOR is such a big game, with such a large amount of players for its release, when it does have quite a few serious issues that people are experiencing, you are bound to see a lot of negative threads.

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Many MMO's have released with plenty of bugs.


In 2004, 2005 you could get away with that. In 2008 AoC tried that and crashed, burned and all but died. From 700/800K to 100K in a matter of months.


Later in 2008 Warhammer tried that. Same story. In three months went from 800K to 300K. Within a year it was down to 100K.



Simple reason is that people have CHOICES now they didn't have in 2004/2005. And they will make them. And they have no reason to be patient.


If you're offering the MMO equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger for the cost of a steak.... I'll have steak...


Let's face it, this isn't a marriage. Heck, it's not even a cell-phone contract. It's a pay-to-play game with no guaranteed long-term commitment on the part of either party. And the bottom-line is there are too many polished, established MMOs out there.


And if you want to compete in today's MMO market, you better have an end game. You better have time sinks that people enjoy (crafting, PvP and raiding) and you better have strong social organizational tools (good guilds/guild management) as well as lasting group achievements.



Many of us that are complaining about these things do so because we want this MMO to succeed. And we're definately not happy about this over-hyped, second-tier, bug-filled product.


And, yes, I understand BioWare wanted to make it 'about the story.' And I appreciate the story. But it's not any better than the story in LOTRO, even if the voice acting is better. But MMOs are more than the story. And they left out the 'more.' The 'more' that kept me in LOTRO for two years until I'd done everything possible to death and left the game with 9-75's fully kitted for raids and had most every worthwhile item and accomplishment.


I don't see that here. So unless BioWare gets it going, in a few months, I'll probably be looking for a different game. Maybe Guild Wars 2 will be out. I played that for years and my old guild still maintains the forums and website just waiting for the release...


It's hard to have the same level of quality on every new MMO because they are all made by different companies. As well as how they implement said ideas into a new video game. Not every game is WoW, Mass Effect, Super Mario Brothers 3. You got variety and you can view for yourself how each company goes about implementing said ideas. Skyrim was released with bugs yet people still enjoy it and are still playing it. Daggerfall would have towns with homes rotated different angles. Planescape: Torment literally is so buggy at times that the game in itself will stop functioning in the middle of cutscenes and sequences. Yet Planescape: Torment still delivers a grade A storyline and even with it's bugs it is still amazing in it's own right.


Planescape was a dog when it came to sales. 300K units in the first year. It was one of the games that did in Interplay.


The reason is, while it was a brilliant game, the market punishes products that don't meet the people who make up the market's needs. And that game just didn't do it for various reasons.


Or, let's put it this way... Katy Perry pop music may not be the most sophisticated or complicated music in the market, but it sells. Far, far more than a Brahm's Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor which is a far more sophisticated music.



Some companies improve with time while others tend to stay more or less the same. If Bioware is putting a foot forward to address things in some way shape or form then I give them credit. Even taking the time out of their own work days to have someone reply with information to try and keep their own consumers or investors of sorts on the up and up of what is going on. Would you prefer SOE handling The Old Republic? I'm sure many to this day still remember what happened with SWG.


And I have no more faith in BioWare than I had in Sony. I was a fanboy. BioWare burned that out of me a long, long time ago. In fact, I'd say they peaked a decade ago. Since then they've been rather hit-and-miss and have cruised on their BG reputation.



Beauty/curse of the internet is the ability to communicate more directly now with the developers. But it does come with a price of having to go through all the muck and crap to get solid information on things. People should know by now even though it's 2012 even MMO's coming out after SW:ToR are going to release with bugs. Some will have less bugs. Others will have more. No game is completely bug free.


Problem is some of these bugs are so amatureish I can't believe they were in final release. The game has memory leaks. The game has DX11 problems. The game has emitter problems. AA doesn't work. The graphics high-res don't work. The UI is both clumsy and broken.


This game was six years in development. DX11 was released in 2009. It's 2012 These engine problems should have been ironed out a YEAR ago.


People have a right to be critical. You can't iron out second-tier graphics a year before release? Because these are second-tier graphics. This is not cutting edge. BioWare has never had a cutting-edge visual game and they haven't broken that streak with this one.

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OP your experience of the games says more about you than the state of the game. I'm having fun but where can I get some of those rose tinted spectacles that you are viewing the game through, or is this just sarcasm?


By the way isn't this a repost from head start or early release. I'm pretty sure I have seen it before.

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In 2004, 2005 you could get away with that. In 2008 AoC tried that and crashed, burned and all but died. From 700/800K to 100K in a matter of months.


Later in 2008 Warhammer tried that. Same story. In three months went from 800K to 300K. Within a year it was down to 100K.



SWTOR has 2 big differences:


1: A very big customer base, people like me grew up on Star Wars, i saw it in the initial theater release when i was a kid, i had the falcon, SW bedsheets and PJ's,. Everthing was Star Wars at that time........don't care about Warhammer, WOW or these other worlds. i know a number of people that feel the same way i do


2: SWTOR is actually fun,

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Fair enough but looking back at a lot of your posts in this thread you have to admit that you are being more than a little over the top on the positive spin. My evaluation of the game is that it’s currently fun. However it was released with far too many bugs (including ones that were highlighted during beta) and that it needs to develop in many areas ASAP is it’s gonna successfully make it get past the first few months without losing a large proportion of possible subscribers.


Don’t get me wrong, I want it to do well. At the moment it’s an acorn I’d rather see it grow into a great Oak than a withering sapling. But BW needs to take on board community opinion and all these “STWOR is the best thing ever” threads are not helping.


Trust me, I doubt BW is getting the sense that the community is remotely happy, and, at this point, I highly doubt these relatively few positive threads will somehow cause Bioware to think the player community thinks their game is "the best thing ever". What I hoped to accomplish in my thread was to provide another (opposite) perspective for players who are either wondering (1) am I the only one not having these problems; and (2) are all of the other players unhappy and going to quit the game. I think the game is great and I'm sticking around to see what Bioware can do over next weeks and months. /shrugs Nevertheless, thank you for your respectful reply.

Edited by Makade
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so sick of people using this as an excuse for their blind hatred of the game.


2012 = more complex game, more complex game = more complex problems.


I'd very much like you to point out the more complex part of the game compared to any other MMO which is out there right now.

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Trust me, I doubt BW is getting the sense that the community is remotely happy, and, at this point, I can guarantee these relatively few positive threads will not somehow cause Bioware to think the player community thinks their game is "the best thing ever". What I hoped to accomplish in my thread was to provide another (opposite) perspective for players who are either wondering (1) am I the only one not having these problems; and (2) are all of the other players unhappy and going to quit the game. I think the game is great and I'm sticking around to see what Bioware can do over next weeks and months. /shrugs Nevertheless, thank you for your respectful reply.


I think Bioware can tell from the sub rate whether it's going good or not. Unlike the people here i don't pretend to know something from such a small smaple size that always acts this way.


I've never played an MMO where the first month wasn't complete trashing of the game on the forums, and that includes everyones golden child wow.

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