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Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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Would you rather they had not allowed you to gain legacy XP yet and made you start from scratch when it was finished?


No they should have added it in at launch instead of letting the legacy XP bar being ANOTHER place holder in this game. This game is full of place holders, I think they must have spent more time on place holding developement than they did on the game.

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The system is stupid. I'm level 25 and have NOTHING for it. It's the definition of unrewarding. It's totally broken, well that's unfair - it's not broken ... It's ... not finished. You shouldn't implement something half complete.


(though the aforemention sentence would mean SWTOR wouldn't be released as of yet :/)


it's you whos broken. it clearly says that more will be revealled at a later date for the legacy system, and yet you still take the stupid path of zerging to it and then cry like a baby when you don't get anything because, guess what, it's not the "later date" that you were told about yet.

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cran's not trying to impress you, he's trying to point out that an incomplete feature was released explicitly for the purpose of grinding and that it'll come back to bite BW on the *** when they finally do release legacy features because people like him will have already grinded(ground?) it out to level 25


Actually, the whole point to releasing it now is so that people who play a lot will already have the legacy levels to get the cool features as soon as they are added. The idea is to not force people who started playing at launch to re-level multiple alts to open up legacy rewards. I'd rather earn legacy levels that do nothing yet and then get credit for them as soon as the system is finished than have to wait until then to even start earning them.

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Can you imagine the backlash if they hadn't rolled it out until some time when most people had already maxed a toon or two? People are gonna whine no matter what, so there was no way to implement legacy and keep everyone happy.


All the legacy system means to anyone right now is a legacy name for all your toons. Anything else the add later is gravy.


Idk... They could have released with legacy fully functioning... That would have been a good way to release it and keep everyone happy.

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Idk... They could have released with legacy fully functioning... That would have been a good way to release it and keep everyone happy.


Or they could have waited to add it entirely so then players would have to start from scratch in that regard. They added it to give people a head start on it so when full features came they would be ready to go, why would they wait to release the game longer to add features that werent ready yet, but legacy leveling that was?

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Let's see here. You have not just one, but TWO level 50's? Plus you've maxed out your Crafting.. on both? Plus you had time to grind to level 25 legacy?


I'm gonna tell you now that you are going to be disappointed in anything this game can give you. Most people don't even have ONE level 50, much less two. The time you've invested already into this game must be MASSIVE.


What is your /played?!!


How can you say "most people don't have a 50"

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  • 2 weeks later...
To each their own then. I'd rather be getting the experience now (just like the other players that started on launch) and be able to use it than having to level it when the system is fully implemented thus losing leveling experience that new players will be getting.


I like to think of it like WoW's guild leveling system. We've got a guild that's been around for five years why the hell should we be starting at level 1? Did none of what we did before matter? Bioware is letting what you are doing now matter towards a system that they claim is coming.


The only way this ends badly is if they end up scrapping the system entirely, but i suspect that it wouldn't be in at all if at least part of it wasn't coming shortly (like first/second content patch).


Amen about WoW guild lvling system. It's exactly the same thing. And it was unfair to those that didn't commit 25/7 to the game.. but hey it never is and it doesn't bother me

( i remember a guy that took a vacation when WOTLK came out and didn't sleep 4 days only redbull and coffee - i still doubt it but- just to be the first to 80. but it was his choice )


Personally i'd rather have the Legacy Xp now.. as i do not have as much time as i used to have during wow years ( haven't played 4 years now.. time for personal life ) and then just pick the perks off. Yeah it bothers me cause i don't know what to expect.. and if tehre really will be new races i really hope for Nautolan race.. but untill it get's live it's jsut wishful thinking)


Also don't judge him/her what he/she does in RL. It's every individual's decision what to do with their lives. I say if ppl can manage both, then all i can say is congrats. I can't hence i don't try.

And Cranberries i understand your frustration; now that you're so far in the game you need something to keep you interested..but it's just the way it is...


( Imagin how the game would be if every Tom, Dick and Harry would get their way) and admit it guys.. there are even worse comments on forums :)


So Carpe Diem guys and gals.. Sieze the... Carp :)

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Kinda of amusing that people are already maxing out systems that aren't even in the game yet. Bioware is working on systems they are already behind the curve on, they shouldn't have allowed people to level things that aren't implemented yet cause people are just gonna be screaming 'Whats coming next???'
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My only complaint is that Bioware don't do more to remove all these pathetic, pointless, whinging posts which clutter up the general forum. If you don't like the game, make a suggestion in the appropriate forum and go play another game. Stop ruining the general forum for people that are interested in reading something of substance.
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My only complaint is that Bioware don't do more to remove all these pathetic, pointless, whinging posts which clutter up the general forum. If you don't like the game, make a suggestion in the appropriate forum and go play another game. Stop ruining the general forum for people that are interested in reading something of substance.

...a post complaining about the complainers. Got it.

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god knows why this thread got bumped again, but the OP does make a valid point on the lack of legacy


game has now been out officially for 2 months (you could technically say 3 months cos of 1st free month and now on 2nd billing cycle) and god knows how long in beta (where players were obviously 50 testing that level content) with no legacy in place.


levelling isnt hard in this game, just a few hours a day and about 8-10 at weekends i've got 1x 50 BH (biochem 400, 400 on dip/bio also) 1x 46 JK (artifice 400 treasure/slicing 400) & 1 48 SS (cyber/underworld/scav 400) and been playing since dec early access with 0 PvP/FP/Heroic and guildless and also sitting on 18 legacy i think (havent logged in today so cant say exact)


everyones answer for the level 50's that are bored is 'level a new alt', problem is BW have said there is new races coming from legacy 'soon' so some may be holding levelling said alt waiting for this 'awesome legacy we are so proud of' (BW's words not mine), question is....how long do we have to wait seeing as vast majority (if not all) have finished act 1 and have unlocked legacy now but see nothing in place for any levels they gain (and TBH having a new race is pretty pathetic for a 'merit' system which legacy technically is)


before the rush of RL attacks, I am unemployed in an area which is 3rd placed in the country for unemployment, I have home-schooled my son since he was 9, my wife has a good job and it costs way too much to have a social life in the UK, going for a walk is not an option as we also live in a high-crime area and the weather is crap, I have 7 teeth, bald, slightly obese due to not being very mobile because of an old injury so feel free to come up with an insult i havent heard before (im also 43 so I have heard a lot and said probably more)

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Why all the hate, it's not like you have to try to gain legacy levels I have 2 50's and i'm legacy 22 get a ton of legacy for dailies and such....


As to the system being unfinished who cares they'll put something in eventually and it will be liked by some and hated by others..

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Why all the hate, it's not like you have to try to gain legacy levels I have 2 50's and i'm legacy 22 get a ton of legacy for dailies and such....


As to the system being unfinished who cares they'll put something in eventually and it will be liked by some and hated by others..


you are aware OP made this topic January 6th, correct? you know, 17 days after the game released? I'd say the no-life insults are quite valid...

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I am unemployed in an area which is 3rd placed in the country for unemployment, I have home-schooled my son since he was 9, my wife has a good job and it costs way too much to have a social life in the UK, going for a walk is not an option as we also live in a high-crime area and the weather is crap, I have 7 teeth, bald, slightly obese due to not being very mobile because of an old injury so feel free to come up with an insult i havent heard before (im also 43 so I have heard a lot and said probably more)

was that last portion of your post counter-trolling the trolls before they even responded?

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was that last portion of your post counter-trolling the trolls before they even responded?


yep :D (though everything i said in that last part is true and fact, lying online is probably sadder than insulting someone online)


and insulting someone who doesnt play the same way as you do is just sad tbh, ppl pay to play how they want to....like i said in my previous post, the arguement is valid now regardless of when the thread was originally made cos it would be totally valid if they made that thread today (though i'd love the OP to post now if they're still playing with the amount of legacy they now have)

Edited by Deadpooled
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  • 4 weeks later...
you are aware OP made this topic January 6th, correct? you know, 17 days after the game released? I'd say the no-life insults are quite valid...


Actually, More like Hacks. Not even possible, even with early release to have gained 1 legacy level a day without hacks or exploits. At least that's what I'm thinkin'.

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Hey dont listen to the crap here, I have a full time job, married, kids and a great life, My legacy lvl is 21, I have 9 toons from 25 to 40. Oh and I get my chores done too. My wife, my son and I all have accounts and this is what we love to do, along with birthdays, swimming, boating and many other things, so I dont see the problem with a Leg lvl of 25, you go!:)
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poopsocking troglodytes


What is this I don't even.


And also, you get your own free internet for the word poopsocking. It is now officially part of my lexicon of words and phrases to pester my sons with alongside "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?".

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