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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SW:TOR is now officially number 1!


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SW:TOR is now officially the number 1 rated game on MMORPG.com!


See here.


And read the review here.


Congratulations BioWare! You did a great job!




This is exactly one of the main reasons I'm canceling. We know what happens when an MMO gets too mainstream. Look at the old number 1.... .

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GW2 is Hype rated.


Btw that site is pretty lacklustre, also this game is new. Wait till some of the newness wears off, IMO Rift is probably the most well rounded though less played MMO's out there atm.


Though I can't wait for GW2.

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GW2 is Hype rated.


Btw that site is pretty lacklustre, also this game is new. Wait till some of the newness wears off, IMO Rift is probably the most well rounded though less played MMO's out there atm.


Though I can't wait for GW2.


I agree with RIFT being the best mmo currently on the market, if they could just sort out the gear inflation in pvp it'd be a clear winner in my opinion.

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Isn't mmorpg.com the same site that fanboys absolutely trashed as a completely worthless fringe site when they said there were some questionable issues with TOR a few months ago?


Yes, I'm quite sure that's it...

Edited by Mannic
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Yeah, and PC Gamer gave the excrement that was Dragon Age II a 94...


Maybe they should have played it beyond a couple of hours... Tried to deal with the Jedi Knight classes which are, frankly, both trash. Or dealth with all the graphics bugs... The memory leaks that cause the game to eventually slow-down then die...


Sorry, I've played a lot of MMOs. It was a better release than many MMOs. But it isn't the best MMO out there.


Bottom-line is, ever since Baldur's Gate II, BioWare games get consistently over-rated on quality compared to other games that are equal or better. I now, depending on the publication, knock 5% to 10% off the ranking and won't even relie on PCGamer which has become seriously shark-jumping to so-called AAA releases (Spore, DAII, Duke Nukem, adn the list goes on...)

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