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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A quick update on Ability Delay


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Is it necessary for players to rant such vile obscenities towards BW in order to get these fixes? Or is it possible that we could just calmly state our frustrations here on these forums? What do you all think?


What? What rant are you referring to?

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This is more specifically related to the issues being discussed in this thread.


FPS / framerate performance issues are also being looked at. Like the 'Ability Delay' issue, framerate issues are not something that can be solved in a quick and easy way with a single fix. Investigation into the various causes of framerate issues takes time, and solutions may not immediately work for all. Work continues to optimize and improve the game.


Please PLEASE make sure they fix this in a way that doesn't break everybody else. I have not had ANY issues relating to this at all. If I start getting some because of a so called fix... well... I will not be happy.

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Please PLEASE make sure they fix this in a way that doesn't break everybody else. I have not had ANY issues relating to this at all. If I start getting some because of a so called fix... well... I will not be happy.


Dude, you are just severely handicapped if you couldn't notice the problem.

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Amagad this is awsome, BW owning the haters. Thank you so much BW you rock:D










I'm flabbergasted.


Bioware addressing (as a good company should) the people that were desperately wanting this game to be great, but found a significantly big problem with the playability and worked very hard to bring it to the attention of Bioware while numerous mouthy people who hated on anyone that said anything that wasn't "THIS GAME IS AWESOME!" tried their best to pretend it wasn't there or didn't exist.



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I posted my thoughts in the actual threadline but here again to emphasise.:



Well, thank you very much. The threadline has needed this. I am very pleased to read that response and my hopes have been renewed to a degree. I would like to point out however, that the post itself was very vague in terms of actual meaning/fix/severity (detail) etc.


So, while I am extremely happy that it "appears" to be taken serious and this reply certainly is uplifting. I would caution against cheering as though it has been dealt with.


I woild encourage further discussion, arguments, anything to keep this issue at the forefront of attention. Because the one thing that I have not forgotten or unlearned over the past 5 threads is that this very issue raised is the single most important aspect determining the future success or failure of SW:TOR.


Thanks for the update Quishari, you need to stop by more often.


I think thanks should also go to you, Xcore, for the very fact you (and others, of course) have put so much effort into sticking it out and providing details in those threads for the devs to use. It is clearly a vital issue affecting a great number of people and, like you, I feel it's critical to the long-term success of the game.


While I absolutely applaud the developers for taking this issue as seriously as it warrants, I'd just like to extend some personal thanks to you and the others who have been most active on this topic for sticking it out - lord knows you've suffered a lot of abuse because of it and not everyone would have the resilience you've shown to push for this in the face of all that hostility.


So yeah, hope to see your hard work start to pay off in future patches :)

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Dude, you are just severely handicapped if you couldn't notice the problem.


This game has attracted so many casuals that wouldn't see the ability delay even if it had four hairy legs, bad breath and bit them on the left cheek... even with BW admitting that it is an issue and fixes are in the works they will still say "what delay, my game works 100% perfect"... mindblowing, aint it? rofl

Edited by Rasstavad
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This game has attracted so many casuals that wouldn't see the ability delay even if it had four hairy legs, bad breath and bit them on the left cheek... even with BW admitting that it is an issue and fixes are in the works they will still say "what delay, my game works 100% perfect"... mindblowing, aint it? rofl


It's sad because it's true.

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Hi Emmanuel


You mention forum posts as a factor in what the devs are looking at for bug fixing, but what about in-game bug reports? I have nearly a dozen and I am wondering if it is better to send them in game or to post on the forums about them.



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I think thanks should also go to you, Xcore, for the very fact you (and others, of course) have put so much effort into sticking it out and providing details in those threads for the devs to use. It is clearly a vital issue affecting a great number of people and, like you, I feel it's critical to the long-term success of the game.


While I absolutely applaud the developers for taking this issue as seriously as it warrants, I'd just like to extend some personal thanks to you and the others who have been most active on this topic for sticking it out - lord knows you've suffered a lot of abuse because of it and not everyone would have the resilience you've shown to push for this in the face of all that hostility.


So yeah, hope to see your hard work start to pay off in future patches :)


Hey, thanks for those kind words, its very much appreciated :)


I fully realize my own progression of "gently but firm argument" in my OP all the way down to "hostile animosity towards naysayers" of more recent threads. I have even been on the offensive against Bioware and the Developers, questioning their talent and competence. I hope its understood that after 5 Threads, reading over 5000+ replies, daily at work and in private life being engaged with this issue, here on the forums, can wear a person thin.


I am simply very passionate about MMO Gaming, and I believe this issue to be important enough to fight for. Again thanks for the kind words and I do hope Bioware takes it serious, while I also hope that the playerbase understands this issue is so multi-layered and so complex that it simply is unrealistic to be "fully" resolved within a month or two.


Give Bioware Time, BUT ONLY! as long as the trust in the relationship is maintained through open communication. Keep pressure on Bioware, while acknowledging their accomplishments. Otherwise "constant" BDF/BioDrone Fanboism will not get this potentially great game anywhere at all.



Below, some thoughts regarding this subject in general:


I think this topic is incredibly important, it is the reason "we" all leave WoW (because we want to get out), go into the "next new MMO" and then return to WoW within a few months. Its this certain, unidentifiable, uncomfortable feeling when we say


"Something feels weird... I can't put my finger on it, its just... clunky?".


This above phrase, should be the bane of all MMO Developers, it is the reason nothing touches WoW. WoW's triumph isn't the 7 years of Content (MC/BWL is meaningless now!), it isn't its great "graphics or sound", it isn't the LFD or even Addon Support (though its needed)... it isn't the fact that there are very few bugs, high polish...


None of the above "truly" matters.


What matters is the "feeling", WoW has cracked the nut. Blizzard has accomplished what no other MMO has yet accomplished (Western MMO) this well. It is the feeling of seamless connection between yourself (The Player) and your Avatar. This connection IS the single most important thing in the entire MMO Genre. if this is not right, NOTHING will keep your MMO afloat.


Full precision responsiveness, zero delay (even if its a Client/Server Illusion) is paramount to immersion, more than any story can ever be. In an RPG, you play a character... in an MMORPG you play yourself. The need for optimal immersion is that much greater, this goes for the Casual RP Soccer Mom as well as the 17 year old Extreme Gamer. We all must become our Avatar's, the movement, the response/feedback... Whether it be walking through an "inn", PvPing in 2800+ Arena, World First Killing a Boss. This connection is the pinnacle of immersion.


I believe this is the most valuable lesson to learn for a developer in the MMO Genre.



This is what I am trying to accomplish with this entire threadline, to finally break this barrier of sub-par MMOs that just fall short and no-one really knows why...


The only reason I devoted this much time, this much effort to this cause is my firm belief that SW:TOR "can" be the next Market Leader, can do amazing things, can break the 15mill mark etc. etc.


But this MUST be fixed, this is literally the difference between being Rift and being WoW+.




Thanks again for your kind words, apologies for this long reply in this sticky...

Edited by Xcore
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Hi Emmanuel


You mention forum posts as a factor in what the devs are looking at for bug fixing, but what about in-game bug reports? I have nearly a dozen and I am wondering if it is better to send them in game or to post on the forums about them.



Hi DeltaGun,


Customer service is routing incoming bug reports to the appropriate developers.

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Extremely satisfied with how Bioware has handled the trolls and are willing to listen to the players the last few weeks. I can't wait to see the changes and improvements that will be made in the next 3 months.


perhaps then it will be worthwhile to resub- until then- this game is garbage!

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some of them have been addressed? Like what? Nothing has changed, it's still terrible


Nothing has been addressed, it is being worked on... check back lat January/Mid Feb... until then go do Dragon Soul? I don't know...

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What? What rant are you referring to?


I'm talking about the countless threads claiming someone is going to unsub because of the games unresponsiveness, or the threads bashing BW for this being the worst launch in history. My question is, do you all think that without anyone screaming or bashing their heads against thier keyboard, would any of these fixes come as fast as they appear to be?

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I'm talking about the countless threads claiming someone is going to unsub because of the games unresponsiveness, or the threads bashing BW for this being the worst launch in history. My question is, do you all think that without anyone screaming or bashing their heads against thier keyboard, would any of these fixes come as fast as they appear to be?


Yes actually... if there is enough of an uproar about something, and violently enough... it gets more attention. I'm not saying its a good thing, its just true...


Someone posting "I Quit because X" is a valid statement of displeasure... there is a reason why Bioware or Blizzard or Trion etc ask for detailed explanation as to "why" you unsubbed upon doing so.


Therefore, creating a "thread" with an explanation might as well be great feedback for the Developer.



I think you need to get off of the Bioware/SW:TOR loving, WoW Hating... its unhealthy and clouds your mind to logic and reality.

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The best thing BW is doing right now is actually responding to and letting us know that they are fixing the issues with sticky posts. Too many MMO developers ignore their websites.


Odd enough ones with this issue acknowledge them some still didn't get fix and due to time they messed up.


And that this been talked about since CB but however it's still great they are looking into it, but I'm still going to be humble.

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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,



Props to communicating with the community, I know the forums have been a bit overwhelming, mostly with this issue and I can't imagine the work load.


I don't speak for everyone but on behalf of those who can appreciate Dev/Community communication, Thank you for shinning a bit of light on this situation.


Also a props XCore and Tiron for keeping the discussion.... wellll......


Tiron: Nope, sorry Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.

XCore: Of course he was

Tiron: Nope, he wasn’t... you lose

XCore: Of course he was, he was the star

Tiron: Nope you’re wrong, look it up

XCore: I don’t have to look it up its common knowledge

Tiron: Nope

XCore: He was on the cover...

Tiron: Nope

XCore: ...of People Magazine

Tiron: Nope

XCore: ...when the movie debuted

Tiron: No

XCore: Everyone knows...

Tiron: No... No...

XCore: Kevin Bacon was the

Tiron: No... No... No...

XCore: star of FOOTLOOSE....

Tiron: No... No... No... No...

XCore: It was a huge Movie....

Tiron: No... No... No!!!

XCore: He was the lead

Tiron: No... No!!!

Tiron: No... No... NO!!!

Tiron: NO... NO... NO... No... HEEE HAW HEEE HAW HEEE HAW!!!!!!!!


As I stated before hand.

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keep up the good communication, even in the less serious issues it would be nice to see better responses, for instance the high resolution textures threads.


Anyways great you know you are actively working on solutions, i look forward to testing them!

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So this addresses the issue like clicking on a skill and it actually acknowledges the skill click in a delayed way? Or by delay you mean in general. Like the FPS performance issues people are having?


> responsiveness topic

> talks about mouse clicking

> good golly batman, what will we do?!




Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for talking back to us about this.


Pressing a key and actually stuff happening fluidly and certainly, is the cornerstone of fast action gaming.

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