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Honest opinions about Jedi knights in pvp


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K guys I wouldnt mind getting some honest feedback. Ive recently made it to 50 as a JK, so i started working towards my pvp gear.


Now my gear I currently have isnt pvp but its all up to level with purple or orange with purple mods/enhance etc...


Are JK's (and by JK Im talking Sentinals) trash for PVP cuz i tend to be getting owned quickly, and am having a hard time doing much dps it seems. Like I said Im no pvp god nor is my guy have pvp gear, but of all the mmos ive played, Im struggling most with this game and class.


Whats your guys honest opinions on Sentinels in PVP. :confused:

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K guys I wouldnt mind getting some honest feedback. Ive recently made it to 50 as a JK, so i started working towards my pvp gear.


Now my gear I currently have isnt pvp but its all up to level with purple or orange with purple mods/enhance etc...


Are JK's (and by JK Im talking Sentinals) trash for PVP cuz i tend to be getting owned quickly, and am having a hard time doing much dps it seems. Like I said Im no pvp god nor is my guy have pvp gear, but of all the mmos ive played, Im struggling most with this game and class.


Whats your guys honest opinions on Sentinels in PVP. :confused:


All this time I thought 'JK" was short for 'just kidding.'


Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;)


It has to just be a gear issue or you just haven't found your comfort zone for PvP yet. Just keep at it, bro, it will come to you.


The Knights I have seen have been really holding their own, even at my level. So I am sure it is just figuring things out.


Good luck.

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Get you some PvP gear and remembering the days when you got owned will be difficult. I have gone up against several republic Sents that are tough as nails and do a retarded amount of Damage.


Juyo!!!!! I curse you.

(Juyo plays on Bondaar Crystal and is an awesome Sent)

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Jedi's are melee combat types, I find in PVP you hit someone and they just run awya, or slow you down and they can attack you the whole time while your trying to chase them.


Seems jedi's should have the ability to immobilize for a fair bit longer... right?


I find opponents just slow you and run away while hitting you hard the whole time. The leap attack shoul keep people in place at least long enough to do a few moves to them or slow them down drastically for a fair bit of time after the 2 seconds (3 max if you go focus).


Jedi's are great for story and pve, but pvp they seem to have a real lack of killing power unless someone just sits there and lets you hit them.

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Jedi's are melee combat types, I find in PVP you hit someone and they just run awya, or slow you down and they can attack you the whole time while your trying to chase them.


Seems jedi's should have the ability to immobilize for a fair bit longer... right?


I find opponents just slow you and run away while hitting you hard the whole time. The leap attack shoul keep people in place at least long enough to do a few moves to them or slow them down drastically for a fair bit of time after the 2 seconds (3 max if you go focus).


Jedi's are great for story and pve, but pvp they seem to have a real lack of killing power unless someone just sits there and lets you hit them.




ya couldnt agree with ya more. thats where i find my biggest struggles. i leap they cc me and get away, and by the time i can get back to them our remaining life is far from close

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They're a melee dps that's kind of squishy, with only an oh-**** stealth/opener mechanic.


On the upside, they do tons of dps while they're alive, have a few nifty CDs, and are the only class (I believe) with a mortal strike.


Sentinels and Marauders strike me as the type of class that absolutely wrecks with a team supporting, and is kind of a struggle when queued solo.

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As a Smuggler, I don't seriously consider Sentinel a big threat. It might be the balance issue, but perhaps the class is much more skill-intensive than the others, as some of my friends have been struggling with Sentinel, just like you.


To you, I would recommend to stick with it and develop your unique fighting style in PvP, I think it will come to you!

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I see a few issues with the Knight, actually:


1: We get CC'd to hell


This is my biggest issue. What do we have to defend against stuns? One ability, with a two minute cooldown, or 1:30 if you spend two skill points on it. To add to it, we only have a few stuns, and they're either channelled or break on attack (from what I can tell, anyway). This is crazy. All other classes seem to have either more CC's or more defenses against them.


2: We are an up close class


Granted, we aren't the only ones. Ops/Scoundrels are too, but at least they have a stealth ability to get close and get away, if needed. We, on the other hand, tend to be pretty slow, and only have so many abilities to close the gap between us and our enemies. If those abilities are on CD, we can be hit for quite a bit of damage before we can get a hit in.


By all means, if I'm misinformed, go ahead and correct me, but this is what I've gathered from my play time so far.

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What I've seen most JK is that they like to charge in and get owned fast. If you leap in first, you'll get focused by everyone on their team.


Melee has the tendency of over extending too far from your own team and thus people can't help. Not saying this is you but just pointing out something important. You don't have a lot of defense, so charging in ahead is not a good idea. Flanking from side and take out ranged or healer in the back might actually work better. or support your own healers and ranged by attacking enemy that likes to leap in on your team.


Matter of fact, any class getting focused will die fast.

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What I've seen most JK is that they like to charge in and get owned fast. If you leap in first, you'll get focused by everyone on their team.


Melee has the tendency of over extending too far from your own team and thus people can't help. Not saying this is you but just pointing out something important. You don't have a lot of defense, so charging in ahead is not a good idea. Flanking from side and take out ranged or healer in the back might actually work better. or support your own healers and ranged by attacking enemy that likes to leap in on your team.


Matter of fact, any class getting focused will die fast.


Perfectly agree with this. I tend to jump in on the edge of groups that are fighting, preferrably on a SI, push him back to interrupt his cast, and use Challenging Call to relieve some damage from my team mates. Dunno how good of a tactic it is compared to others, but it works for me.

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I know my sage has no issues. I jsut rip people apart from a distance, stun them, nail them, push them back.. and so on. I can even do serious damage to groups.



Seems the sentinel just is very lacking - we need to be able to slow people down from running away from us and or stun longer.



I think maybe the FOcus skill tree may be better, but over all every jedi class and sith melee class needs a way to keep people close and slo them down.. especially if we can be slowed so much and stunned so much our selve.s

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It just seems that anything they can do can be countered by every other class. They seem to have the worst CC as well. I mean, their stun applies its affect to them as well.


I think the guardian dps trees are even worse off.


We're fine.




That was in guard stance as dps. Dunno why i didn't get the 5k damage medal though. Even though i saw one that was over.

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I have a couple of problems with sentinel pvp, #1 being the biggest offender for sentinels, CC.


#1: Resolve is crap, if it actually did something before I died that would be great. If I were designing this every stun would have a chance to break(like a mez) when you take damage. The higher your resolve gets the greater the chance the stun will break when you take damage, or the less damage you have to take before the stun breaks. Once resolve capped any stun on you would automatically break.


#2: For a sentinel to kill someone they have to go through multiple global cooldowns before they can even get started. After leap you have to apply a snare and after that you have to generate some focus. This might not be a problem so much as a gripe.


#3: Bugged animations! Nothing bugs me more than having my master strike animation bug out and do nothing! This can happen for all attacks and happens all the time. Usually waste a global cooldown or two when this starts happening.

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What I've seen most JK is that they like to charge in and get owned fast. If you leap in first, you'll get focused by everyone on their team.


Melee has the tendency of over extending too far from your own team and thus people can't help. Not saying this is you but just pointing out something important. You don't have a lot of defense, so charging in ahead is not a good idea. Flanking from side and take out ranged or healer in the back might actually work better. or support your own healers and ranged by attacking enemy that likes to leap in on your team.


Matter of fact, any class getting focused will die fast.


Yes, yes, yes. Jedi Knight does not equate surviving 6 people while your team is catching up to your 30m charge.

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