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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Because when I play a game that came out almost in 2012 and the textures look muddier than most MMOs I've played, including ones that came out in 2007, I cant help but feel like the devs are setting their bar too low.


Ever heard of games releasing high texture packs after the initial launch of the game?



Crysis 2



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Why are people acting as if the High texture setting doesn't exist and we're just asking BW to add a mega-hi-def texture patch? They've removed anti-aliasing and high detail textures which are expected from any decent developer in 2012. This game has the capacity to look a lot better, and we know it does because it looks worse than it did in beta.
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Ever heard of games releasing high texture packs after the initial launch of the game?



Crysis 2




Have I mentioned that the textures are there!? Cause I think I did. The game is forcing them to render at half their size. They dont need to redo all the textures, just stop compressing them outside of cutscenes. If they want to release a high res pack for textures later, then thats even better.


The textures, by all means, are not high def anyways. They look very bland even when it cutscenes. The issue is that the textures look downright muddy while outside the cutscenes making them look even worse.


You can certainly see were they were going on with the settings. Low-Low textures on everything. Medium- Higher textures during cutscenes and compressed ones in game. High- Higher textures at all times. But at one point they went...."Meh..." and just cut everything for a two size solution. Low or medium, take your pic.

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Because when I play a game that came out almost in 2012 and the textures look muddier than most MMOs I've played, including ones that came out in 2007, I cant help but feel like the devs are setting their bar too low.


i disagree. just standing in Carrick Station looking at all angles at my character and other players characters I can see nice detail and lighting on their armor. my Jedi Sentinel cloak I got from Cademimu looks very nice.


i have played LOTRO since 2007 and they have ultra-high resolution settings with high res textures and i can tell you the models and gear in swtor look much more detailed then LOTRO.

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i disagree. just standing in Carrick Station looking at all angles at my character and other players characters I can see nice detail and lighting on their armor. my Jedi Sentinel cloak I got from Cademimu looks very nice.


i have played LOTRO since 2007 and they have ultra-high resolution settings with high res textures and i can tell you the models and gear in swtor look much more detailed then LOTRO.


That was five years ago...please don't tell me you're comparing the textures in a game from 2007 to a game in 2012.

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then your pc must be crap? on mine it looks really nice and i have a high end PC..


I have a 2500k, a 6870 and 8GB of DDR3 ram. I play at 1080p on my 42 inch television, at quite some distance from it. Like I would a console game. The textures look blurry/muddy, everyone in the guild Im in can see the issue.


If you cant notice it, chances are you haven't played a game that actually had high res textures. You can see a certain crispness in them that is severely lacking in this game.


e- http://lotrostylist.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/lotro-outfit-82d.jpg


This is a picture from a game that came out in 2007. To be fair, lotro has two clients. One that has high res textures built into it. Notice that you can atually see definition in the clothing. You can tell each thing apart, it doesn't look like everything is bleeding into itself. You might not like the actual style of the armor, thats your opinion. But you cant deny the fact that the armors textures are a whole lot sharper than the ones in this game right now.

Edited by Caonimah
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then your pc must be crap? on mine it looks really nice and i have a high end PC..


Opinions are nice and all, but anyone with semi-decent knowledge of video games and graphics can see there's an obvious lack of texture detail in this game right now. Flat, bland textures. This isn't an opinion thing, it's factual.

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Hate to break the news to you but thats not high res textures. Thats just lighting, the textures are the same but the lighting allows it to go more in detail. This was already broken down in another thread.


Lighting will not increase the pixel count or sharpen lines on starkly contrasting colours.





Look at the shoulder pad, the dark grey/green lines on white, you think lighting makes it go from horribly blocky and jaggy to smooth? I don't think it does at all.


I don't care what spiel we're given by official sources, there's enough of that already happening with other stuff which is just an attempt to sate the masses.

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Lighting will not increase the pixel count or sharpen lines on starkly contrasting colours.





Look at the shoulder pad, the dark grey/green lines on white, you think lighting makes it go from horribly blocky and jaggy to smooth? I don't think it does at all.


I don't care what spiel we're given by official sources, there's enough of that already happening with other stuff which is just an attempt to sate the masses.


This is correct. Anyone with a slight education in gaming graphics can see it's a matter of bumpmapping of some variety. The low-res version is flat, whereas the high-res actually juts out.

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This is correct. Anyone with a slight education in gaming graphics can see it's a matter of bumpmapping of some variety. The low-res version is flat, whereas the high-res actually juts out.


Its not even that.

Those textures are CLEARLY lower resoulution in the first screenshot.

Edited by Venares
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Just took these with the holocom trick.


http://i41.tinypic.com/2iqmo08.jpg - LOW

http://i40.tinypic.com/9auyah.jpg - HIGH


Just look at the wrists and belt for god sake and tell me there is no differnce :confused:

Edited by Venares
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IGN gave this game an 8.5 on graphics and they are usually pretty generous with that score even giving Portal 2 a 9.0 score on graphics. That was the lowest score in the review. I think we can all stop saying the graphics are great... And just think, how will the game stand up in a couple of years when most games will look quite impressive. Edited by ToonPhil
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I feel your pain guys. I took this issue up on the general chat on my server yesterday. I got flamed to bits. I was called a hater, a whiner, a loser, a nerd, that I was blind, ignorant and the med/high toggle worked and my hardware was ****, even though I am running the game at maximum settings on 1920x1080 with 4xAA FORCED. And after hearing of the latest PTR news I can say I am very disappointed to say the least.
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Stop posting hires vs lowres pictures everyone, it makes me wanna cry!



We're missing out, big time!


It's time BW acknowledge this issue. I know they will say "this is a complicated issue bla bla bla it will take time to fix bla bla bla might not work for everyone bla bla" but give us something at least!

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Stop posting hires vs lowres pictures everyone, it makes me wanna cry!



We're missing out, big time!


It's time BW acknowledge this issue. I know they will say "this is a complicated issue bla bla bla it will take time to fix bla bla bla might not work for everyone bla bla" but give us something at least!


I'd like them to at least explain why it's so hard, I don't understand why it would be if they were in the beta.

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