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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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From the PvE side:


We only have EV, which is a complete pushover except Hard-Mode/Nightmare SoA. Kraggas (sp?) is also a pushover in hard-mode as well. Moreover, if you full clear EV + Kraggas, your raid will be fully geared (mathematically) in approximately 4 clears. I think BioWare made items drop a little too liberally. I don't advocate an EQ-I style where 72 people vie for 1 item, but if everyone has the items they want... what's the point of subscribing?



I don't know, gearing alts, pvp, improved space combat, sandbox elements, social interactions. I personally would like to see a paradigm change and a move away from the lockout gear chase to keep people subscribed.

Edited by fro_do_fraggins
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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


Thing is, prior to buying and playing SWTOR the past weekend, I was wondering why Blizzie all of a sudden changed talent trees the way they did, and Combat Pet companions hmmm. Sound similar to SWTOR talent tree splits/class abilities and companions that fight with you, hmmm perhaps Blizzrad has yet again stolen ideas from rival MMO's prior to release.


All remember the Achievement system all of a sudden after WAR beta.


They are perpetual theives of good and innovative ideas.


I'm tired of WoW and Blizzards service the past year in particular, their attention to WoW has been a disgrace. Playing Ret for an entire year + before they fix the class from the lowest dps in the game with all their experience under their belt is terrible to say the least.


WoW is dying however the Diablo 3/WoW year subscription bundle shows they are desperate to show they have the "numbers" still.


SWTOR is thoroughly enjoyable and a breath of fresh air tbh, the interation system engrosses and can be hilarious/serious however you want to take it, very well done.

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The numbers in February are irrelevant. The numbers for March will be what matters. Initial excitement will carry over for the first paid month, but come the end of February, repeating the same non-class content will become a hurdle, and the high end content, ie what most players do for most of an expansion, will be tested. If there's stuff to do at high levels, leveling an alt will hold player attention. If there isn't a pot of gold at the end of the leveling rainbow, then it becomes much harder to justify playing a high level character or level an alt, and subscription numbers die off.


From what I've seen and read, I don't think the high level content will be there, and it's going to come down to how willing are people to repeat the same areas with slightly varied content. I know I'm not looking forward to that. EA/Bioware seems to be banking on the "replayability" aspect of this game, but with my story "choices" not affecting the world in any visible way, I personally can't get excited about leveling an Alt. It's a Hobson's choice, and at this point, I'd have to choose not to accept it.


I really want this game to succeed, because I can afford multiple subscription fees and realize if this game is good: A) It will be fun to play and B) Will force Bobby Kotick to stop diverting resources from WoW, which will make that game better. But EA has to show me it's going to put the money it made on the initial sales back into the game, and I don't see that yet.

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The numbers in February are irrelevant. The numbers for March will be what matters. Initial excitement will carry over for the first paid month, but come the end of February, repeating the same non-class content will become a hurdle, and the high end content, ie what most players do for most of an expansion, will be tested. If there's stuff to do at high levels, leveling an alt will hold player attention. If there isn't a pot of gold at the end of the leveling rainbow, then it becomes much harder to justify playing a high level character or level an alt, and subscription numbers die off.


From what I've seen and read, I don't think the high level content will be there, and it's going to come down to how willing are people to repeat the same areas with slightly varied content. I know I'm not looking forward to that. EA/Bioware seems to be banking on the "replayability" aspect of this game, but with my story "choices" not affecting the world in any visible way, I personally can't get excited about leveling an Alt. It's a Hobson's choice, and at this point, I'd have to choose not to accept it.


I really want this game to succeed, because I can afford multiple subscription fees and realize if this game is good: A) It will be fun to play and B) Will force Bobby Kotick to stop diverting resources from WoW, which will make that game better. But EA has to show me it's going to put the money it made on the initial sales back into the game, and I don't see that yet.


I see this game as two games in one. You play republic story, then Empire. Like you said the different classes per faction's story are slightly varied in the sense that the instance is 50 feet away from the other's instance. Its another solid game from BioWare, like all their other games you dont play them for 2 or 3+ months. Im curious how bad the population will spike in the comming months.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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2 million copies? Very nice.


This game is a home run I think anyway you slice it. Yeah some people ate up the content faster than envisioned and some people have issues.


Put simply for everyone who doesn't like the game there are probably 10 more who do, and are telling their friends all about it. This idea that there will be some huge drop off is silly at best. Learn a little bit about marketing pls.

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If they spent the claimed $300 million, and that was over a year ago, then they still haven't made a profit.


I seriously doubt most people will continue a subscription with the current game state (ie, buggy as hell and 0 end game content and broken combat etc etc). I hit 50 1/6, cancelled 1/8 myself.


As I posted in another thread a few days ago, this game gives off a serious DC Universe Online deja vu vibe.


You know what, ive come to the conclusion that this game didnt cost $300 million to make.


Or 200 million....


more like closer to 100 million.


So im thinking that they are pretty close to making a profit on the game allready. Good job BW...now fix all these dumb *** bugs so we can play your game without getting high blood preasure.

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I am glad that BW is making atleast some money back. They are a good company.


Sadly, in my opinion the game isn't worth subscriving to. I think it will do well the first couple of months but after that it will plummet pretty fast. There isn't anything to do really once you hit 50.


The game is lacking some very core stuff and other fluff that players want and need to play it for long. It will go the same path as other failed MMO's.

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Learn a little about MMO history.


lol maybe you should explain it to me. Sorry MMOs that actually suck failed. There is no rule that says every MMO will have a drastic decline.


You are simply living in fantasy land if you think this game is suddenly going to fail 1 month in.

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I and three others in my immediate family all love this game and have been playing it heavily. Now a number of our friends are buying it and joining up. I think the numbers will rise steadily for quite a while and subscriptions will not be falling off at any great rate as some have suggested. Personally, I can't even imagine playing WoW at this point, but that doesn't mean it is a bad game. We just played it into the ground since just after launch. I think any game you play that long is going to get a little tiresome. I do think WoW fell victim to the "give all the whiners everything they ask for" plague which made for all classes seeming too similar. I truly hope SWTOR does not go down that road.
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Sales don't really matter. What is important is how many people are still subscribed after 2-3 months. I don't think SWTOR is going to survive. But I don't really care if SWTOR is going to survive or not. I deinstalled it and probably will never install it again. :shrug:
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To people who are questioning why there are only x amount of users on when they are, think about the simple maths for a second.


2,000,000 (items sold) / 215 (amount of servers) = 9303 (rounding up)


9303 / 2 (factions) = 4652 users on any given server (rounding up)


4652 / 17 (number of planets) = 274 users on any given planet (rounding up)


So that would suggest around 274 users on your planet. Keep in mind this is in the extremely unlikely circumstance that EVERYONE who bought the game was online. Which is never the case. I think it would be sensible to suggest about a third (I think less but keeping the number fairly high) are online at any given time so that would make the figure about 91.


I'm not sure if instancing shares the population, for example on the planets I've visited I'm either in instance 1 or 2 of that planet. If it shares then you can half that number again to about 45. But even if it doesn't then 91 puts everything in a little more perspective don't you think.

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Ah i remember ALL the content wow ..warhammer..and well most every mmo i have played had at max lvl the first couple of months.


Hey wait a minute! they had about exactly the same content as SWTOR has now..wow deja vu ..And suddenly about 6months into the all those games lifespan they actually added MORE max lvl content..weird stuff huh.

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Everything about this game sucks. I *********** hate Wookies! lol...

Just playing. IMO this game is awsome. I haven't had this much fun with a video game since the release of Wow. Yeeeaapp... Drugs are bad for you and stay in school... ***********

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They like this game and are upset about alot of bugs that bring it down?


Logical fallacies help no one. stop it.


Oh boohoo, cry me a river, i feel no sympathy for these people because they don't understand how hard it is to make a game let alone an MMO, what about Bioware huh? Does anyone feel any sympathy for them? Does anyone show them respect for their hardwork? You spoiled kids need to go whine somewhere else, i know for a fact that nothing out there can make you happy.

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If I had a nickel for every MMO that had great initial sales and bombed after a few months due to bad retention, I'd probably have more money than Bioware.


LOL right. I'm sure you can compare this game to the likes of games like Conan. /smacks forehead.

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