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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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Armstech: The weapon damage of the Purple Wraith Elite Sniper is equal to the Green Wraith Elite Sniper (unless the purple has +power) on the "Ranged Damage" on the character pane, and as actual damage in my limited testing. The weapon damage on the item's tooltip is WRONG when compared to the character pane.


I'm not sure if this affects all purple weapons or just the Wraith Elite, I haven't had a chance to test more yet.


Tested with Fervor Wraith Elite Sniper (Supposedly Rating 124) & Wraith Elite Sniper (Rating 106) on my friends 50 sniper.


I just tested with the Fusion-X Blaster pistol as well - The purple does the same damage as its green counterpart.

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Could we also add to this list, the issue with tapped gathering nodes that players leave uncollected, and therefor remain useless for everyone indefinately.


This is a moronic design flaw. Several planets are saturated with inaccessable nodes at any given time. Dromand Kaas and Coruscant have less than 50% of their nodes accessable half the time.


This is mostly due to simple ignorance or impatience on the part of the players who tap them, but it has the potential for malicious exploitation to manipulate market prices by decreasing supply.


All that needs to be done is to have the node reset if it is not collected after being tapped...simple.

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Nice write up, completely agree that PVP gear at the moment is way to easy to get. This game really has brought the welfare gear up a notch.


Crafted gear should be better than pvp gear, or make pvp gear alot harder to obtain. No one currently in their right mind will run ops, get their crafting high e.t.c because you can go into mindless pvp matches, who cares if you win or lose, sit around, die e.t.c. because its not hard to get the pvp gear.


I hope they tweak this somehow, make crafting alot more usefull at end game as you said you would.

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Underworld Trading seem to be a bit heavy on companion gift missions, been getting one metal mission tops at a time for the past 2 days now (in rank 3 and 4).


I wouldn't call this a bug, rather it's probably a case of bad RNG on my side. :mad:

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Could we also add to this list, the issue with tapped gathering nodes that players leave uncollected, and therefor remain useless for everyone indefinately.


This is a moronic design flaw. Several planets are saturated with inaccessable nodes at any given time. Dromand Kaas and Coruscant have less than 50% of their nodes accessable half the time.


This is mostly due to simple ignorance or impatience on the part of the players who tap them, but it has the potential for malicious exploitation to manipulate market prices by decreasing supply.


All that needs to be done is to have the node reset if it is not collected after being tapped...simple.


Supposed to be fixed already a while ago but I still see it happen as well. I'll add it to the list.

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I just make a new thread in General that got moved to Suggestions within 5 mins of posting, but the email that I sent to communitysupport@swtor several days ago about WHY THIS THREAD ISN'T STICKY ANYMORE still goes unanswered. Gotta love how that works :(. Edited by Rhaphael
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I would consider the missing synthweaving recipies for light armour also a bug, starting with level 13 light armour leg piece (medium and heavy armour have a leg piece recipe in their list) and going up according to some posts:





I've been noticing the lack of schematics for barrels in armstech as well,namely a total lack of skill barrels before around level 33.

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I'd just like to bump the topic with info on the biochem exotech recipes.


About a month ago i noticed the bug and reported it, the report was removed. filed 2 new reports about a week ago and got a reply from a CS-support "droid" together with a chat, apparently they have no date for the fix, but atleast they seemed aware of the issue.


Personally i think the recipe isn't bugged, but instead they haven't properly balanced it yet and thus it's not implemented properly... Dunno why they'd add the recipe...



Kinda the same issue as with rakata (t3) weapons being underleveled compared to other weapons, again i think this is a balance issue more than anything, otherwise it should have been fixed by now.


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How about the bug where Biochem is the only crafting skill worth anything at all at endgame? No other crafting skill even comes close to the benefits provided by Biochem.


this is offtopic but...

I do agree that biochem is the best, however getting augment slots on rakata wrists and belts isn't too horrible when you think about it is it? AND you can still use the single-use items that biochems make, i make those for guildies all the time at craftingcosts (more or less). Cybertechs are the ones worst off since you buy rakata earpieces for daily comms and nades are lulz...


I'd like the rakata grade recipes for all professions to have very high augment slot chances.

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[*]When companions return from a mission while you're browsing the GTN the resulting popup window closes the GTN. This can be very annoying especially when it happens multiple times in a row. Please consider adding them to the pending rewards list instead.


This is really becoming a hot issue with me. This can happen while in battle, in the AH (which is especially annoying after making a bunch of options), PvP, etc.


This can easily be fixed by adding a UI option for crew skills.


Crew Skill Mission Rewards: Allow Pop up or Go Straight To Pending


This doesnt have to affect Quest Rewards in other areas of the game, just for the Crew skill return pop ups.


Everyone I have talked to in the guild and other guilds, not one person likes how the pop ups are implemented.


Please consider changing how this works. As much as I dislike the AH interface and how it works, I can live with it as long as those pop ups stop interfering with my shopping and battles.


Thank you

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This doesnt have to affect Quest Rewards in other areas of the game, just for the Crew skill return pop ups.


Unless the way that the craft return works is that it IS a quest completion.

Just not a quest that shows up on your quest tracker.


With the state of some of the features it wouldn't surprise me if this was the case.

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Thank you for the thread, good reading and mostly good notes.


Some personal notes:


I, with two Cybertech characters on different servers, do not want the Cybertech speeders or other novelty perks made BoE as that would further devalue the skill.


What's needed is more such unique perks given to other crafting skills, as well as making products competitive with vendor items and mission rewards obviously.


Also, I would absolutely not want materials or items ending up in storage. That would be a major pain, since I don't have constant access to my storage bays and those are pretty consistently full anyway.

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When browsing schematics on the GTN there is no way to see if you have already learned a particular schematic. It would be nice if this would show somehow, like having schematics you know become greyed out, or having "already known" in the popup of the item it creates.


That's not quite true. I've found a workaround. You can drag the crafting skill icon from the top part of the crew panel to a quickbar slot. When in the GTN, close your inventory window, then click on the icon. You will now be able to see your schematics.

Edited by Owsley
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*NEW since Patch 1.1* Every time you craft an item you get the following message on screen "There are no missions defined for xxx" (substitute xxx for your crafting skill).


And not getting Skill ups on my Alt chars since i hit 400 crafting on my main char.


Stuck now at 232 Artifice and 222 Armortech


No matter what i produce (level and colourwise)

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I've been crafting on my artificer and noticed something odd with offhand focus recipes (only low level as I've just started).I have 3 or 4 level 31 focus schematics and they all have exactly the same stats.Am I bugged or is it the same for everyone else?
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If you really intend to keep up with this...


While doing the profession mission for troopers, 40ish level, where you go to an imp ship and destroy a super weapon, a companion, Aric in my case gets injured and becomes unavailable. While unavailable, I was unable to have Elara craft biochem items. This occured when she was my called companion and when she was not. Other companions could craft.


Insanely minor bug but a master list is a master list....I would also suggest to move the bug list up on the OP and have the 'player suggestions' after it that are not related to bugs but seem to focus on content issues and playability.

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