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Why aren't we allowed to complain?


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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment. Someone asked me, the other day, to give my run down of SWTOR, WoW and Rift and this is what I came up with:


Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding)

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP

SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size'

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


I do not care if WoW came out in the year 2004, the fact is we're in 2012 and many of the things SWTOR currently lacks WoW had, and was praised for (smoothness of combat) during it's initial first few months of launch. My accurate breakdown of WoW, Rift and SWTOR doesn't make SWTOR any less of a game, for me. I want SWTOR to succeed, but it needs to be brought up to present day expectations.

Edited by Cranberries
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A lot of "white knight" fan boi's who think anyone with their own opinion that doesn't suit there's is a "troll". That is why people aren't allowed to complain or give critical feedback and opinions...


I see a lot of people complaining about "qq's and trolls" when there is about 10 to 1 of these white knighters around.

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you obviously do not like this game


..so why are you here posting this?


Go play Hello Panda Adventure or whatever you want. You aren't forced to play this.


I don't like WoW anymore and haven't played in months, but I don't go post on the WoW forums about how I dislike it so much.



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you obviously do not like this game


..so why are you here posting this?


Go play Hello Panda Adventure or whatever you want. You aren't forced to play this.


I don't like WoW anymore and haven't played in months, but I don't go post on the WoW forums about how I dislike it so much.




Here is one of those white knight people I just talked about.

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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment.


This is exactly how I feel.


No idea about other MMOs though since this is my first. But that means nothing... just means I get to take a point from where I don't compare it.




Our first '30 days free trial' is beta...

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funny you say people arent allowed to complain..but all i see are complaints..some legit..some proposterously stupid...


no one says you CANT complain..but understand that when you complain there will be people with different opinions that you have by sake of posting on the forums allowed to voice their opinions..


you can not expect to be heard without hearing everyone else.

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A lot of "white knight" fan boi's who think anyone with their own opinion that doesn't suit there's is a "troll". That is why people aren't allowed to complain or give critical feedback and opinions...


I see a lot of people complaining about "qq's and trolls" when there is about 10 to 1 of these white knighters around.


There is a big difference between complaining and critical feedback. A complaint is just an expression of unhappiness, critical feedback INCLUDES possible fixes to said unhappiness. What I've seen here (on the forums anywa) is, a majority of complaints, and a minority of feedback. If more of the complaints contained the feedback part of the equation, then there would perhaps be less negativity, and maybe even more importantly, more listening and positive response.


*edited for excessive use of perhaps - lol@ me

Edited by Annedromeda
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A lot of "white knight" fan boi's who think anyone with their own opinion that doesn't suit there's is a "troll". That is why people aren't allowed to complain or give critical feedback and opinions...


I see a lot of people complaining about "qq's and trolls" when there is about 10 to 1 of these white knighters around.


most of the "white knight" people are just sick of people complaining that the game isnt exactly like WoW....if you doubt me, I could pull up dozens of links proving my point, but I really don't feel like it...you can look for yourself.


2 different games.


Play or don't play. It's as simple as that.

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Because so many people can't give constructive criticism, and would much rather troll. For example:


This game is a complete failure at the moment.


Was that constructive? I think not. Was it a troll? Considering the words complete and failure applied to something I am thoroughly enjoying, yes.

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Accurate in what sense? Your perspective and opinion?


What is evident in the games enlisted. Do you think I'm wrong? Because I'll laugh at your feeble attempts to belittle my arguments as to why I listed each in order in each respective category.

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This game is a complete failure at the moment.
To answer the title question, it's because of exaggerations like this one that some people mock the "doom sayers".


The game has flaws, yes, but it's far from a complete failure.

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From the EA Louse saga of 2010, which clicks a lot in hindsight:



"And you know what they're most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That's the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas, they're panicking, and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can't keep pushing back launch."


Myself? I'll continue to play and champion causes and hope they improve. Right now, though, the community interaction isn't helping the case.

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I don't mind valid complaints, but there are some trolls out there and lots of rage opinions. Some people actually explain why they think something is a problem for them with examples and explanations without using exaggerations.

Those criticisms I can only appreciate.


Sadly most complaint threads have too much of the following elements:


Provocative language. This generally leads to people thinking you are a troll.


Exaggerations of their own importance or the the extent of the problem. (I am a goldman analyst....sure)


Exaggerations on how many people agree with them (everybody knows...)


Opinions without explanations. (This sucks, that sucks) They say what they think is wrong but not how or why. Nothing good can come of this because BW can read this but still not fix anything because you didn't say where the problem really lies.


Rage against the company. BW hate is very childish at best. (BW hates their fans etc). Again without any clear explanations of how and why.



So, it's not that you or I are not allowed to complain or criticize, but it's mostly the how.

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The game is still in beta. This much is obvious. There are a ton of bugs which make the game incomplete.


Why are so many people against other people complaining about legitimate issues? This game is a complete failure at the moment. Someone asked me, the other day, to give my run down of SWTOR, WoW and Rift and this is what I came up with:


Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding)

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP

SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size'

WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG

SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


I do not care if WoW came out in the year 2004, the fact is we're in 2012 and many of the things SWTOR currently lacks WoW had, and was praised for (smoothness of combat) during it's initial first few months of launch. My accurate breakdown of WoW, Rift and SWTOR doesn't make SWTOR any less of a game, for me. I want SWTOR to succeed, but it needs to be brought up to present day expectations.


Why do you ONLY compare it to the huge MMOs? That's like only comparing Eisenhower to FDR and Abraham Lincoln, and saying since he's not as good as them IN SOME AREAS, that therefore he's a failure. He may not have been the BEST president ever, but he was still a GREAT president.


SWTOR is not a "complete failure" because "cutting edge raiders" like you say so. It has flaws, if you'd experienced many MMO launches, you'd know that most have way more flaws than this game does. Not to mention, did you see how quick they got on top of the PvP issues? One month later and they're saying (hope it's true) they're going to fix pretty much every PvP issue there is (at least most). I doubt it will take them long to get on top of the ability delay and the FPS issues some people have.


Besides, I at the least don't have a problem with people saying the game has flaws. I have a problem with those people blowing the issues out of proportion -- like you, "failure" eh? Tell that to the majority of people who love it, like myself and the hundreds of thousands playing the game. You're just like the people who call ability delay "game-breaking", which makes me wonder if they (like you) are thinking BEFORE they type.

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Was that constructive? I think not. Was it a troll? Considering the words complete and failure applied to something I am thoroughly enjoying, yes.


I don't know how to fix the mess Bioware has created. I'm not a programmar, nor do I pretend to be one. I do know that animation length is largely to do with the combat system being wildly unresponsive and slow, but I have no idea how to fix it other than "allow clipping" (what WoW does, hence their incredibly smooth combat system).


What people fail to remember is this: SWTOR does the aestethics of a game well, they do the core gameplay, mechanics and basic functions however rather poorly. This is my gripe with the game. The majority seem to be content, and pleased, that the game appeals to aestethics users rather than users who strive for good (read=complete, working, smooth) gameplay.

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Id really just like the servers to be up at night so I can play. Three nights in a row now I can't play because of patching (I work a late shift)......


So, I think it's fair to express concern. I like the game when I can actually play it, but I rarely can get on lately.


Also, I don't care for the customer service. I'm not interested in comparing it to other games, I don't really even care about all these "advanced player" gripes about balance etc.. that's just a lot of noise to me, but I can respect the perspective. I think what most people would like is to be able to play and have better customer service.

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What is evident in the games enlisted. Do you think I'm wrong? Because I'll laugh at your feeble attempts to belittle my arguments as to why I listed each in order in each respective category.


So, if I had a difference of opinion, it's already discounted as 'feeble'? And you complain about people's reactions?

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This game is a complete failure at the moment


Nice opinion op, sorry you are not enjoying the game. I however am.

You have every right to a opinion but I disagree with it, I think the game has been a sucess so far.


It has issues, and it has bugs. I still have fun regardless.

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There's a huge difference between well reasoned complaints and whining like a spoiled little 4 year old that just needs a good spanking.


One is useful to the developers and helps them to address issues, the other is just trolling and pisses off the far larger majority of people who are actually enjoying the game and aren't experiencing the supposed "rampant" problems that seem to affect a small number of people.

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