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How will the SWTOR financial crisis hurt you and me?


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Personally I don't care. I may be a minority but it doesn't affect my gaming experience at all.


If they are tracked down and punished by BW then fine but I wont lose sleep over some other players exploiting the game and being filthy rich.


this...is the mind of a mature and intelligent being...it doesnt matter in the long run, unless you are a few of those people that need to have the most money to have the biggest Epeen..then it might matter a bit..but really just wait they will be punished.

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The amount of time you're spending complaining about the credits other people have you could instead be spending getting more credits for yourself. As far as crafted items go, it's not unreasonable to level a character to 10 and camp them on the fleet of your respective faction as a crafting bot, sending a small amount of credits to that character as a seed value can result in basically maxxing a trade skill and being self-sufficient.


Also, real-world economics don't work in MMOs. They're post-scarcity, a situation only seen in science fiction.

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They have tools that can let them see all of this. The guilty are probably sticking out like sore thumbs, and might even be making moves that can easily be tracked to identify themselves.


What's more, the fact that it's been let go on so long could mean they were tracking this in advance to gather intel on who to individually nerf.


This stuff is easy with database tools. Simple searches give you the basic hit list, then you just start doing some individual account analytics on certain behaviors. If they don't have these tools, or couldn't write them in a day (at least for database queries and analysis routines), I would be VERY surprised.

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At that rate it would take around 1500 days for you to earn the same amount that some of the cheating players have. Now do you see the problem? They literally have hundreds of millions credits.


I think it would be perfectly fair to ban anyone with over 30 million credits. There's no way anyone has earned that much legitimately at this point.


The hard part is to catch the smart cheaters, the ones that only cheat to a point where you can't tell if they cheated or did it legitimately. People that are sitting on like 15 million credits right now. It's certainly possible they earned that much legitimately, although not likely.

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This is probably the best solution with a little tweak. My advice is to delete "any credit value above 1 million credits" for level 50 chars, and anything above 200.000 for lvl 25 and lower.

The obvious storagespace for credits is new level 1-6 characters, so any character at level 1-6 with credits above 100.000 should be investigated.


Yeah, great way to piss off all the active crafters and merchants and get them to quit the game. I barely craft or use the marker, yet I made 50k in just 3-4 days only crafting 2-3 items in a dozen. My char just passed level 26 but I could have done this earlier on level 11-18 all the same. No to mention your "Investigation" idea is silly, because everything you mentioned could easily be made by a player who just mailed his second/new character credits for easy start.

Edited by joriandrake
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30M credits won't be much in a year. The economy is in no way ruined. Even if someone has like 1 trillion credits at hand, how should he spend it? Buy everything there is on the AH and resell for 1 credit?


Nothing will happen. In a couple of weeks you won't even remember the exploit.

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THis would be in issue if there was credit.



But there isnt so the simple fact is people can only speed what they have. So what your saying is cause some people cheated and now have a ton of money they are going to be the only ones able to buy and sell cause they can afford it were as cause we didnt cheat we dont have the cash we cant.



Yea that will work for a whole month.



There are epic money sinks already ingame they might not be as clear as 220k for speeder training but they are there. Money is easy to make when your not grinding crew or crafting or having to upgrade gear.



Wana see a hack AH system and what it really can do go play DCUO.

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A bunch of people exploited the system and have way more money than everyone else.


I work my butt off and I'm still poor.


Sounds like real life.





Word. I barely make enough to upgrade my skills. I was happy I had 15K extra my last level to buy two pieces of moddable gear from the AH

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Word. I barely make enough to upgrade my skills. I was happy I had 15K extra my last level to buy two pieces of moddable gear from the AH


You are doing something wrong, try looting or something. Either that or try not to buy everything on sight. My 15th level smuggler has 20k, hell my 42nd sentinel has 250k with all my gear in blue+ status.

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this...is the mind of a mature and intelligent being...it doesnt matter in the long run, unless you are a few of those people that need to have the most money to have the biggest Epeen..then it might matter a bit..but really just wait they will be punished.


You're my favourite poster now :D

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