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What-- no bio?


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Its a roleplay tool, they stopped bothering with that sort of thing after Lotro. Don't want to sound negative but I think roleplayers need to wake up to what has happened to MMO's and fight for what we once had.


Or cope without it. Maybe instead, we could just ask people about them, after establishing a healthy, friendly relationship. >.>

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Its a roleplay tool, they stopped bothering with that sort of thing after Lotro. Don't want to sound negative but I think roleplayers need to wake up to what has happened to MMO's and fight for what we once had.


Bios are bad for RP. There is absolutely no reason that another character should have the depth of knowledge about another character that the standard bio details.


I really hate when people expect me to know their character's personal history, habits, goals, and maybe even name when they walk up to me. If those don't come out in emotes and dialog, then I don't even want to know about it OOC.

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The only good RP use of bios is as added descriptions for character, such as "Has a scar on left cheek" "walks with a limp" "has a single eye missing"... basicly things you can see or notice instantly that the game mechanics do not let you portray. There is no need to have your character's detailed history for all to view, it makes no sense IC for me to walk up to you and know you were bullied by a twi'lek as a child and that's why you joined the military.


My character *does* have a full bio with history, character traits and quirks. I keep it as a document on my computer for reference so as not to contradict myself. Only other people who have seen it are my RP guild's leadership who looked it over to make sure it made sense. Everyone else has to work that stuff out by asking.

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Most of the Bios I have read in games that had them seemed more like bad fanfics 90% of the time so I'm not really missing this feature. I think it is better for RP if I have to ICly ask stuff about the character rather than just knowing them from the bio
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No need for bio's.



90% of all bio's:


If you're Republic, your parents were killed in the war by a ruthless squad of Imperials. Also, your dog was killed.


If you're Imperial, you were a slave raised by an evil Sith Lord. You killed the dog to prove your loyalty to the Sith Lord.

Edited by Bryyn
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