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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Huge economy exploit surfaces] - what will be BIOWARE's next move?


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Dear community, I urge you all to contribute your thoughts to this topic as frequently as possible.


As many of you know by now, SWTOR's recent patch removed some serious financial exploit which have caused economies on all of the game's servers to be badly damaged. Players was able to, naturally, generate infinite amounts of credtis to meet all their possible and impossible needs.

More info can be found here:


In my humble opinion, many people (me included), upon realising inequity of this "little" problem, will be "in thought", to say the least.

When we talking about some kind of PVP exploiting, or even little PVE exploiting (like recent /getdown bug), this is tolerable, because "main stream" of players is unaffected. But when we talking about MMORPG server's economy, this poses a very huge threat to all its inhabitants, because it is bread and butter of the game. Those who think otherwise may want to ignore this post and do something else instead.


So, it rises 2 critical questions to Bioware:


1. Firstly, what measures will be taken against exploiters?


2. Secondly, but more importantly, how do you intend to combat those tricky types who used evasive maneuvres of washing off those illegal credits ( using throwaway accounts, GTN transactions, in-game mail etc)?


Let us not allow this dire situation to be resolved by temporary suspension, which really not help much.


What I personally like to see:

1. Temporary/Permabans to exploiters (really people, you should've known what you're doing in advance), theirs throwaway and main accounts.

2. Withdrawal of all illegal creds from circulation.

Edited by Chompski
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Warhammer online had a duping bug known about for a long time, once it surfaced to prominance the lethargic devs went on a mad banning spree, banning whole guilds even if some people within them never used the exploit and this was on a dying MMO so if I was one of the exploiters I would be VERY afraid about now because its all easily trackable
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I agree, this is illegal and should be punished...


I also don't understand the fun in this... You just get millions of credits, what's it all worth then... The fun in this game is about becoming stronger every day, by playing it consistently, and if you want to buy something, you got to earn the credits first!!!



Sadly, another problem for Bioware, there hands are already full (or should be full) with the lag problems... By the time they have solved that, the money is probably gone or untraceable... :(:(:(

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The first patch broke the slicing skill.

The second patch broke exploits.

The third patch broke more exploits.


Eight hours every time, at least, to resolve... NOTHING of the game itself. I don't care about exploits. I care about trying to play and if i can't harvest anything and Bioware is more troubled about the exploits... we've a problem. How many players are affected by the exploits? And how many about the lots of bugs?

More work for the players please.

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The first patch broke the slicing skill.

The second patch broke exploits.

The third patch broke more exploits.


Eight hours every time, at least, to resolve... NOTHING of the game itself. I don't care about exploits. I care about trying to play and if i can't harvest anything and Bioware is more troubled about the exploits... we've a problem. How many players are affected by the exploits? And how many about the lots of bugs?

More work for the players please.


you sir have no idea how much these exploit affect everyone ingame. EVERYONE! The economy is so RUINED it will never be as intended anymore, at least if the numbers of money which was generated by these exploiters are true. they have to punish those people so it hurts and delete all the money which is in circulation from their exploiting.

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err... you're kidding, right?


I'm also interested...


So, it's more important than people win his/her money legally... like with the sliding ability, isn't it?

I don't care about economic exploits. So what? Thousands of players have billions of credits, and?

I'm more concern about the overpowered jedi and sith on PvP. Has any cry exploit baby played on PvP matches? There's eight of every ten players with Force powers. And if you're not one of them... you can't do anything on the match. The team with more Force users win everytime. Thats a BIG problem. And the system that matchs 12 level players with 50 level players... oh yes, your stats are up but... the 50 level has ALL his/her attacks and if you're alone you haven't any posibility. So, that's a problem that unbalance the game.


So, what, people has a lot of money, and? What can they buy? Ships? Updates? Gear?

The PvP gear can only be bought with points obtained in matches.

The game doesn't work economically since the beginning, and not because of the exploits. It's because in six years they haven't thought about it. How can be posible that you compare jedi and bountyhunter rewards? Jedi don't need money, BH make theirs live with it. But the two wins the same amount of credits, that's not realistic.

And, no, i've never used any exploit on my life and don't plan on use them in the near future. :D


There's a lot of problems more important in the game.


And nobody has ever demostrated why the slice ability was bad for the economy or why the exploits in THIS game are affecting the economy so bad. More examples and less cries please.

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While there is and was an exploit, and some inner circle did abuse it. The actual number is being way overblown, as no one has any first hand knowledge or prove of how much damage was actually done.


All the info has come from second hand source.


Also it very easy to find a character with a 100 million credits and either ban it or take it all away.


So even if they use another account to do all thge expoit they still have to transfer it to thier main. and if they don't want thier main to get ban it won't be holding alot of credits.


Pretty sure most of these "hack" credits are going to0 get removed.

Edited by NewbieLam
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I'm also interested...


So, it's more important than people win his/her money legally... like with the sliding ability, isn't it?

I don't care about economic exploits. So what? Thousands of players have billions of credits, and?

I'm more concern about the overpowered jedi and sith on PvP. Has any cry exploit baby played on PvP matches? There's eight of every ten players with Force powers. And if you're not one of them... you can't do anything on the match. The team with more Force users win everytime. Thats a BIG problem. And the system that matchs 12 level players with 50 level players... oh yes, your stats are up but... the 50 level has ALL his/her attacks and if you're alone you haven't any posibility. So, that's a problem that unbalance the game.


So, what, people has a lot of money, and? What can they buy? Ships? Updates? Gear?

The PvP gear can only be bought with points obtained in matches.

The game doesn't work economically since the beginning, and not because of the exploits. It's because in six years they haven't thought about it. How can be posible that you compare jedi and bountyhunter rewards? Jedi don't need money, BH make theirs live with it. But the two wins the same amount of credits, that's not realistic.

And, no, i've never used any exploit on my life and don't plan on use them in the near future. :D


There's a lot of problems more important in the game.


And nobody has ever demostrated why the slice ability was bad for the economy or why the exploits in THIS game are affecting the economy so bad. More examples and less cries please.


First of all, the fact that you don't understand how this would screw over entire servers means you should stay away from the topic.

Second, the case you're trying to make about force users being overpowered, and lower levels not having a chance... well it's just plain wrong, so please stop, you're embarassing yourself. Well, true level 50s have quite an advantage, but they are fixing that with the new 50 brackets, so that shouldn't be a concern anymore. Apart from that, your entire post is just wrong.

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I concur. It's like anything else in life - play by the rules or beware the consequences.


You ever heard the quote winners MAKE the rules and loser live by them?


I just wanted to throw that quote in there, but yes I agree farmers need to be dealt a back hand to the face.

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It took them like 20 days before they find out about the exploit...


If they don't punish these exploiters, I'm out.


Bioware is really one big mess, look at warhammer...


How would you know if they did or didn't? BW can just say that they ban everyone and their mother that used the exploit.


If you are going to leave just leave, don't try to make a fuss about it.

Edited by NewbieLam
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I'm also interested...


So, it's more important than people win his/her money legally... like with the sliding ability, isn't it?

I don't care about economic exploits. So what? Thousands of players have billions of credits, and?

I'm more concern about the overpowered jedi and sith on PvP. Has any cry exploit baby played on PvP matches? There's eight of every ten players with Force powers. And if you're not one of them... you can't do anything on the match. The team with more Force users win everytime. Thats a BIG problem. And the system that matchs 12 level players with 50 level players... oh yes, your stats are up but... the 50 level has ALL his/her attacks and if you're alone you haven't any posibility. So, that's a problem that unbalance the game.


So, what, people has a lot of money, and? What can they buy? Ships? Updates? Gear?

The PvP gear can only be bought with points obtained in matches.

The game doesn't work economically since the beginning, and not because of the exploits. It's because in six years they haven't thought about it. How can be posible that you compare jedi and bountyhunter rewards? Jedi don't need money, BH make theirs live with it. But the two wins the same amount of credits, that's not realistic.

And, no, i've never used any exploit on my life and don't plan on use them in the near future. :D


There's a lot of problems more important in the game.


And nobody has ever demostrated why the slice ability was bad for the economy or why the exploits in THIS game are affecting the economy so bad. More examples and less cries please.


Hehe. Don't see a problem here I'm afraid. I was always thinking that force users are in VERY big disadvantage and team that don't have range classes as support will fail.


As example. I play as Bounty Hunter and I do play warzone matches. And gues what. I'm almost always in top 5 players on the list. More to that. At first place there is often Bounty Hunter. How is that ?

Simple. When mele classes run around trying to kill each other what I do ?


1. I use "death from above" and deal massive damage to them

2. I use "light them up" that do less damage BUT put them on fire dealing damage over time

3. I use missile that stick to one of them, explode and do damage to the group

4. Then I select weakest target (or any of there is too much chaos) and use unload. Most powerfull skill in my arsenal.

5. Then I use tracer missiles. They do good amount of damage, don't cost too much and they... reset my unload so I can use my most powerfull skill one time after another!


Sometimes mele attack me. That's good right ? They should have advantage right ? Wrong. First of all, all matches on planets (1 vs 1) - i win. I won against some troopers, shadows, assasins and warriors. Never lost pvp on the planet.

On group PVP i go down only if i'm already damaged OR more than one enemy with full HP attack me.


Why ? Because I don't mind throwing people into fire or acid in hutball. Not a problem. I always take high ground. I use push back AND then I stun them. Sometimes work, sometimes dont.

I spam tracer and heat seekind missiles and because tracer missiles reset cooldown (30% - quite hight) i can often use my most powerfull attack.


I also often use ability to decloack enemies and often I catch them with this ability and then i release hell on their ***.


Right now ONLY class that I have problem with is smuggler and imperial agent in pvp. Problem is that these classes using combination of few skills (when they are in cloak) can take 40-60% of HP ON START while you can't do anything to them. That's the only problem. If they catch you off guard you are dead for sure.


I thing that force users have biggest problem here. But you can't win a match with them IF you don't have your own force users that will clash with them. Bounty hunter and agent should fight from second line. Bounty hunter can fight in first line only 1vs1. No class can fight 2vs1 BUT at least mele classess can lure enemies so you can deal massive damage using AOE.


Also I think that Bounty Hunter is so overpowered BECAUSE of force users.

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Why wouldn't they fix it earlier then? Makes no sense...


devs didn't know about it until today.


ppl have amassed 20 million credits or more spread over multiple alts and have no need for this anymore so they released the info to the public.

Edited by xioix
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The first patch broke the slicing skill.

The second patch broke exploits.

The third patch broke more exploits.


Eight hours every time, at least, to resolve... NOTHING of the game itself. I don't care about exploits. I care about trying to play and if i can't harvest anything and Bioware is more troubled about the exploits... we've a problem. How many players are affected by the exploits? And how many about the lots of bugs?

More work for the players please.


Edited by Dracsoul
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2. Withdrawal of all illegal creds from circulation.

That's just not possible.


Some of these credits have been turned into various mats and goods by paying for crew skill missions. And some of those goods have been bought by other players who have equipped them or used them to craft stuff, etc. I don't think having some of your gear being suddenly deleted because it was tainted by money duped by other people would be a very popular move.


Some of these credits have bought stuff off the gtn from other players, too. Then they used those credits to buy things, and so on. You can't revert all that stuff without penalizing players who never did any exploiting themselves.


Banning people who used the exploit is a no brainer, but fixing the effects it had on the economy is far from easy.

Edited by Zlodo
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Dear community, I urge you all to contribute your thoughts to this topic as frequently as possible.


As many of you know by now, SWTOR's recent patch removed some serious financial exploit which have caused economies on all of the game's servers to be badly damaged. Players was able to, naturally, generate infinite amounts of credtis to meet all their possible and impossible needs.

More info can be found here:


In my humble opinion, many people (me included), upon realising inequity of this "little" problem, will be "in thought", to say the least.

When we talking about some kind of PVP exploiting, or even little PVE exploiting (like recent /getdown bug), this is tolerable, because "main stream" of players is unaffected. But when we talking about MMORPG server's economy, this poses a very huge threat to all its inhabitants, because it is bread and butter of the game. Those who think otherwise may want to ignore this post and do something else instead.


So, it rises 2 critical questions to Bioware:


1. Firstly, what measures will be taken against exploiters?


2. Secondly, but more importantly, how do you intend to combat those tricky types who used evasive maneuvres of washing off those illegal credits ( using throwaway accounts, GTN transactions, in-game mail etc)?


Let us not allow this dire situation to be resolved by temporary suspension, which really not help much.


What I personally like to see:

1. Temporary/Permabans to exploiters (really people, you should've known what you're doing in advance), theirs throwaway and main accounts.

2. Withdrawal of all illegal creds from circulation.


I can positivly say this exploit does not effect me of many other thousands of customers at this time because myself and many thousands of other customers cannot really play this game because of the serious issues which prevent us, FPS is probably the predominant issue and really needs priority, doesn't seem that way, but on the brighter side, all those of you who have been having the long queue waiting times, soon, when the free 30 subcription runs dry, you will no longer have that problem because many thousand customers who cannot really play as intended will walk away and maybe when the MAJOR game breaking issues for those customers gets addressed some may even return.. I hope these exploits are not stressing you too much and ruining your happy place, at least you can enjoy the game you paid for..

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