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Sith Assassin? Weakest PVP Class?


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The unfortunate things about Assassins in PvP, only builds that spec as mainly darkness are really efficient. Deception's got decent damage output, but no survivability at all. Madness does even more damage then Deception, but requires a lot of dot spamming.
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I tend to not use maul myself (due the reason that if it's a none crit it wont hit for much) unless i got my surge stim up and recklessness (then i know it's probably a 5k+ garantueed crit) Stun from stealth (if it's up), x2 voltaic slash , shock , discharge then start on the voltaic again usually leaves your target around less than 30% and for that you got assassinate at the cost of only 25 focus.


You use Maul only with Recklessness ? Not like Recklessness affects Maul in any way...sorry dude.

We are still at the fact that Recklessness does not fix anything, since it only affects force abilities like Discharge and Shock etc..


Not only assassins have the problem of being very dependant on crit chance, it applies for many classes, yet I do not care.

I am playing an assassin and I want to be good if I play as I should. Yet what matters the most is the luck factor with critical strikes.


In my opinion such a game breaking fail design has to be hot fixed but BioWare doesn't give a crap about it so far. No future plans announced, no nothing and no I won't buy game card to just hope that it's gonna get fixed. Really good game, with a really bad development team imo.

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A lvl 50 assy/shadow in expertise gear should lead Warzones in damage. They can effectively take down any class 1v1 with the biggest challenge coming from scoundrel/operatives (really depends on cool downs, should be an even fight if both are fresh)


If you think the assy/shadow is weak for end game PvP you need to look at your talent trees and think of a new build.

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A lvl 50 assy/shadow in expertise gear should lead Warzones in damage. They can effectively take down any class 1v1 with the biggest challenge coming from scoundrel/operatives (really depends on cool downs, should be an even fight if both are fresh)


If you think the assy/shadow is weak for end game PvP you need to look at your talent trees and think of a new build.


No they shouldn't, nor will they. They do fantastic single target, but it's not nearly as effective as a lesser damage class who can keep more time on target because they're ranged.


But as far as damage goes, AoE classes like Powertechs take the cake.

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A good assassin can beat any class in the game, but will have difficulty with tanks. You can interrupt lock healers for 15-20 seconds at a time by rotating abilities properly and not filling their resolve immediately with stun/sap and do high burst/kite other melee at will with proper use of low slash and your slow.


It's just not very easy to do well. If you want faceroll spam DPS, roll a commando/mercenary turret and get your grav round/tracer missile button ready for action. If you want a high utility bursty melee class that has stealth but doesn't rely on it with a high skill cap, play a shadow/assassin.

Edited by Kutsus
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My friend plays assassin tank spec in pvp and absolutely wrecks face. Me and him tank+healer can hold any objective on our own for a long time (being a mobile healer helps a bunch) and he is consistently #1 in damage / kb / kills overall and always over 7 medals. The only time I've seen him do poorly is in Alderaan when we defend an objective that doesn't see much action.
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Consular shadow here;


I am specced infiltration and here is my template http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601MZhGbRkhrbtzZf0c.1 (it could change a bit if i get more informations on armor pen and i'm sure of the maths).


I don't really have trouble to kill anything 1v1, including tanks, unless i'm heavily outgeared or full resolve bar target.


I won't write a strategy guide but facerolling on your keyboard and sending everything at once just won't work. Think of what you are fighting.

If it's a melee, don't stay in range with no energy spamming free attack; it's useless and as already stated in this thread, you are squishy so don't get in melee range unless it is for actually doing real damage.

If it's ranged, use your CC wisely to shut them off, you have enought tools to completely shut down someone from 50 to 0.


Oh and never use shadow strike unless you get an inflitration tactics proc, it's far too expensive without it... But watch out for procs because it's really efficient with.


In other words, l2p, while i think the game needs some tweaking and for example op / scoundrel is ridiculously overpowered atm (ambush + cheapshot 2 in 1 anyone?), i don't think ***/shadow is especially weak, it's just a class that probably asks for more skill than others as you can't just do your dps rotation and profit like, say, a sorc / sage.

Edited by zqsd
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In most PvP the dps speced assassin should have a high kill total, lower death total and lower total damage than most dps classes. He should be bouncing around to quickly kill anyone at low health and get out of trouble nicely.


My problem is stealth and vanish/force cloak fail way too much. But the consistent burst dps and low cooldown is what make you able to go target to target. It's weird but on a good team I do great and on a bad team I am the worst.

Edited by richardya
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Assassins are actually worse for me then operatives


They take much more damage with their shields, have force pulls to bring me in if tank specced, have in combat stealth so just get away if i get them down to 20%, and even if i use stealth detection right on top of them, their in combat stealth still works through it.

if they use in comabt stealth you have to guess where you should put your stealth detection.


Ive sen 50 assassins in pvp gear tank 2-3 players near the bomb doors while killing them, then getting down to 20%, combat stealth, sprint away to some healer friend, get healed in a couple of secs, and then return to kill another 2-3 players out of stealth, and repeat the process every 2 mins when the combat stealth goes of cooldown.


Killing a assassin with a little bit of tank skills takes almsot as long time as to kill a juggernaut

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I find they are the most difficult to pvp with especially as deception tree.


The big issue is the survivability to damage output. To achieve maximum damage output you have to play perfectly.


By this I mean their skills cost too much and managing their force to ability use (and proc'ing cost reductions) is the key to the class.


As with all melee classes, mistakes are too costly.

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Class is fine nothing we have is overwhelming but in all 3 trees we have viable specs both PvE and PvP. It's actually suprising well balanced.


Deception is about raw burst but unlike ops/sco takes a bit of time to build up and doesn't fizzle out as fast since it takes longer. I don't have any survivability issues myself and them damage it does is more than enough to face stomp most non-defensive tanks before my light armor becomes a big liability.


Madness is about sustained damage which makes it better for tanks and it has access to probably one of the best pvp abilities in the game which is a 2 sec root on a 9 sec cd (roots are OP since they don't trigger resolve bc the game reads them as 100% snare and snares are not affected by resolve. Roots need a nerf as a whole but enjoy until then).


Darkness is beastly tanking. I tank in half Tank set and half DPS set I have great survivability and Sin tanks are far more aggressive than Juggs or Powertech tanks. We may not have the defensive cds of juggs or the CC of powertechs but they can't put out as much single target damage as we can in tank spec. Plus we are probably the best ball runner in huttbal due to high survivability short cd on force shroud and force speed which in tank spec removes all movement impairing effects.

Edited by kainsec
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Assassins are actually worse for me then operatives


They take much more damage with their shields, have force pulls to bring me in if tank specced, have in combat stealth so just get away if i get them down to 20%, and even if i use stealth detection right on top of them, their in combat stealth still works through it.

if they use in comabt stealth you have to guess where you should put your stealth detection.


Ive sen 50 assassins in pvp gear tank 2-3 players near the bomb doors while killing them, then getting down to 20%, combat stealth, sprint away to some healer friend, get healed in a couple of secs, and then return to kill another 2-3 players out of stealth, and repeat the process every 2 mins when the combat stealth goes of cooldown.


Killing a assassin with a little bit of tank skills takes almsot as long time as to kill a juggernaut


Assassins dont have shields... Thats Sorcs..

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Just go tankasin.

Deception is good for lower levels only.


This is False. 10/31/0 here with no complaints. I actually feel balanced. If I engage someone who's already occupied... they die. If I engage tanks... I die. If I engage casters... they die. Pretty balanced.

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You're forgetting http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rsMokrskZZf0cRrMz.1 which in my opinion is the most versatile PVP spec due to force pull, out of stealth spike and instant whirlwind. You rely mostly on energized shocks for damage, with recklessness thrown if you really want to put out the hurt. But i guess this is more of a pvp tank spec, but it puts out considerable damage if used right, don't expect to do anything other than tank with it PVE though.



They have instant whirlwind without casting time ?? That sounds awesome, wonder why I didnt meet any Shadow/Assassins so far who used that in a fight.

Edited by BobaFurz
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It's a rogue so you should play it like one and Rogues have never been good against tanks.


However, an operative when specced melee, is pretty much a rogue aswell.. and can take a full geared 18k+ hp tank down to dead in 10 seconds or less... soooo..

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It's hilarious to me, all these threads about OP, and UP classes. during early access, there were like fifty threads made about assassins/shadows and how OMGWTFTHEYARESOOP!!!!!!! If you don't believe me look through the forums. People were begging for the nerf bat on them.


There has been no nerf on this class since the game has come out, and now there is a thread about them being UP...lol.


The recent fad is to claim ops/scoundrels are OP, and I assume that when that fades out (they probably won't be nerfed) people will move on to BHs. I've seen it start already.


I seriously think people should stop crying for nerfs or buffs.

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This class is awesome, you're doing it wrong. You also need to clarify if you're playing a tank hybrid, deep infiltration, or balance.


Some Pointers (for deep infiltration):


Make sure to utilize Low Slash to interrupt or negate when the other class blows a cooldown - it's something I notice VERY FEW assassins/shadows doing.


Only use Shadow Strike when the proc is up.


Stick to your basic rotation, it naturally creates awesome burst and is extremely force efficient - CV Strikex2, project, breach, repeat.


Use your knockback as an interrupt.


Don't use Force Stun early, stun late to either get a kill or force the CC breaker (if they haven't already used it).


Also make sure to Mind Maze as many targets as you can - many people will trinket this or Spinning Kick, giving you the full 4 sec Force Stun with no outs.


There's more but I'll stop here

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The recent fad is to claim ops/scoundrels are OP, and I assume that when that fades out (they probably won't be nerfed) people will move on to BHs. I've seen it start already.


I seriously think people should stop crying for nerfs or buffs.


Of course, just have a look in the german forum part. There is no big thread about the Op/Sc but a huge one about BH´s :p, for a range class the BH and his mirror class have amazing dps output.

Edited by BobaFurz
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yoru doing it wrong. i am a sith assassin and this is how i boss it.



single target: circle strafe around the target, this prevents los form being established meaning u basically cant be touched, the guy dies in a few seconds


multi targerts: drop ur aoe damage move then start circle strafing, around the entire group, tab target for shock and force lightnign then keep running circles. u will kill the entire group in under a miuite




lastly alawys and i mean alawys use overcharge>force lightning when its up as its a guarnenteed either one shot or damn near a one shot

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