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Why only U.S friendly shut down


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The moment the Yanks touch my tea I'm going to get rage!! (Am I the only one to feel they got off to easy last time?)


Anyway, what really makes me angry is not the English complaining about the downtime during their prime(ish) game play window (though they have a good point), no what really annoys the hell out of me is the terrible use of our mother tongue compared to the colonialists and those European chappies.


For God’s sake, spend some time at school and learn the basics before going near a keyboard.


That is all.

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Bioware I am honestly sick of your attitude towards European players! Why me as a paying customer, who lives in Russia and .....


To sum it all up I seriously doubt I will play past free month.


yeah... let's just let it sit there for a moment ;)

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They try to do maintenance when it will affect the least amount of people. Just Because atm the Majority of the Players are from the US does not mean that BioWare is saying screw you EU they are just doing what they feel is best and I mean really complaining about Maintenance time is ridiculous Get some fresh air, Spend time with Family, Watch TV, play something else, etc... If the relativity short maintenance times are that big of an Issue for you you should probably play games just a little bit less don't you think?


<Flaming responses Initiate>


I do one of 2 things during maintenance:

1. Play Skyrim

2. Play SWTOR... because the test server is still up during maintenance and during maintenance the population on the whole server goes from 5 people to 30 people.

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I do one of 2 things during maintenance:

1. Play Skyrim

2. Play SWTOR... because the test server is still up during maintenance and during maintenance the population on the whole server goes from 5 people to 30 people.


Yes but you unlike many others you can comprehend the fact that Things dont always go your way and do not revolve around you also you resort to doing other things instead of flooding the forums with random ranting


Props to you

Edited by DuranuLithdel
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lets see Sony doesnt do regional maintenance , neither did ea back when that craptastic game earth and beyond was around .. Don't think daoc did nor anarchy online in fact that time was based off European time i believe . Meridian 59 way back in the old days just went down without telling people about down time ..


the world does not rotate about blizzard. Just because blizzard jumps off a bridge doesn't mean its the right way to do it ..

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I am in Hawaii...and honestly I feel your pain...I am 6 hours behind East Coast US...and every time they update at 2am, it takes away HOURS of perfect, get home from work, eat dinner and play time.....Its ridiculous, servers should be shut down depending on Location, and why not from 4am to 6am, not at midnight......


And whose location do you believe they should be shut down based on? Surely you don't think you play on servers based in Hawaii... ;P

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Noone will care what that says when masses decide to stop paying the game, then u can have stict tos and eula all u want.

EA showed us countless times before what they think of europe as a second world market, well thanks for everything.

This happened the second time to me, same is with maintenance downtime, it just isnt goin to work for me since I don't have 24/7 to play this. Why should I pay for something if I can only play 1 outta 4 times?


That's a good question. Why DID you pay for the game, then? Especially if, as you've just said, you feel as if EA has something against you or Europe as a whole?


I have clinically diagnosed insomnia. I can't sleep and when I do it's typically during the daytime hours. I live in the US, EST. Guess what? All these downtimes cut into my primary play time as well. Only difference is, I realize that despite being a video game, it has to be run and maintained by real people.


Real people do not work 24 hours around the clock and most certainly not around the globe. Just because it's the middle of the night where you are, doesn't mean it's the middle of the night everywhere. In fact, in a large part of the world, it is still day time and people are still working. Guess what? Those people need to go be able to go home and sleep, too. Do you not have a job? Have you never had a job? If, say, it was your job to run the only shop in town that carried a certain product, would it be fair of me to expect you to be not only be open 24hrs a day but for you to personally be there behind the counter, as well?


Seriously, where is this magic country you all seem to live in where everything revolves around you specifically and there is seemingly always someone there to cater to your every want and desire? Because I could use a vacation from the real world, myself. :rolleyes:

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The fact that they allow people to play cross-region with one and the same account has its benefits, yet also its disadvantages. There is no simple solution to this problem and they can't cater to everyone equally.


* Having different down times would stress servers in the other regions, which is unacceptable.

* Having global downtimes during European nights would mean evening downtimes for the US, which is also unacceptable.


I do think they have chosen the best possible times to have maintenance in.

There is no option other than regionalizing the game and I seriously hope it will never come to that.


So yes, as a European, I'm very much OK with their maintenance window.


this. and this. and this.



I did something productive during the down-time. fixed a few issues with my computer (it's running again. yay) then I learned some spanish (olé olé olé), and after that I let a virus scan run my system (after all it was damaged, you never know :p).... last but not least I heated my lunch meal, and shortly after that started the game... actually I started the game about 40 minutes after the servers were up and running again, even. shocking, I know :D

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maybe a wierd response .... but .... why do you asume they are taking away playtime.

I know for a fact that most MMO's have a policy of a return in actual game time. If the servers are offline for any longer then the normal lenght of maint over the extent of a month. You usualy have a report after confirming that you will get compensated. I would wait before you asume anything

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Do you have a link to that statement?


Or is that just your anger-driven interpretation?


"Well, we made the decision that we didn't want to have two maintenance periods per week (if required) so decided to bundle them together."





Sorry, it's not "anger-driven interpetation". ^^

Edited by Vaestmannaeyjar
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They aren't being fair to our overseas friends.

They should take down the servers for an ENTIRE DAY just to be fair to the millions of other people in the world so the US subscribers can have a taste of what it is like.

Nevermind the patch only took 2 hours to implement. THE WHOLE DAY!

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You'e not even supposed to be playing yet,you don't have servers your comments are mute.


Um what?

Who ever said aus can only play in aus servers?

I'm canadian and I play in NA AND EU servers, do you have a problem with that?

Am I breaking some sort of rule?

No. If the game is sold in your region. You can play it on any server you want.

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"Well, we made the decision that we didn't want to have two maintenance periods per week (if required) so decided to bundle them together."





Sorry, it's not "anger-driven interpetation". ^^


It is your interpretation. I specifically quoted the part where you said that they basically don't care about Europeans. That is ENTIRELY your interpretation.


On the same page you linked he said the following:


The unfortunate reality of maintenance windows is that someone, somewhere, is always going to be affected.


Our European prime-time - which is when we have our highest PCUs across all servers - has actually not been impacted by our current maintenance windows. It's later in the evening, not during the day.


That said, this week we did overrun, and we know that many EU players were on holiday too, so that wasn't good. We're taking steps to address that.


Especially the last sentence contradicts your interpretation.

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Today is the 6th time i've logged on to find the servers are down & is also the 3rd

day in row. I understand BioWare is a Canadian company so only really cares about the

American market & so do maintance at there off-peak hours. But the EU servers are in

Ireland & are completley seperate from the US servers, surley they can both be patched

at off-peak hours. It would also help if they could schedule & give notice of these

outages is EU peak playing hours.



I'm happy to pay a subscription for high quality service, but the EU clearly are not

reciving the same quality service as the US, please Bioware give us some consideration.


EA's last big attempt at the MMo market, Warhammer, seemed to be run on "separate but equal", Now they say we are one, but with clear discrimination. lets hope 1 day EA gets a EU President some day & we can be free at last. :cool:

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Always find it slightly amusing when people imply that the global player base outwith the US is smaller. Basic geography will tell you that that is unlikely at best.


Scotland here and I have to say that the downtime is better/shorter that that for STO or LotRO. Yes it's not ideal but at least we seem to have CS folks on duty during our daytimes. And if a bit of downtime means I can chat with parties or in guild for the first time in a week or so then personally it was a downtime well worth it.


The droids controlling tweets need to teach the turbine twitter goblin a thing or two as all their twitter based competitions are US times only.

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