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Prediction: How many people will cancel because of these problems?


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More specifically, how many will cancel because of the lackluster customer service and no-talking policy of Bioware devs?


I for one will keep my subscription (for now, because I pay with time-cards), but this is getting pretty outrageous. Problems I understand. But the god awful CS (email and phone, I've tried both) and lack of reaction to these problems is blindingly frustrating.


So what are the numbers? 1,000-5,000 lost subscriptions? Maybe more?

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Im not. However, considering nobody gave you a realistic answer, I will say about 10,000 people. That is not much at all. Those people are also the ones you see clogging the forums. Frankly, I am glad their leaving. It reduces the amount of snobs. There will still be millions playing.
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Zip. Zilch. No one. Nada.

I have played this game since beta, I have used both E-mail and Phone CS and both have been just fine.

Although a huge fan of Star Wars, I am not a zealot so I can see the forest through the trees. There are issues, but they are so minor it does NOT hamper game play. I can still log on each time I wish, play the game and not have any mission or environment issues.

IF you played the game since beta (only giving you the bennifit of the doubt) you would know how drastically this game has improved since beta. And IF you have played other MMOs in the past for periods of time, you know how much the game improves post launch.

Now please answer this question for me since I have answered yours: You have just released one of the most hyped and talked about games since WoW, you have millions of subscribers which is more that even overestimated, on top of this being your first MMO; would things be as smooth as ice over at your company?

Any issues you are having I am sure you are not alone in them, but the small exodus you ARE looking for because you are bitter for some reason will not be happening any time soon.

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I don't think people will cancel because of the CS issues, although they can be frustrating at times. I myself canceled yesterday for other reasons. I don't find myself enjoying the game anymore. I've tried both factions, and multiple characters, but I just can't find myself immersed into the game like I'd like to be. The story lines, while great at first, for me, tend to get tedious at later levels. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting but the product as it stands isn't it exactly.


It feels more like a single player game to me, as there ins't a lot of community or interaction with other people. Plus, the pvp needs work, and so far, I haven't been impressed with the crafting options either. Just my two cents, but I hope the game does well. I might come back later on and see if things have changed a bit, but after my free 30 days runs out, I expect I'll go back on the hunt for a game that suits me better.

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I have used phone and email CS several times. My problem on the phone (6 hours ago) was solved in 3 minutes. my email problems are solved within a couple hours. That is more than a reasonable timeframe. I'm very happy with CS and thank them for their efforts.


As mentioned above, whoever leaves I'm glad to be rid of.

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More specifically, how many will cancel because of the lackluster customer service and no-talking policy of Bioware devs?


I for one will keep my subscription (for now, because I pay with time-cards), but this is getting pretty outrageous. Problems I understand. But the god awful CS (email and phone, I've tried both) and lack of reaction to these problems is blindingly frustrating.


So what are the numbers? 1,000-5,000 lost subscriptions? Maybe more?


Any kind of number is pure speculation, and i seriously dont see the point of even asking. Do you think this hive of scum and villainy that are the TOR forum´s is somehow psychic?

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Cancelling because the game is boring already, nothing here I cant get from a free MMO on the market. Sure the story/voice acting is amazing, but i'd much rather see that in one of their single player games rather than an MMO with little to no innovation. Edited by fife
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I cant wait for you moaning minnies to be ejected from these forums when you unsub in a couple of weeks.



There are problems sure. It is not the mess some of you guys are making it out to be.


A lot of the trouble rests in the component that resides between the keyboard and the chair.

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I cant wait for you moaning minnies to be ejected from these forums when you unsub in a couple of weeks.



There are problems sure. It is not the mess some of you guys are making it out to be.


A lot of the trouble rests in the component that resides between the keyboard and the chair.



or maybe its the continued development of stale games in an already stale genre.

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More specifically, how many will cancel because of the lackluster customer service and no-talking policy of Bioware devs?


I for one will keep my subscription (for now, because I pay with time-cards), but this is getting pretty outrageous. Problems I understand. But the god awful CS (email and phone, I've tried both) and lack of reaction to these problems is blindingly frustrating.


So what are the numbers? 1,000-5,000 lost subscriptions? Maybe more?

Well I won't, because I have not come across these issues that you claim exist...


My tickets get answered in a timely manner and I follow Dev Tracker

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Indeed none


It's understandable, because if you have a million subscribers and some trouble shows up, EVERYONE starts reporting it to them, there just people, they can't work 24 hours a day(there not all like Jack Bauer :D)


No need for browsing these forums in search of inspiration. The devs only need to try and play this game and then play WOW. Which was their remit to start with "play and then copy WOW adding lightsabers and lightsaber sounds". Had they done exactly that it would have been a major success.

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