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Choke Point on Alderaan


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Ok *** is wrong with this quest. It is a class quest apparently for level 30 but i am now level 33 and I keep getting destroyed in the first wave of attackers.

Any ideas on how to get through this quest?


You need to use the organa troops that are fighting with you.


Stay closer to them, they will not only fight, but heal you.


Also, always heal up and allow all cooldowns to reset between waves (you trigger the next wave yourself by starting a conversation)

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This quest is ridiculously easy. It's called stop sucking.


Have Quinn out and ready, you win!


If you are talking about the 2 Droids on the second to last wave. Focus on ONE only. Then kill the next one. If you split your dps you take agro from both and may have some trouble.


Heal up, wait for cooldowns and engage the last mob. Unleash all hell on earth.

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I had problems with it and died twice, then I realised you can avoid aggroing them if you wait for them a few seconds to get into position, they are generally spread apart and you can fight mobs 1 at a time as opposed to fighting near their spawn point.


Here I was worrying about my trooper friends! Just sit back for a bit, then engage, you can fight those 2 strong droids separately on 2nd wave which makes things infinitely more easy.

Edited by Manigma
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  • 4 months later...
I think I see where I've been going wrong now. I did this twice last nioght and died. Probably because I went down the cave mouth to kill everything that came out of it. Should have hung back.
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