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Everything posted by Darkaine

  1. I understand that with the patch coming in March, when we create new characters, we can decide what relationship they have to our main character (the one that unlocked Legacy status). Whether they are brother, sister, daughter, son, whatever. Second cousin twice removed... What about existing alts we have on that server? Will we be able to retroactively assign a relationship and take advantage of the legacy system? I ask because I have all my character slots filled up and do not feel like re-rolling any.
  2. This. Angrytownsman on Anchorhead PVP server.
  3. I was looking at torhead and saw http://www.torhead.com/item/f6IWRVl/sith-blademasters-vest Is that from a PVP vendor or a flashpoint? Just curious, I have the Darth Vader looking armor piece from Tatooine and am looking for something different.
  4. I have only received chest and boots for my hunter and chest and gloves for my inquisitor on BT. Sucks to know that I will not be able to get matching gear for my Hunter. I love the chest piece. He is now running around in a white/blue top with green/tan pants.
  5. Nice. I am trying to figure out which way I want to take my Marauder. I want something I can level with, but do decent with in PVP.
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