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What Did SW:TOR Really Innovate? SW:TOR Doesn't Even Have Much Replay Value


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As for areas, does a different area that provides a linear leveling experience really make it that much better? Especially when you consider that, ultimately, you end up back in the same area to complete your leveling.



Different types of quests, different flavor of leveling, and different story-lines. Stonetalon Mountain, for example is a military battlefield under constant turmoil, whereas Westfall is more of a laid back area in which you conduct counter-crime activities.

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First, why must a game be innovative to be "good"? There is a saying...if it aint broke, don't fix it.


Second, why do so many people point to WoW's "multiple areas and methods in which to level"? Both games have exactly the same number of methods to level...pve, pvp. As for areas, does a different area that provides a linear leveling experience really make it that much better? Especially when you consider that, ultimately, you end up back in the same area to complete your leveling.


Finally, the "polish" or "quality of life" or whatever nebulous term you want to use to define "good". WoW is certainly more polished, but if a search feature on the GTN or an appearance tab is causing you to quit the game, you probably didn't much care for it in the first place.


He didnt, which I dont understand the reason why he bought the game and continues to post on the forums, in his review here that might provide insight to why he says random things.

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I didnt think so, I still dont even know the WoW story its so boring. Instant quest text, and I am off. All I remember/know of still is a war, we kill lich for some reason cause he controls the dead, someone takes his place then we have dragons.


I know every detail in my Warrior story.


Haha, yeah... I played on Stormrage for 3 years and never knew who he really was. Still don't...

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Haha, yeah... I played on Stormrage for 3 years and never knew who he really was. Still don't...


I've read all the WoW books and lore on wowikki, I don't find the lore boring at all, and truthfully if people weren't so dang lazy and actually READ they would probably find it interesting, but todays ADD generation can't be bothered to read without something negative happening to them if they don't.

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Every time you select a dialogue option, the storyline progresses in that direction. You are dictating the story based on your answers, and if you go back and play another character and use different responses, the story will change. That, by definition, is replay value.




You really think the story changes according to what you pick in non-class quests?

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Different types of quests, different flavor of leveling, and different story-lines. Stonetalon Mountain, for example is a military battlefield under constant turmoil, whereas Westfall is more of a laid back area in which you conduct counter-crime activities.


Still linear, and as I said, eventually they all lead back to the same place. And I guess props to you for reading the quests, I only did a little re-levelilng after Cata. I honestly hated the forced "story" that only incidentally had anything to do with me. The only reason that you saw the story was because you happened to be passing through.

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There is hardly an MMO running today that has been truely revolutionary. Even WoW was just an evolution of the genre.


Honestly GW 2 is bringing something "revolutionary" to the game, being able to use your friends abilities to enhance your own, as an example, a mage lays down a wall of fire and a ranger shoots his arrow through it to make it a flaming arrow, which I find a lot more "revolutionary" and worth time than voice acting.

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What did WoW innovate? All it did was steal many features from different MMOs and combine them in to one. So I guess WoW innovated MMO clones?


Absolutely wrong.



It innovated:


- Arenas.

- PvP in general through varied improvements.

- Attribute/Combat Support system.

- The leveling process. Removed most of the grind.

- Combat system - introduced a varying range of new things.

- etc.

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You really think the story changes according to what you pick in non-class quests?


The story even barely changes in CLASS quests. As a trooper, I decided to kill Colonel Graff on Taris during the beta, and then on release, I decided to let him live, and NOTHING CHANGED.

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Absolutely wrong.



It innovated:


- Arenas.

- PvP in general through varied improvements.

- Attribute/Combat Support system.

- The leveling process. Removed most of the grind.

- Combat system - introduced a varying range of new things.

- etc.


Absolutely Wrong.


WoW innovated arenas, nothing else. You can't say "herp improved PvP, derp less grind (which is dead wrong to begin with), and durrr a variety of new things" and expect to be taken seriously. Obvious troll is obvious.

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Absolutely wrong.



It innovated:


- Arenas. Cheap e-sports. Wow.

- PvP in general through varied improvements. Yes, varied improvements are the name of the game, but there's still nothing special about it really. Classes are still very much "flavor of the month" with their constant nerfs

- Attribute/Combat Support system. What?

- The leveling process. Removed most of the grind. Ahahahaha(infinite loop)

- Combat system - introduced a varying range of new things. Like? Just saying "new things" doesn't support your argument

- etc. Nope


Comments are bold and italicized

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What? To level slowly and then quit at level 50? I didn't realize that that was the purpose of an MMO.


To enjoy the leveling process to 50 and participate in endgame.


See, for me, and many others, TOR made leveling from 1 to 50 enjoyable.

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To enjoy the leveling process to 50 and participate in endgame.


See, for me, and many others, TOR made leveling from 1 to 50 enjoyable.


I usually didn't skip dialogue, I ran all flash points, did all of my daily space quests/WZ quests, and leveled my 3 professions to 400, and THEN I reached 50.


Are you saying I rushed there? I went there pretty slow.

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Absolutely wrong.



It innovated:


- Arenas.

- PvP in general through varied improvements.

- Attribute/Combat Support system.

- The leveling process. Removed most of the grind.

- Combat system - introduced a varying range of new things.

- etc.


I'm going to pretty much repeat what the other person said. WoW innovated Arenas, but that's it (and maybe it was done before but I at least haven't seen it). PVP? Pfft, PVP is awful in WoW and other MMOs have done it better. Leveling system? It was nothing but grinding before Cata, and still is but it's linear so you don't really notice the grind.


What exactly do you think WoW changed with its combat system?

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I read the title didn't even bother reading the post case its just stupid to say that, ive played every new mmo just about and this feels refreshing to me.


Voice acting in every quest, different class quests gearing my ship and companion out aswell as myself im loving it.

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I usually didn't skip dialogue, I ran all flash points, did all of my daily space quests/WZ quests, and leveled my 3 professions to 400, and THEN I reached 50.


Are you saying I rushed there? I went there pretty slow.


I didn't say you rushed at all.


Maybe you've got more time to devote to the game, I dunno.


But in WoW, it always felt like the goal was just to level.


Pre-Cata I tried to take in the lore and story, but I could tell it was slowly becoming a jumbled pop-culture, Mary Sue mess.


At least in TOR I get a feel for the world around me, and I can at least pretend what I do matters.


Also, I never gave much thought to what my Troll Shaman's personality was, or even my Blood Elf Paladin.


I know all of my TOR toons inside out, and I can feel some level of involvement in their stories.


Transplanting that feeling from a single-player game to an MMO is a step in the right direction in my humblest of opinions.

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What did WoW innovate? All it did was steal many features from different MMOs and combine them in to one. So I guess WoW innovated MMO clones?


This is easy. WoW had, and still has, the best combat gameplay of all MMOs ever. Everything else it did was secondary. Not matter how many auction houses and arenas and character builds and mail boxes and blah blah blah that you have, players spend 95% of the game in combat. That's why it's the juggernaut it is today. Everything else is Blizzard -style polish which, whether you're a fan or not, you have to respect as the best in the industry. Blizzard betas are other game companies golds.


On a personal note, I am literally desperate to put WOW away for good but I am far too spoiled with how well the game plays. SWTOR has all the right elements in place... it's their game to lose now.

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I really enjoy the story questing model, even though it still requires the age old kill X mob Y times or loot/activate an object it is not just a slab of text you don't really want to read. However, the non-class quests lack versatility.


There should have been multiple outcomes from non-class quests because people will likely be doing them multiple times and might want to take different paths. While there is some minor impact with your choices, there is no significant variance.


I would have liked to see fewer quests you needed to do but have more depth to them and have more variety in terms of which quests you get based on what conversation options you take. It should be a flowchart type thing and each chain of responses will lead to a different quest, you would need to repeat them many times to get the same quests. I keep insulting npcs and tell them to sod off and their menial tasks are below me but it doesn't really have a lot of impact, they just keep going.


The results from the quests need to have more emphasis, ie the Inquistors made a cult in Nar Shaddaa. Once you leave other than a few mails that is pretty much it. There should have been greater playability in terms of having a more active role in terms of things you become part of during the story and there should be greater repercussion for selecting some paths.


While SWTOR is a great improvement on previous MMOs I think it could have done a lot more with the same resources. Most people I know feel overwhelmed with the number of quests in each planet, other than Quesh. They could have reduced the number of quests and made the steps in the ones you had a bit more involved and overall reduced the planet fatigue and improved the depth of the story and the replay value.


For Inquisitors for example, I would have liked to see an option for dark side to give Ashara the boot for Thana from Taris. Ashara is a totally inappropriate dark side 'apprentice', which according to the story that is what she has become. I'd rather stick her in my space ship's missile tube and shoot her out at some Republic fighter.


A more in-depth story/interaction with quests could have resolved that.

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