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Sentinel: Rotations,cool-downs,dps and leveling advice.


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I thought id write this small guide to maybe help some people out or at least give them some encouragement. I have been trying to help people on these forums over the past week and have gotten quite a few private messages asking for help so I thought I'd just write down a few of these ideas and tricks that I found while leveling.


Let me start by saying what this post will not contain. I will not be writing to say how powerful this class is, or how great and easy it was to level. I will not be saying how gimped and underpowered this class is and how I died 20 times on every elite. I will simply be stating my own experiences with this class as I leveled, my "aha" moments and some general advice to hopefully help others who want to maybe improve their play and do better. I realize the sheer amount of trolls that love to complain about this class and the amount of people that brag how "elite" they are with this class. I could post similar trolling posts from every class forum there is.


I have for the most part had nothing but fun and success leveling my Sentinel. I originally leveled a Jedi Shadow to very high level before tying my Sentinel and I never looked back. I had artifice on my shadow and so I was able to keep my shadow with epic/blue hilts as he leveled. I took Biochem on my Sentinel which was so good to level with. It allows me the use of reusable adrenals and medpacs combined with unlimited stims and nice qaulity implants. Surge adrenals combined with a well timed Zen can do some serious damage.


I leveled from 1-30 as Combat with great success and then switched to watchman and finished out as watchman. I think both specs require a great deal of concentration and micromanagement to play well. I was able to solo some heroic 2+ from levels 1-30 and once I hit the mid 30's I actually solo'd a couple of heroic 4+ that was a few levels under me. I died a few times but was able to still take out a few groups of 4 elites with 2 strongs. At 40 on Hoth I solo'd a named champion that had 90k health that some other groups had died trying to kill, this mob dropped a nice 43 epic for me also. The fight was not easy but I finished with enough health so that it wasn't that tough, and gave me great sense of accomplishment and pride. There were a few levels where I felt like I was falling behind a little but within a few levels I was back on top again feeling like a champion. This is just my experience and so I will offer some of my advice, and what I think you can do to play and execute a Sentinel well enough to do what I have done, in hopes that someone finds this information useful to them as well.


1. Focus Generation and Global cooldowns:

Unlike every other class in this game we have to generate our focus/power/energy in order to use our abilities, where other classes have to manage their pools in order to dps. This means where other classes still have to manage it well in order to do amazing , we have to really manage ours or fall way behind in dps/survivability. A big problem I see with allot of Sentinels is not only the lack of building focus correctly but the sheer amount of Global cool-downs that are missed. As a Sentinel(or any class) you never should miss a global. Every global cool-down should be used every time its available, missing a global by a second even can mean thousands of damage lost or a defensive cool-down which is now unavailable. It is better to just use strike then miss a global altogether. Always try to use an ability every global that is up.


2. Rotations:

When you think of rotations you think of a very static set of abilities with cooldowns that you fire off in an order to maximize your dps, or survivability in order to survive and excel. I found pretty early that Sentinels don't really have a set in stone rotation. They are a very dynamic class. Your rotations will change based on procs and situations as you level.


As combat I found that I would like to build my focus up and let it pool then dump it when my procs aligned. Maybe use a blade storm soon as an Artaru proc in order to get a 100% crit. Sometimes I would pop my surge adrenal to maximize my that crit. I found it better to pool my focus as combat, and found myself using strike more then I did as watchman. When my focus was high enough I would pop zen,relic,adrenals and blow the mob up with a reduced cool-down and a slash that only cost 1 focus. I found that picking up 3 points in Focused slash from the watchman tree early ended up being a great idea. With zen up my Slash cost only 2 focus and then refunded 1 focus back, for a net total of 1 focus to use slash, with a reduced global cool-down on top of that, allowing 6 slashes for some very nice burst dps.


Once I hit 30 I switched to watchman and at first I struggled a bit. I thought I understood the basic rotations and how to maximize my dps and was doing well. But when I finally learned how to really play watchman, it all kinda clicked I started blowing up mobs so fast. I started to kill strongs in seconds and take on multiple groups of mobs with ease and speed that was amazing to me. I will not get into how to kill regular mobs so much here because they should be dieing so fast anyway that it should not pose a challenge. The trick I found was to kill strongs and elites as fast as possible.


Two things I will say first, that every Sentinel should be doing every time this cool-down is up is using pommel strike and opportune strike. These are free high damage abilities that will almost always one shot a regular mob. As watchman you have zero range force leap and therefore you will be using it on every cool-down to build focus, since it does more damage then slash, it roots and allows the use of opportune strike. It has the same cool-down as overload saber and therefore offsets he 3 focus cost of Overload saber. And since overload saber is off global and can be used almost at the same time. Pommel strike is even easier to use, as you can use it following a blade storm stun or a force sweep stun, allowing you to one shot regular mobs. So make sure you are using these two power every time they are up.


The real trick to maximizing your dps as watchman is the ability to get your overload saber stacks to 3 and keep them there. In order to do this you have to understand how overload saber works. After using overload it makes your next 3 melee attacks apply a dot that ticks 3 times over 6 seconds. Each attack increases the dot by 1 stack, making it tic for more per stack. It does not add a second dot but instead increases the amount of damage done and refreshes the dot timer back to 6 seconds. Overload saber has a 6 second duration on the target before it falls off , essentially making you start over. This is bad as you never want this dot to fall off. So Overload saber has a 12 second cool-down and only a 6 second duration, so how do we make the dot last more then 12 seconds?


You alternate global cool-downs using force attacks then melee attacks. How do you know the difference you ask? Force attacks show up as yellow numbers of damage where melee shows up white. Abilities like Blade Storm, force sweep, force stasis are force power. Also abilities like Saber ward, rebuke, pacify, force camo, and other defensive cool-downs that utilize a global can be used to fill the global without refreshing the stacks of dots. Riposte is off global and does refresh the dots so be-careful using this at the wrong time, as it can make your dots fall off early.


So understanding this basic mechanic will allow you do put up three stacks of Overload saber and refresh it at 12 seconds so that it doesn't fall off. If done correctly you can go a long time with overload saber ticking off at 3 stacks, instead of falling off and starting over a 1 stack, then 2. Combine this with the use of every global and your damage output will soar. Throw in a zen when the dots are at 3 stacks and you will get 6 criticals on a dot that has 3 stacks instead of a dot with 1 or 2 stacks. Throw in a surge adrenal and all the sudden your dots critical strike damage is 140%. My dots at around level 40 with 3 stacks was doing about 4500 damage over 6 seconds, once I had them stacked and maintained.


A good way to look at this is like this. In your rotation you should have a melee followed by a filler. It will look like this Melee, Filler, Melee, Filler, Melee, Force Leap-Overload Saber, Repeat.


Here is an example rotation that I might use vs an elite or champion:

Force Leap > Zealot Strike(Overload Saber right after) > Cauterize > Rebuke > Merciless Slash > Blade Storm >(now use riposte if available) Master Strike > Force Leap(Overload Saber) > Cauterize > Force Sweep > Merciless Slash > Force Stasis > Zealot Strike >(use riposte now) > Force Leap(Overload Saber) > and so on and so forth alternating.


I might use a saber ward in there and a pacify and maybe a force camo. I would make sure to use these on global cool-downs that I consider free, where I did not want to refresh the dot stacks on the target. Notice that I would wait a few seconds if I had riposte proc. The reason is that riposte will refresh Overload Saber and you have to be careful when you use it. I like to use it right after I put up my third stack of Overload Saber on the target, this way there is no issue with refreshing it too soon and causing it to fall off. Also I would probably use a Zen Mastery once my stacks reached 3 and then pop my surge adrenal and my surge relic so that my dots will now have 100% crit for the next 6 ticks and have 140% critical damage multiplier. Then you just watch their face melt off while you rip them a new one. On most elites its fairly easy to keep the dots stacked at 3 until they die. On champions the dots may fall off after the third Overload saber, sometimes the second Overload, but try to keep them rolling as long as possible, it really makes all the difference in the world. It can be allot to take in, and takes some practice to master, but it is well worth it.



I could perhaps go on for a bit longer here, and perhaps I will update this later with more info, but this post is getting very lengthy and I'm afraid some people are allergic to reading, so I will perhaps continue this latter in more posts. I would be more then happy to answer any questions, offer any advice or just talk theory with anyone who is willing to be unbiased and open minded, as well as polite. My hopes are that others will come to enjoy and love their Sentinel as much as I do. Good Luck to you all and have fun.

Edited by Lancerx
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Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike:


I wanted to just say something here about these two attacks since I have seen allot of questions about them and allot of people seem to think they are less than useful. I could not disagree more. These two abilities are very powerful and should be used every time they are up, as often as you can.


Opportune Strike: Punches the target, dealing 1902 - 1964 kinetic damage to weak and standard targets, and 1269 - 1331 kinetic damage to strong targets. Only usable on slowed or immobilized targets.


You can use it right after a force leap which will immobilize the target making Opportune strike a viable option. Most Elites and some strongs are immune to immobilize so I find it best to use this on regular mobs during a pull. A force leap followed by a Opportune Strike will often times kill a regular mob almost instantly. As Watchman force leap has a zero range and can be used while up close allowing you to use Opportune strike every time it comes off cool-down


Pommel Strike


Range: 4m

Punches the target, dealing 1902 - 1964 kinetic damage to weak and standard targets, and 1269 - 1331 kinetic damage to strong targets. Only usable on slowed or immobilized targets.


Pommel Strike is another great attack, is instant and cost no focus. This can only work on targets that are Incapacitated. So again this will work on mostly targets that are non elites that can be stunned , or on elites that have been CC, if you attack first. A great way to use this ability is to do a Force Sweep and then hit a mob that was stunned with it. You can also do a Blade Storm and follow it up with a Pommel Strike, almost certainly killing the regular mob almost instantly. A good strategy also is pulling some mobs close and while you are killing the Strong mobs, use a force sweep then tab over and Pommel Strike a Regular mob.


So for now all you Sentinels get out there and start cracking some skulls and enjoy.

Edited by Lancerx
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thank you very much for this information, i have been using watchman for some lvls and always just spammed whatever to get 3 stacks as fast as possible, thinking that was the way to go.


but with your suggestions my dps has risen quite alot, though its a pain to spend so much t ime looking at CD, and dot durations

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I'm going to echo the OP, except add that I'm Combat and finishing as Combat and I love Combat.


Sentinel is a flurry of quick decisions, which is what lightsaber combat should be. No prescriptions here.


I'm personally aiming to buck the trend that Watchman is the only viable build late. Like most DPS knights, I'm towing Doc, but I rarely die.

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I'm going to echo the OP, except add that I'm Combat and finishing as Combat and I love Combat.


Sentinel is a flurry of quick decisions, which is what lightsaber combat should be. No prescriptions here.


I'm personally aiming to buck the trend that Watchman is the only viable build late. Like most DPS knights, I'm towing Doc, but I rarely die.


in our 8 man that we do EV with I am 1 of 2 sents. we are both watchman, i did combat up thru 50, and enjoyed it, moved to watchman and its fun too. but im prob. going to swap back, see if haveing one watchman, one comabe in the PvE EV encounters helps, hurts. we do fine with two watchman, just wanting to see if we can down stuff faster or do better if one of us is combat.


i enjoy combat also..


my spec.. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501McbZGGrbddroRs.1

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whats a filler and whats a melee

stupid question i think but i want to know


Melee is any damaging ability that says it uses weapon damage in the tooltip.


Examples: Strike, Slash



Filler would be any damaging ability that says it uses the Force in the tooltip.


Examples: Force Sweep, Blade Storm



Filler can also be any non-damaging ability, such as a defensive or buff ability.


Examples: Blade Ward, Rebuke

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So how would you use cauterize with overload saber in you rotation? What would be your usual rotation with elite+ mobs?


Yes i'd also like to know when to apply cauterize in this rotation? I'm guessing one of the filler spots


If you could give us an example of your current skill rotation.



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So how would you use cauterize with overload saber in you rotation? What would be your usual rotation with elite+ mobs?


As long as you follow the basic rule of alternating between melee and force abilities it doesn't matter when you use cauterize. Remember this class is very dynamic and the "rotations" can change so wildly that there is no basic "rotation" per say. That being said, I would prefer that you use it before a merciless slash so that Merciless slash has a 66% chance to refresh its cool down. Other than that you can use it anywhere in the rotation. I know allot of people like to use force leap and overload at same time, then follow up with zealot strike then cauterize. I see this allot and the problem I have with this is that it will quickly refresh overload saber's duration on the target and more than likely it will fall off before the 12 second cool down is back up again.


Here is an example rotation that I might use vs an elite or champion:

Force Leap > Zealot Strike(Overload Saber right after) > Cauterize > Rebuke > Merciless Slash > Blade Storm >(now use riposte if available) Master Strike > Force Leap(Overload Saber) > Cauterize > Force Sweep > Merciless Slash > Force Stasis > Zealot Strike >(use riposte now) > Force Leap(Overload Saber) > and so on and so forth alternating.


I might use a saber ward in there and a pacify and maybe a force camo. I would make sure to use these on global cool-downs that I consider free, where I did not want to refresh the dot stacks on the target. Notice that I would wait a few seconds if I had riposte proc. The reason is that riposte will refresh Overload Saber and you have to be careful when you use it. I like to use it right after I put up my third stack of Overload Saber on the target, this way there is no issue with refreshing it too soon and causing it to fall off. Also I would probably use a Zen Mastery once my stacks reached 3 and then pop my surge adrenal and my surge relic so that my dots will now have 100% crit for the next 6 ticks and have 140% critical damage multiplier. Then you just watch their face melt off while you rip them a new one. On most elites its fairly easy to keep the dots stacked at 3 until they die. On champions the dots may fall off after the third Overload saber, sometimes the second Overload, but try to keep them rolling as long as possible, it really makes all the difference in the world. It can be allot to take in, and takes some practice to master, but it is well worth it. Good Luck, enjoy and have fun. I hope this helps.

Edited by Lancerx
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To be honest I don't agree with "use pointless abilities every single global cooldown just to make it feel like you're doing something."


For example, I'm not going to use force stasis on an enemy I don't need it on just because I used slash already and don't want to use another melee attack, that's a huge waste of a 1minute cooldown.


Against strongs and elites, sure, but even then you can live without alternating between a melee/force attack. I know I'm not going to use Rebuke and Saber Ward just because Oh, I'm out of force attacks to use so I might as well use one of these so I'm not "wasting" a global cooldown!


No, that's pointless. You use Rebuke and Saber Ward when you NEED them, not because you don't want to use slash a second time in a row.

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To be honest I don't agree with "use pointless abilities every single global cooldown just to make it feel like you're doing something."


For example, I'm not going to use force stasis on an enemy I don't need it on just because I used slash already and don't want to use another melee attack, that's a huge waste of a 1minute cooldown.


Against strongs and elites, sure, but even then you can live without alternating between a melee/force attack. I know I'm not going to use Rebuke and Saber Ward just because Oh, I'm out of force attacks to use so I might as well use one of these so I'm not "wasting" a global cooldown!


No, that's pointless. You use Rebuke and Saber Ward when you NEED them, not because you don't want to use slash a second time in a row.


Well yea , its quite obvious you would not even want to roll dots on a non elite and probably not even on a strong since they die in like 2 seconds. I'm not saying try to keep 3 stacks of Overload up on every pull, that would be pointless. I mean who needs help killing regular mobs right? I would hope no one, so I explained this rotation to help people who are wanting to increase their dps on Elites, champions and even some tougher Strong mobs. This is just some general advice, things that I did while leveling and things I did when I solo'd champions and even multiple elites. And to be quite honest, if your taking on a Strong, then force stasis is a great ability anyway, it does good damage, stuns the mob and is free cost, all the while allowing you to maximize your dot rotation. And considering it is only a 1 minute cool-down it will be back up in the next couple groups at most. Saber wards/rebuke and other defensive cool-downs should be used as needed, not part of a rotation. But if you need them and you are going to use them, then why not throw them in between your melee to increase your overload sabers and maintain them longer and all the while increasing your dps?

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The real trick to maximizing your dps as watchman is the ability to get your overload saber stacks to 3 and keep them there. In order to do this you have to understand how overload saber works. After using overload it makes your next 3 melee attacks apply a dot that ticks 3 times over 6 seconds. Each attack increases the dot by 1 stack, making it tic for more per stack. It does not add a second dot but instead increases the amount of damage done and refreshes the dot timer back to 6 seconds. Overload saber has a 6 second duration on the target before it falls off , essentially making you start over. This is bad as you never want this dot to fall off. So Overload saber has a 12 second cool-down and only a 6 second duration, so how do we make the dot last more then 12 seconds?


You alternate global cool-downs using force attacks then melee attacks. How do you know the difference you ask? Force attacks show up as yellow numbers of damage where melee shows up white. Abilities like Blade Storm, force sweep, force stasis are force power. Also abilities like Saber ward, rebuke, pacify, force camo, and other defensive cool-downs that utilize a global can be used to fill the global without refreshing the stacks of dots. Riposte is off global and does refresh the dots so be-careful using this at the wrong time, as it can make your dots fall off early.


So understanding this basic mechanic will allow you do put up three stacks of Overload saber and refresh it at 12 seconds so that it doesn't fall off. If done correctly you can go a long time with overload saber ticking off at 3 stacks, instead of falling off and starting over a 1 stack, then 2. Combine this with the use of every global and your damage output will soar. Throw in a zen when the dots are at 3 stacks and you will get 6 criticals on a dot that has 3 stacks instead of a dot with 1 or 2 stacks. Throw in a surge adrenal and all the sudden your dots critical strike damage is 140%. My dots at around level 40 with 3 stacks was doing about 4500 damage over 6 seconds, once I had them stacked and maintained.


A good way to look at this is like this. In your rotation you should have a melee followed by a filler. It will look like this Melee, Filler, Melee, Filler, Melee, Force Leap-Overload Saber, Repeat.


The only way to pull off a rolling stack AND maintain any amount of damage output is with Stasis on a 47ish second cooldown. If you try to roll stacks without using Stasis, you'll end up having to just sit out a global cooldown because you simply run out of non-melee attacks or you end up using suboptimal force fillers like Sweep.


Is it possible to keep it rolling, yes absolutely, I had it rolling for a solid 2 mins on the world boss in Coruscant at level 50. Is it possible to keep it rolling without sacrificing a large amount of damage? My instinct tells me no. Until we get a solid DPS meter, of course, we'll not be able to test it out but here is a sample 2 cycle rotation that could keep it going but I had to fill with Sweep as one of my global cooldowns:


0 Force Leap + OS

1.5 Melee 1 Stack

3 Stasis


6 Melee 2 Stacks

7.5 Blade Storm

9 Melee 3 Stacks

10.5 Inconsequential

12 Force Leap + OS

13.5 Melee 3 Stacks

15 Force Sweep

16.5 Melee 3 Stacks

18 Blade Storm

19.5 Melee 3 Stacks

21 Inconsequential

22.5 Inconsequential

24 Force Leap + OS

25.5 Melee 3 Stacks



In addition to sub-optimal fillers, to make this work your timing has to be impeccable as in Leap and OS come off CD and they go immediately back on or your stacks fall off. Again, you can keep the stacks going if you just sit there not doing anything for a global or 2 during your rotation. Notice I exhaust my non-melee cooldowns at 15 and 18 with the last application of OS at 19.5 meaning I have to reapply OS EXACTLY 6 seconds later.


So now not only are you managing Focus, Centering, Merciless Slash, utility timers like kick and pacify, but you're also trying to have pinpoint ability activation timing to keep the stacks rolling at what could potentially be an overall loss to dps. In addition to this, you have to watch for a cauterize reset and apply it once the previous cauterize falls off. Of course cauterize applies a stack of OS so you either lose out on a cauterize reapplication or mess up OS stacking.


So in its current form, you can get it rolling with Stasis once and this is most definitely when you should use a Zen but until Stasis comes back off CD, probably impossible to keep rolling and maintain damage output. It just doesn't seem to be intended as a rolling DOT.

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Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike:


I wanted to just say something here about these two attacks since I have seen allot of questions about them and allot of people seem to think they are less than useful. I could not disagree more. These two abilities are very powerful and should be used every time they are up, as often as you can.


Opportune Strike: Punches the target, dealing 1902 - 1964 kinetic damage to weak and standard targets, and 1269 - 1331 kinetic damage to strong targets. Only usable on slowed or immobilized targets.


Ok this can be used on a target that has been slowed via Leg slash which makes it very good in pvp and in pve you can use it right after a force leap which will immobilize the target making Opportune strike a viable option.



Both Pommel and Opportune cannot be used in PvP. Legslash has almost no place in PvE unless you need to run away (in which case you're not going to Opportune). Opportune does average damage for a global cooldown and only has a limited window in the Watchman Spec. Pommel is a great ability especially after a Blade Storm but its long cooldown makes it a prime candidate for dropping if off hotbars.


Most Elites and some strongs are immune to immobilize so I find it best to use this on regular mobs during a pull. A force leap followed by a Opportune Strike will often times kill a regular mob almost instantly. As Watchman force leap has a zero range and can be used while up close allowing you to use Opportune strike every time it comes off cool-down

For leveling, sure these abilities can be useful. For standard adds in end game content, again marginally useful due to their long cooldowns.


For any Hard Mode or Operation boss, these two abilities are borderline useless which is where the statement "these abilities are borderline useless" are coming from.


Sorry for the triple reply, adding things as you edit your main post.


Also, might be worth checking out the sticky at the top of the forums, a lot of what you're posting is being discussed there.

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Both Pommel and Opportune cannot be used in PvP. Legslash has almost no place in PvE unless you need to run away (in which case you're not going to Opportune). Opportune does average damage for a global cooldown and only has a limited window in the Watchman Spec. Pommel is a great ability especially after a Blade Storm but its long cooldown makes it a prime candidate for dropping if off hotbars.



For leveling, sure these abilities can be useful. For standard adds in end game content, again marginally useful due to their long cooldowns.


For any Hard Mode or Operation boss, these two abilities are borderline useless which is where the statement "these abilities are borderline useless" are coming from.


Sorry for the triple reply, adding things as you edit your main post.


Also, might be worth checking out the sticky at the top of the forums, a lot of what you're posting is being discussed there.


I have not done any end game level 50 content yet, a few levels away, but so far this class has been a breeze and super fun. I can't wait to try out the end game. And up to where I am now those abilities are very good.

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First of all: Thanks, Lancerx, for your observations and the interesting thread.


I've been changing speccs from combat to watchman due to this thread, and I pretty strongly assume that Lancerx is right: For perfect dps the Overload Saber dot must never fall off the target. But I changed back to combat because of this.


To maintain the OS dot your play becomes kinda mechanical and a bit dull. And if you drop the dot because you make an error or due to other circumstance you are not responsible for, your dps drops dramatically. That's at least what I feel - in the absence of a damage meter of course.


I also think that the current state of the UI doesn't allow for this kind of play. Or maybe it does, but it's not fun. You need WoW-like tools as DotTimer or TellMeWhen to make dot watching comfortable.


Anyway: There's still pretty much to find out about the Sentinel class. I like that. :)

Edited by Yonder_
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