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Everything posted by Klerke

  1. but if you are all equal you can work even harder to be better (gear, tactics, class) all the things you says low lvls learns by playing agains higher lvls. now you can improve yourself even more by playing agains players who have "learned" the same as you and own even more. if i'm following your logic correctly
  2. this is like in almost every other game, get max bracket pvp and be outgeared compared to the "old" players. so its expected and acceptable. playing against max level full geared for entire lvling experience is done in no other game for the simple reason that its not enjoyable
  3. tried to write a post like yours, saying the same, but you said is better than i could
  4. i don't think its the exact spec most people is interested in, like you say there is not much wiggle room if you got full out in a tree. imo its the comments people attach to the spec which people need/ask for, comments like why this is better than that. as an example the focus tree discussion about taking increased off hand dmg or the get back focus on slash thingie was started due to a spec link. i find it very helpfull at least to me to get some well based arguments on why this ability might be better than the other. it all gives me a better understanding of the class, even though it isn't me who figures the optimal things out. and if/when people start to play with cross specs the how and why is also more interesting than the link itself
  5. didn't the video last 1 min but nice throw the first time, second time he just gets killed without throwing the ball, so first he owns, then he sucks
  6. i haven't started raiding yet and don't plan too but i've got a suggestion for a work around until they fix it. i don't know if it works but get a sage to get closer to the boss and use "rescue" on you, might get you some more seconds of uptime on the boss
  7. thank you very much for this information, i have been using watchman for some lvls and always just spammed whatever to get 3 stacks as fast as possible, thinking that was the way to go. but with your suggestions my dps has risen quite alot, though its a pain to spend so much t ime looking at CD, and dot durations
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