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BH Jetpack Outrage


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So grapple + stun + pop shield with 100% of removing all slowing effects does not allow you to get away?

Ability to shoot people and slow them down on every shot also does nothing for you?


There are so many talents in trees that allow you to not die it is not even funny.

But if all that is not enough for you, maybe explore one of the other classes you are talking about? Nothing wrong with that, BH just might not be your class.

Also if you are getting smashed by 5 people continuously, and are not tank spec, then no offence, but you are doing something wrong.


1. mercs dont have grappble, thanks for not comprehending what is being talked about, as was stated by OP, we are talking about non tank spec


2. pop shield ? our shield is 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds, its the least effective shield in the game (im not asking for it to be improved, im mearly pointing out, other classes have better shields)


3. our knock back is limited and on a long cooldown, any class with a gap closer will be capable of using that gap closer multiple times before we can use our knockback even twice (our 2nd knockback option, from punch requires not only speccing into it, its only in arsenal tree, but its so limited with such a long animation that any class knocked back with it can litteraly walk back into hitting us again before our animation has ended and our feet are back on the ground from the jump/punch)


aside from your suggestion to avoid 5v1 situations, the rest of your post is nonsense, and you would know this if you had actually played a merc at 50




To the original post/purpose of this thread: i agree, our jet packs are under used. so much so that it is an insult


I tire of watching our movies/cut scenese where I get to fly around (even ship to ship) and yet, cannot even jump to or away from a target in combat


Why was something like cover given so much attention for agents/smugglers, they get special treatment and special rocks all over the world that react to their use of cover. But a bounty hunter with a jet pack? yea, lets pretend those arent really there and make them the least mobile class in the game

Edited by Kunovega
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1. Mercs do not need an escape ability, we already have 2 knockbacks and we are fairly durable (dont tell me we get owned by multiple melee on us because every single class does, you should be able to handle 1 melee though)


2. Something like this would need to be implemented for commandos as well, and honestly i can't think of anyway to implement a 20 ft jump back as a guy in super heavy armor with a massive cannon


1. 2 knockbacks? what are you smoking. you are actually going to pretend the knockback from the punch is viable? its a 2 meter knockback with a long animation, they will litterally have walked back into hitting you again before your feet have touched the ground from the knockback. it is less than a novelty for that punch to have a knockback when the knockback is shorter than the animation time of the knockback, and if you dont know that you either have never use it or have not played vs people intelligent enough to know how to walk forward (we cant walk backwards until our feet are on the ground by which time they are back in your face hitting you) - and thats ignoring the fact you have to put points into it to get it, and its only in 1 tree out of 6 (arsenal). our 1 viable knockback (jetboost) is on a longer cooldown than any melee with a gap closer and anyone you knock back with it will be capable of jumping right back on you more times than you can knock them away


1v1 vs a good melee in equal gear, you will lose as there is no way to keep them off of you, every melee in this game has more gap closers and stuns than a merc has knockbacks or escapes. this is probably a fair balance overall, but dont pretened a merc can actually get away from a well played melee, as it just shows you do not comprehend lvl 50 pvp match ups. ability for ability, all melee can stay in our face at will. a merc beats a melee by early positioning and proper timing, its certainly not from our ability package which is lacking in escapes vs their gap closers


2. so? all that requires is a creative mind to come up with a way of explaining it. every class in this game is already mirrored in skills/damage with only graphical and story line changes to differ them. giving them the ability is as simple as calling it a silly name like gravity thrust or pressure burst where the gun fires off a timed concussion blast which moves them in the same way our jetpack would. as it is, what do they have in place of rocket punch, shoulder slam and death from above? they have creatively worded skills that do exactly the same functionality but without the jetpack, thats what.


heck they could have give bounty hunters a double jump where the second jump uses the backpack and still given the troopers this option by saying thier boots have rocket thrusts in the bottoms, creative thinking is easy if you try

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Well one thing's for sure having a targeted jump would definitely make datacron hunting 100X easier. But in all seriousness though from just doing PVE having a targeted jump would make things really easy an allow the BH to bypass a lot of barriers and objects.
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1. 2 knockbacks? what are you smoking. you are actually going to pretend the knockback from the punch is viable? its a 2 meter knockback with a long animation, they will litterally have walked back into hitting you again before your feet have touched the ground from the knockback. it is less than a novelty for that punch to have a knockback when the knockback is shorter than the animation time of the knockback, and if you dont know that you either have never use it or have not played vs people intelligent enough to know how to walk forward (we cant walk backwards until our feet are on the ground by which time they are back in your face hitting you) - and thats ignoring the fact you have to put points into it to get it, and its only in 1 tree out of 6 (arsenal). our 1 viable knockback (jetboost) is on a longer cooldown than any melee with a gap closer and anyone you knock back with it will be capable of jumping right back on you more times than you can knock them away


1v1 vs a good melee in equal gear, you will lose as there is no way to keep them off of you, every melee in this game has more gap closers and stuns than a merc has knockbacks or escapes. this is probably a fair balance overall, but dont pretened a merc can actually get away from a well played melee, as it just shows you do not comprehend lvl 50 pvp match ups. ability for ability, all melee can stay in our face at will. a merc beats a melee by early positioning and proper timing, its certainly not from our ability package which is lacking in escapes vs their gap closers


2. so? all that requires is a creative mind to come up with a way of explaining it. every class in this game is already mirrored in skills/damage with only graphical and story line changes to differ them. giving them the ability is as simple as calling it a silly name like gravity thrust or pressure burst where the gun fires off a timed concussion blast which moves them in the same way our jetpack would. as it is, what do they have in place of rocket punch, shoulder slam and death from above? they have creatively worded skills that do exactly the same functionality but without the jetpack, thats what.


heck they could have give bounty hunters a double jump where the second jump uses the backpack and still given the troopers this option by saying thier boots have rocket thrusts in the bottoms, creative thinking is easy if you try


^ absolutely this


juice pyro is viable we got that, i got almost sick of hearing that over and over again but Arsenal is NOT


i have yet to found in the game a worst 1v1 spec


arsenal is good till the enemy discovers that they have a little ability called interrupt on their action bar


maybe pyro does not but Arsenal desperately need another way to get melee off you


how are you going to take out an assasin off you?


he can reach you when stealthed


he can vanish


he can force pull you


he can sprint


he can use shroud of darkness and go close to you


are you going to tell me that you can counter all of these abilities with only jeetboost?


i could be fine with the class if energy shield would grant us interrupt immunity by default without wasting points on the bodyguard spec and losing our precious HSM


seriously i could give up even a bit of my dps for a little more survivability as arsenal

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Even as an arsenal merc, if you're trying to sit and turret in pvp you're doing it wrong. Every single merc spec including heals can be a fantastic kiter. As long as they are spec'd and played properly the merc class is incredible in pvp and most likely in line for nerfs becuz of it


However none of that matters, since most of this QQ is focused around having an ability for pvp utility and other pvp complaints in a "PVE/Story Driven MMO with some pvp in it" those are the designers words. If you bought and signed up for this game with high hopes and expectations about an incredibly in depth pvp mmo, you weren't paying attention.

Edited by Spoonster
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Even as an arsenal merc, if you're trying to sit and turret in pvp you're doing it wrong. Every single merc spec including heals can be a fantastic kiter. As long as they are spec'd and played properly the merc class is incredible in pvp and most likely in line for nerfs becuz of it


However none of that matters, since most of this QQ is focused around having an ability for pvp utility and other pvp complaints in a "PVE/Story Driven MMO with some pvp in it" those are the designers words. If you bought and signed up for this game with high hopes and expectations about an incredibly in depth pvp mmo, you weren't paying attention.


we have a snare as arsenal merc?


because i only remind a pathetic 2 second snare on a channeled ability that ALWAYS delays a second before activating

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Move Shoulder Slam to the Power Tech Shieldtech tree and change it to a high aggro 4 second stun.


Power Techs get a baseline charge.


Mercenaries get a disengage, that let's them jump backwards. (Hunters anyone?)


Troopers already got a number of 'oh well, how do we justify that one?'-abilites, so they'd probably settle for some adrenal induced bounciness.


Anyway, having a jetpack that actually works - Death from Above is my witness - and not using it kind of insults the intelligence of the Bounty Hunters. Maybe Alzheimers is an occupational hazard and they forgot where the engage button was?

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This seems like a simple solution to me:


If troopers need some comparable skill to a bounty hunter jump, why not take a page out of Team Fortress's book? I've never played a trooper so I don't know if they have a rocket launcher or anything like that, but if you've ever played a soldier in TF, you know what I'm talking about.


Solder [Trooper] shoots a rocket at his feet, goes flying in the air. Of course, in TF, this damaged the soldier but we could negate this for TOR.


Just a thought but I found it kinda cool. You could even give it a knockback or something.

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Powertechs get that, just like Juggernauts get a jump

Mercs have no need for it, Marauders don't get one either (and they're melee)


First of all, are you trying to say that Marauders dont have a jump? Because if you are then you dont know what you're talking about. Force Charge is a basic Sith Warrior ability for BOTH subclasses which they get while still newborn trainees. I'm sure someone probably responded to your remark by now, but I found it so ridiculous that I clearly needed to give my own reply.


Secondly, anyone that believes Mercs dont deserve a jetpack movement ability is clearly not a true Star Wars Bounty Hunter and probably doesn't even use BH as a primary class.


Why do I say that? Well, because what other kind of an ignorant douche would think it's alright to have NO lateral movement with a jetpack while playing a character class that is globally famous in Star Wars lore as being a "MERCERNARY" that uses a jetpack to engage or otherwise maneuver against their targets?


All of this crap about "Mercs don't need it because they're supposed to stay ranged and they have these other stuns, blah blah" does not adequatently explain why we have such an infamous bounty hunter gadget clearly displayed as a primary appearance attribute on our characters. It's SUPPOSED to be useful and should be in more than two ways. Hell, just go to the SWTOR class description page and read the part about Mercernaries being "MOBILE weapon platforms". I see a lot of channeling abilities, where is the damn mobility!?


It truly astounds me that there can be so many of you "so-called" Bounty Hunters that dont even realize how stupid it is that Mercs are so restricted to unimpressive feats of elevation gain with no real jetpack movement capability.....they can spare me the hover animation in Death From above, it doesnt justify having a rocket device strapped to my back NEARLY enough.


Like the thread says....JETPACK OUTRAGE!!!!

Edited by Valoredramack
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I agree. We need a jetpack disengagement skill to jump 30 meters away from melee. Just like Jango Fett did in Ep. II when he flew away from Obi-Wan on the platform.


Also, I'd like Death from Above to put us out of melee range so that we could only be hit by ranged attacks/CC during the duration. Would give a point to the jetpack being used since it's clearly only a superficial cosmetic atm.

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So grapple + stun + pop shield with 100% of removing all slowing effects does not allow you to get away?

Ability to shoot people and slow them down on every shot also does nothing for you?


There are so many talents in trees that allow you to not die it is not even funny.

But if all that is not enough for you, maybe explore one of the other classes you are talking about? Nothing wrong with that, BH just might not be your class.

Also if you are getting smashed by 5 people continuously, and are not tank spec, then no offence, but you are doing something wrong.


This one time, I was playing, and I wasn't grouped with anybody. I think it's called soloing or something. Evidently it's legal and everything, although I haven't been able to find anyone that would believe me when I told them.


I vote for Jet Boost. I think it would be a cool skill that wouldn't really throw off balance anywhere that make sense for non-tanky BHs to have. Heck, even the intro movie shows the hottie BH jet boosting up a floor before the Sith attack.

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Dunno about Mercs as I haven't played them yet. But PT could definitely use a baseline ability to get faster into melee range.


It would be opposite for Mercs. Powertechs want to be close up, Mercs want to maintain distance.


Powertechs get an offensive jet boost toward the target, Mercs get a defensive jet blast away from an attacker.


However, I'd be happy if they just gave it a target circle and let you choose where you jet to (would be awesome for jumping to platforms in PvP and hunting datacrons too).

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It would be opposite for Mercs. Powertechs want to be close up, Mercs want to maintain distance.


Powertechs get an offensive jet boost toward the target, Mercs get a defensive jet blast away from an attacker.


However, I'd be happy if they just gave it a target circle and let you choose where you jet to (would be awesome for jumping to platforms in PvP and hunting datacrons too).


^^ This

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I don't play BH Yet but I had a little go in Beta and I think they should add a double jump (if possible) For BH and on the second jump the Jet pack fires up this will allow them to gain a little extra height maybe allowing them to get on the next platform in huttball.


I think it will make people feel more like a Bounty Hunter too

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I'm beginning to think that BioWare will not add the ability to the class. I don't believe they will add any abilities to any class.


I think they have all the class abilities the way they want them. The only changes they will make at this point is dps tweaks.

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It's possible that at some time Bioware may add (or in the PT case give back) the ability to use the Jet Pack to all specs.


That being said its probably so far down the list of things that needs to be looked at, that we will be lucky to see it happen in a year (it at all), as simply adding the move would probably cause balance issues.


Course I wouldn't mind being proven wrong in this case.

Edited by Dharagada
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After reading about 3 pages of.



I can safely say that everybody who thinks that Mercs are fine and have enough utility is brain dead.


I have been playing a Merc Bodyguard since Beta and I have always argued that the class has little to no utility. For those of you who would go so far as to open your mouth and say otherwise I bring this tib bit up.


Most if not all of the Utility you will try to argue we have is mirrored by another class.... and half the time the mirror move is BETTER! Look at Sorc AoE KB for example.


Sorc AoE KB: Knocks the target back and ROOTS them on their BACK.

( This knocks the target back,.... and shuts them down for X amount of time )


BH AoE KB: Knocks the target back and SLOWS them..... ?!?!?!?!? REALLY!!! oh did I mention that our KB is also a 30 sec CD vs the Sorcs being a 20 sec CD....... ***~!


The list goes on .... Our cleanse is a 4.5 sec move.... that removes CC only to have you spam it right back on since the CC immunity is broken as all hell.


Our ability to stay alive is fine for a pre-determined time I can normally deal with 2 guys beating on me...... as for getting away.... nigh impossible since everybody has a PULL, LUNGE, STEALTH.....


The issue isn't that BH doesn't have moves to deal with situations.... the issue is that everybody has the same mirror moves as we do and they are better...... AND then they also have more utility past ours...


Im a huge fan of the idea that BH Should have the ability to PULL a friendly player to AND or Jump to a Friendly Player putting you in range of healing them.


I don't want game breaking moves.... I just want moves to be retooled to be more useful.;)

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