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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

REPONSE:Server population dropping = not really


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Every MMO loses subs after it launches, it's inevitable."That other game" did and now look at it, it has 11 million subscriptions. Making the game is the first hurdle, winning back your customers is the next.


Actually, WoW has never lost subs (until recently.) It started at 0 and went up until peaking at 12,000,000 or so.


But there's no way to tell what's happening with TOR until BioWare releases another press release. If they do release one, it's good news. If we don't see another one, not good news.

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Even if the game lowered to only 1000 subscribers I would still be playing. I love the game. They fixed pretty much every bug that I was noticing/was actually a major problem. Sorry if people are too dumb to realize that most of the bugs in this game are not "major" or "game-breaking" in any way shape or form.



They have not fixed several bugs that prevent your class's story form progressing... pretty sure thats a major bug bud.


Pretty sure having no high res textures in the game is a major bug.


Pretty sure the ability delay and skills not syncing is a major bug if not gamebreaking for hardcore pve/pvp players.


There are many others just because your not affected or dont notice means absoultly nothing at all and gives you no right to call people with real problems in game dumb.


You sir are ignorant and need to stop posting dribble.

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Actually, WoW has never lost subs (until recently.) It started at 0 and went up until peaking at 12,000,000 or so.


But there's no way to tell what's happening with TOR until BioWare releases another press release. If they do release one, it's good news. If we don't see another one, not good news.



WoW fanboy, huh?


For your information, there was a ton of flux with their population before they opened in China. Without China, WoW wouldn't be nearly as successful as they claim it is. Hell, they're down to 1-3 million subs in the entire Western market (and that's assuming we believe what they tell us).

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Sorry I missed that part. Can you please point to where I said TOR lost 50% of their subs?


I just shared an observation without any analysis of any kind. AND even stated it was ONE observation and a small sample.


This type of response is what makes this the single worse forum community of any MMO I have ever played.


Don't know which MMO's you've played, but this community shows the exact same levels of respect, maturity, and thoughtfulness as the ones I've seen: SWG, VSOH, WOW, and RIFT.

-Note, I'm not saying that's a good thing...

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WoW fanboy, huh?


For your information, there was a ton of flux with their population before they opened in China. Without China, WoW wouldn't be nearly as successful as they claim it is. Hell, they're down to 1-3 million subs in the entire Western market (and that's assuming we believe what they tell us).



Exactly, Wow has been in a steady decline for over 2 years on the NA/EU servers, Blizz just pads the numbers by counting china subs... which dont work the same way western subs do.


anyone who thinks WoW hasnt been dying in NA/EU the past 2 years lives in a fantasy land

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exactly, wow has been in a steady decline for over 2 years on the na/eu servers, blizz just pads the numbers by counting china subs... Which dont work the same way western subs do.


Anyone who thinks wow hasnt been dying in na/eu the past 2 years lives in Azeroth



Edited by DarthAgonny
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This game is losing subs.


It has peaked at 350,000 players at one time which is extremely high for a launch. You don't know what you're saying. Also, ALL MMO's take a hit after the first month, it matters what that hit is.

Edited by Zinny
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I would think you would've learned to keep your mouth shut around here by now, after Stephen Reid pwned you.


That's just it, 99% of these trolls have more than 1 account. I bet this guy LOVES this game to no end but as a small child things happened to him that killed any chance of him ever having social skills. So he goes into the forums of a game he plays and makes up lies to draw attention to himself. Nofanboy is the epitome of all troll posters in the United States, they are liars. I have never in my life seen a Dev BUST someone's *** like he did this trolls, all time forum post in the history of MMO's.

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it can be determined how many subs this game actually loses in february...


of course more than enough people already cancelled their sub by now (meaning they never let it actually start, but figured they won't be playing after the free 30 days...)


I'm also fairly sure BW expects exactly that to happen. they also don't expect all too many people to pick up the game within these 30 days, because the usual mmo player either wants to start a game right from the start - or wait a bit to figure out if it's their game (for whatever reason)...


that's how I see it, anyway



I think both it ridiculous, honestly... so far this game is neither a success nor a failure

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I don't know if there are more or less people, but one thing to remember is that the number you see at the top of your screen isn't the number of people on the server--it's the number of people in your immediate area (not sure if it's planet or region or what it is). Since people level at different paces, people are now more spread out. At the beginning, we were all in the starter zones. Some are still in the starter zones, some are in the middle somewhere, and a few are even at "end game." You also need to remember that each planet has more than one "instance." When I join a group, sometime I have to reload to be in the same area as the rest of the group.
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