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Server population is dropping...


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They sold 2 mil copies cause they over hyped the game. The game should be f2p cause in my opinion it sucks but time will tell. I though Warhammer was a better game at launch lol


I'm glad you can see that. " In your opinion". Though i have doubts that it is your own, the fact is that opinion is not shared by many people.


I personally have a very different opinion and i think the game is great and will only get even better with time. No doubt the next giant on P2P MMO's.


I would like to understand your logic though. You say Warhammer was better at launch even though that game was disconnected and had no true PvE experience at high levels.

WoW for example offers pretty much the same as SWTOR does minus the engaging leveling experience and choices.

Why exactly you conclude SWTOR sucks and should be F2P when it offers more than what the competition does is really bogus to me.

Edited by Nemmar
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One and I'm already regretting that decision. Glad I settled with the digital deluxe rather than going whole hog on the Collector's edition. I'm as much an alt of someone as you are mentally stable.


yeah right mate

you know forum altism can lead to schizophrenia?

be careful

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Nooblets like mutharex are doing more to stave off normal, sane people that might try this game than any percieved 'troll post', IMO.


I can understand his frustration. After 6 years of waiting, fanfic writing/reading, KotOR replays and watching the trailers on youtube every day, he clearly cannot handle the idea that this game has been overhyped and that it sadly under-delivered.

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Did you seriously suggest sending screenshots to Bioware to let THEM know how bad their pop numbers are?


Not even gonna touch the ridiculousness of that statement. Im pretty sure Bioware knows the pop status on their servers at all times homie.


Obviously, sadly blinded by rage. I sugested you open a ticket about the issue OR make a thread in the forums with a screenshot so you dont get flamed (so the issue can get more visibility with other server members that can relate to your worries).


I was trying to help, i hope you can understand that. But if you would like to flame, its your choice. My server is perfectly fine and i enjoy the game.

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I can understand his frustration. After 6 years of waiting, fanfic writing/reading, KotOR replays and watching the trailers on youtube every day, he clearly cannot handle the idea that this game has been overhyped and that it sadly under-delivered.


Actually, I didn't follow much TOR because the idea sounded a bit weird and not interesting, it wasn't till open beta that I decided to purchase it


but I see that you unconsciously let slip the reasons for your hate, what you descrive is what YOU have been doing all this tiem and now, BW dared producing a game that isn't like YOU wanted it to be so you going to buy multiple boxes of the game jus tso you can troll it better


that is very sad

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Whatever keeps you sane bro. Seriously though, I'd think about getting those prescriptions refilled if I were you.


mines taste very weird, what are you taking for your multiple personalities disorder?

not that it seems like they working mind you, now you got 2 personality: ***** and *****hat

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ah I forgot:








now I ma off to lunch and then playing a bit on my server that is always full of people who just LOVE the game


bye noobs

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Actually, I didn't follow much TOR because the idea sounded a bit weird and not interesting, it wasn't till open beta that I decided to purchase it


but I see that you unconsciously let slip the reasons for your hate, what you descrive is what YOU have been doing all this tiem and now, BW dared producing a game that isn't like YOU wanted it to be so you going to buy multiple boxes of the game jus tso you can troll it better


that is very sad


I don't know what's worse, the way you attack people for not drinking the BW Koolaid or the fact you think people will buy multiple copies of the game just to troll the forums and give bad reviews.

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ah I forgot:








now I ma off to lunch and then playing a bit on my server that is always full of people who just LOVE the game


bye noobs


Im following this thread becouse im on a low pop server...but... someting is worrying me.....

Are you ok, do you need medical aid. You are a real strange fellow

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I don't know what's worse, the way you attack people for not drinking the BW Koolaid or the fact you think people will buy multiple copies of the game just to troll the forums and give bad reviews.


Look, I am going to say this the last time:


people who enjoy TOR don't drink any kool-aid nor are fanbois, we just dislike trolls and noobs like you. It's easy. We don't want you to like the game, we don't care, unlike you that want everyone to leave the game because you have personal problems.


We just find ridiculous that someone can spend hours every day on teh forum of a gme he hates just to post hate and lies


and you HAVE bought multiple boxes

it's a scientific and proven fact

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I'm glad you can see that. " In your opinion". Though i have doubts that it is your own, the fact is that opinion is not shared by many people.


I personally have a very different opinion and i think the game is great and will only get even better with time. No doubt the next giant on P2P MMO's.


I would like to understand your logic though. You say Warhammer was better at launch even though that game was disconnected and had no true PvE experience at high levels.

WoW for example offers pretty much the same as SWTOR does minus the engaging leveling experience and choices.

Why exactly you conclude SWTOR sucks and should be F2P when it offers more than what the competition does is really bogus to me.


How is it not my own opinion? I've played to 50 with multiple alts ranging from level 20-40, and I can tell you (in my opinion) this game is **** and wont be a giant in any way, shape, or form. It has the worst pvp I have ever seen and horrible end game is boring, repetitive, and yields unworthy rewards. Leveling is as engaging as your honeymoon then it becomes grueling and tiresome.


The game is nice for its single player value but beyond that its ridiculous how bad the game actually is. Many many people feel the same way I do.

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The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

have you spoken to a doctor about it?

is your life so...pointless?

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The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

have you spoken to a doctor about it?

is your life so...pointless?


Yet here you are.

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The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

have you spoken to a doctor about it?

is your life so...pointless?


Im on work on my brake time.... i like the game and i care about my server....

BTW is "The kumungah" server in EU


We really need your help BW

Edited by Brandoa
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The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

have you spoken to a doctor about it?

is your life so...pointless?


I could just as easily ask why you defend the game so vehemently and with so much vitriol. People have different opinions of the game. Just because I think the game could have been better doesn't reflect poorly on you one tiny bit. You take it personally whenever anyone criticizes the game, even to the point of accusing them all to be the same person in some vast anti-TOR conspiracy. That's really not healthy.

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i could just as easily ask why you defend the game so vehemently and with so much vitriol. People have different opinions of the game. Just because i think the game could have been better doesn't reflect poorly on you one tiny bit. You take it personally whenever anyone criticizes the game, even to the point of accusing them all to be the same person in some vast anti-tor conspiracy. That's really not healthy.


lol :D


He tinks that we are the same person and all DEC2011, are the same person

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The funny thing about trolls and 'haters'?

The yspend hours trying to prove that this game (or any game they hate) is doing poorly


but the question is: why????? why you care or should we care??

have you spoken to a doctor about it?

is your life so...pointless?


You have TOR Fanbois telling you that you are sick in the head, being a troll has nothing to do with it.


You need to seriously step away from the forums because its very much not healthy for you. From one human to another, you need to just take a step back and evaluate yourself.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


You are wrong.


The servers have population caps that determine where their capacity level is at. So at launch a server may have had a population cap of 300 players. At 250 players the listing would read "Heavy".


The developers have stated in several places those caps have been raised. So now a server may have a cap of 600 players, and those same 250 players might show up as "Light".


So please, read my sig, do some research and learn the facts about how something works prior to posting one of these "QQ the sky is falling" threads. Thanks.



No, it does not explain anything other than what the server status is over a given period. It does not explain the actual server populations, if the game is losing or gaining players.


In fact, because that site does NOT take into account the adjustable caps and the fact that those reported loads vary, it is completely useless for determining anything.


So, it's not really explaining much of anything.

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