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Server population is dropping...


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Why is wow still being brought up? There are quite a few servers that can't reach 500 people on both factions combined during prime time. And it's perfectly normal for any popular game to have a few low population servers so people that want to play on them can play on them. For everyone else - there's the highly populated servers. The only valid criticism is that Bioware still haven't introduced paid character transfers. It's better to do it sooner rather than later.


It's being brought up because it's still completely relevant. My WoW guild, which was U.S. Top 200, with a few Hard Modes down when we stopped raiding during Dragon Soul, went into its annual end-of-expansion break. I didn't want to pay 15 dollars to do a LFR with 24 people I don't know once a week to get my MMO Fix. This is supposed to be a viable alternative in the MMO Market.


Instead, I'm getting a very viable single player experience. There is one group of 50s on my server doing Hard modes at the moment, and I'm fairly sure not a single person has set foot in an operation. If I didnt have my brother and others from my WoW guild with me, I would've already gone back to trying to gather the troops on Warcraft for some more "Sigh, it's Tuesday 8pm again."


I plan on getting my 4 together, and asking the other 4 and doing some guild-combines for operations. That way, at least we can try and pretend we're playing an MMO.


It's hard to accept the "some servers are just gonna be low" argument, because the servers that have more than 30 people on the fleet at a given time are very far, and very few between. I may just make a character on every server , and /who 1-50 during Prime Time just to get an estimate of where every single server sits. This would be an accurate assessment, compared to what that website of misused information is showing us.

Edited by Daltin
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It's being brought up because it's still completely relevant. My WoW guild, which was U.S. Top 200


1: It is not relevant. They never "fixed" light servers because by nature, they aren't broken.


2: You show me one successful major MMO that merged servers and i'll tell you if it's dead by now or F2P and almost dead.


3: Trying to lay down some awe by saying "U.S. Top 200" is almost as sad as saying you were class valedictorian from a texan public school. Even the top 100 US guilds are nowhere near the top 200 EU guilds. And having said that, anything short of top 10 in wow is laughable now considering 10 DKs just cleared the previous level raid content. It's been getting more and more watered down since the end of BC/Ulduar.

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I think standard is still to low, my server is decent dark sion, but never see more then 110 people in fleet ,and people always complaing about spamming chat for grps, Bioware needs to merge servers if my standard server feels alittle empty I couldnt imagine light, I would have quit or moved already
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MMO's always start with a lower server cap to spread the luanch wave out on the servers. If its too much they add some servers. Then when the initial caos has settled they raise the server cap on all servers.

That way there is room on your server when you persuade some of your IRL frineds to try it out with you :)


So something that said heavy or very heavy at launch would only say standard today as the server cap is higher than at launch.

Edited by DeeckTator
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1: It is not relevant. They never "fixed" light servers because by nature, they aren't broken.


2: You show me one successful major MMO that merged servers and i'll tell you if it's dead by now or F2P and almost dead.


3: Trying to lay down some awe by saying "U.S. Top 200" is almost as sad as saying you were class valedictorian from a texan public school. Even the top 100 US guilds are nowhere near the top 200 EU guilds. And having said that, anything short of top 10 in wow is laughable now considering 10 DKs just cleared the previous level raid content. It's been getting more and more watered down since the end of BC/Ulduar.


You're a sad man. I'll hit all your points one by one.


1) 7 people on Fleet at 7:30 PM. Broken.


2) Can't answer. Not informed enough about the subject to give a qualified answer. I fail to see the logic in how merging servers can be a bad thing. You're combining lower population servers together, so the masses have more people to play with. What is negative about this, and how does this directly correlate to a game going F2P?


3) I never said U.S. top 200 was anything special, I'm simply stating the facts that I come from a place where end-game content is somewhat challenging and takes a dedicated effort. Dedicated effort defined by:

A group of lvl 85s that have never played together for more than a week cannot simply waltz into Hard Mode Dragon Soul and pretend that they have anywhere near the skill/synergy to defeat the hard mode.


It just feels like you got a little hurt that I used an arbitrary number, instead of just saying "I come from a good guild." I apologize for using a numerical fact to try and give myself some sort of "qualified" assessment on what a real end-game raiding feels like. This is certainly not it, at the moment. Would you have reacted differently had I said the following:


Heroic Ragnaros cleared

Heroic -EVERYTHING- cleared

Server First X Y Z


Yes. You would've. I leave that stuff out because it would come off as inflating an ego about a topic that isn't relevant to the conversation. This is a conversation for adults, trying to convince Bioware that we WANT to continue to play this game, and we WANT them to fix it in whatever way is best. We're suggesting solutions. That's the best we can do. If you can't see that, then you're in the wrong thread.

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1: It is not relevant. They never "fixed" light servers because by nature, they aren't broken.


2: You show me one successful major MMO that merged servers and i'll tell you if it's dead by now or F2P and almost dead.



The population on 'light' servers IS a problem. You may not care about it since you don't see it, but it's a serious problem for those left on those servers. You get few enough players on a server and it is broken. The game was designed to be massively multiplayer.


I'm sure your server is just fine and may even be growing. Great. I'm happy for you. My server? Not so much. In fact, people keep leaving it to reroll on heavily populated servers.


As for your second point, I don't really care about the negative publicity. Do you want the development of this game to be for the benefit of the players, or would you rather hand it over to EAs marketing department?

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Not really lol most medium and wow's medium is not SWTOR's medium lawl.


Since you don't know how much is wow's medium and swtor's medium this comment makes no sense.


I may just make a character on every server , and /who 1-50 during Prime Time just to get an estimate of where every single server sits. This would be an accurate assessment, compared to what that website of misused information is showing us.


That holds true for every mmorpg. Yesterday morning when I wanted to check the population on some wow servers sporeggar was showing medium. It had less than 100 people on both factions combined. Server status is never reliable. Well except in eve online and silkroad online because they give exact numbers.


If you want a populated realm just choose one that is either heavy or very heavy during prime time. It's guaranteed to have at least 200 people in fleet. For example freedon nadd had 300 people in one instance and another ~70 people on another instance of imperial fleet when the status was very heavy.


Another thing - most people still aren't level 50. Even low population realms will have much better time finding groups for hard modes in a couple months. Especially with a better lfg tool. After all you only need to find 3 more people. Heck, if you're not totally inexperienced they're doable with 3 people plus a companion dps.

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If you can't see that, then you're in the wrong thread.


Ok, you're a wow player. And i know you're aware there are low and in quite a few cases, EXTREMELY low pop servers. Some have been that way for years. Now, this is apparently something you do not want, but a low population server is not a bad thing. The game is just over a month old, and it has nowhere to go but up.


Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but when AOC, WAR, DCUO, MxO, and others have said "We're merging servers" it's been a very embarrassing thing and it doesn't bode well for the future of the game. For BW to merge even 2 servers just a month after release, it would be VERY bad. The only thing that scares people away from a MMO faster then a server merger are the letters "SOE".


I understand the blight of the low pop/ghost town servers. I was on one for a while in wow before i finally moved off of it. BW needs time to get the proper channels in place. Channels that aren't as simple as flicking a switch.


So until then, all I can advise is either deal with it for now, take a break until you feel the problem is addressed, or roll a new character on a different server, and either relevel your main or wait for the day you can transfer it.



Nobody is going to read this, but please people, give a 1 month old game a freaking chance to straighten things out.

Edited by Jigsaw-Complex
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So until then, all I can advise is either deal with it for now, take a break until you feel the problem is addressed, or roll a new character on a different server, and either relevel your main or wait for the day you can transfer it.



Nobody is going to read this, but please people, give a 1 month old game a freaking chance to straighten things out.


I understand that I could just reroll or quit, but neither is something I want to do. I may end up rerolling anyway because I enjoy playing the market and doing flashpoints and heroic quests, and that's just something that is not easily done on my server at the moment.


The problem is even after I reroll and am happily playing on a populated server, the Defenestrator is still there, but now has even less people. The problem is not fixed, it's just that I can't see it anymore.


Some people (like me) will probably just 'suck it up' and reroll, even though I think it is unfair that a month after the game is out I already have to reroll because I was unlucky enough to choose the server that I did on launch day. A server that Bioware prodded me towards joining by artificially inflating the queue times on the populated servers.


Some other people though will likely just get fed up and leave, and that's not something I want to see happen to this game.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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I don't know why people are bringing up that wow has low pop servers, don't they have x-realm lfg and bg's?


Yes, and now I believe they can even find PUG raids across servers. Honestly if we had all of these tools I wouldn't mind so much being on the low server. The market would still be incredibly disappointing, but at least we would be able to consistently do warzones and flashpoints.

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It's 9:35PM EST on the Defenestrator.


14 people in the fleet



86 people levels 1-20

52 people levels 21-30

82 people levels 31-49

5 level 50s


TOTAL 225 players


I like you.


9:40 EST Crevasse City


10 people in the fleet



96 people levels 1-20

51 people levels 21-30

45 people levels 31-49

10 lvl 50s


TOTAL 202 players

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I like you.


9:40 EST Crevasse City


10 people in the fleet



96 people levels 1-20

51 people levels 21-30

45 people levels 31-49

10 lvl 50s


TOTAL 202 players



I guess you win!


Unfortunately I don't think you'll like your prize. :p

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I like you.


9:40 EST Crevasse City


10 people in the fleet



96 people levels 1-20

51 people levels 21-30

45 people levels 31-49

10 lvl 50s


TOTAL 202 players


Let's see, The Courageous, 10:38 PM


95 players 1-20

56 players 21-30

75 players 31-49

12 players 50

238 total players


Drat, I suppose you beat me. Enjoy your prize! Oh, and as usual, I'd like to remind everyone that this is "Standard."

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Let's see, The Courageous, 10:38 PM


95 players 1-20

56 players 21-30

75 players 31-49

12 players 50

238 total players


Drat, I suppose you beat me. Enjoy your prize! Oh, and as usual, I'd like to remind everyone that this is "Standard."


Sad, somehow I already knew standard was just the new light and light was just = dead.

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