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Server population is dropping...


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This is the eternal problem that 95% of mmo's will always have.

When the game starts people dont want queues and complain if they have to wait 30 mins to get in the game.


So they make dozens of servers and people are all happy they dont have queue in their light populated server.

After a few weeks they start to realize their mistake but now it is too late and they are already level capped.


And so they start asking for merges and the game goes downhill from there because everyone see's merges as admiting the game is failing .


If i made an mmo i would put as few servers as possible at the start.

And i would explain this as the reason and ask what people preferred.

I would only add aditional servers if needed and when the existing ones were full or very heavy.


Its better to wait a bit and have a comunnity than enter a ghost town immediatly.

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If i made an mmo i would put as few servers as possible at the start.

And i would explain this as the reason and ask what people preferred.

I would only add aditional servers if needed and when the existing ones were full or very heavy.


Its better to wait a bit and have a comunnity than enter a ghost town immediatly.


Dude, this is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID apart from the asking us what we wanted thing which wouldn't work. They added more servers as the old ones became full. People would not have tolerated 4 hour queues.


As for GW2 - GW2 won't be killing anything. By the time it comes out half the fans will have died of old age and the other half will have spent so long building it up way beyond what is possible that most of them will ragequit.

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Exactly! What do you people expect? 1000+ people in the fleet? Yes, some servers are like that, and some aren't. Two things can explain why this is not.


- The game is 1 month old

- You got crap luck and ended up on a not server.


Server merging is band aid on a severed arm. It causes so much drama about guilds and names, what the new server should be named, and it's one step before F2P and 2 steps before dead game.


So either knuckle up and get in with a close guild, reroll, or quit.


How will rerolling or quitting help the problem? The server will still be there, just without me on it.

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i think a lot of folks here are taking those out of the picture :


- flashpoints


- operations


- Warzones


- Ships


These do represent a big slice of the population cake.


Take 16 man operations for exemple.


We went to EV about 2 days ago. 78 players in this operation.


I am not saying that low population on some servers isn't an issue, but i do say that doing some math with planet+fleet population will not give your server real population.


As more and more players reach level 50, planets will start to empty while instanced area offering the end-game content will be crowded.


That's just a reality. Go on a high populated server in wow and visit ice crown. You would be lucky to see anyone there.


In three months of time, planets other than ilum will slowly become ghost towns as player start to enjoy the end-game.


That's natural in a MMo.


The numbers were gained by doing /who searches for level ranges, not for planets. If I do a /who 50 it will show me all levels 50s in the game regardless of where they are. Yes, the search results are capped at 100 people, but since I've never seen more than 6 level 50s online at a time on my server that's not really an issue.


I also kind of laugh about the '78 players in the operation' that you are seeing. I've never seen one active operation on my server, let alone enough level 50s to even start one.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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How will rerolling or quitting help the problem? The server will still be there, just without me on it.



Good point, I dont expect bioware to merge servers, they are screwing everything else up, so not merging servers to make the customers that havent left happy fits in nicely. All of you that happen to be on good populated servers GOOD FOR YOU, you are a bunch of selfish horrible people, this game has a bad community ob these forums, REROLL lal no one wants to lose countless days of play time just to do it all over again,

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Sounds like you have more population than my server. Maybe we should be asking for a global chat channel. Honestly 250 people isn't a ghost town. If we had global chat it would help you find groups. Sounds like people are playing alts and not that interested in sitting in the fleet waiting for groups.


That 250 people that I quoted was the peak result that I saw the whole evening that I was online. When I logged on around 5:15PM is was closer to 150 people.


I don't know what people playing alts or sitting in the fleet has to do with it, since the search was done across all level ranges regardless of where they were at the time. If you think about all of the various planets, flashpoints, and warzones, and then try to split 250 amongst all of them you end up with a very sparsely populated server.


Not to mention the market, where it is a miracle if I can find an upgrade and it doesn't really matter what I post at what price, very few people are there to actually buy anything.

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on my server there are 250+ people on the REPUBLIC fleet, most planets have a pop of 75+ and it is almost always marked as heavy


my anecdotal evidence > your anecdotal evidence


therefor the server pop is rising and this thread is invalid

Edited by Liquidacid
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So would you whether have the devs work on a merge script, perform backups in case things fail, and actually do a merge? Or would you prefer bug fixes and issues to be addressed first?


No developer will merge servers in the first few months. People might come back, then they will need to add more servers again?

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If you wish to see a dead server, hit up Tassaa Bareesh (EU, Imperials) at around 9 pm (GMT+2)

That should be EU primetime and you'll probably notice that for primetime it's a "tad" quiet...

Talked with a guildie a few days ago and he had joined WZ queue at midnight, and ended up with no warzone even though he waited for 5½ hours :D

I'd love to PVP, but... yeah.


Rolling an alt on a server like Swiftsure shows you a totally different, great, game but I don't want to leave my guildmates :(


Hehe i play Republic on that server and i am in the biggest guild of republic "Serenity" The server indeed feels pretty dead, lucky we have a big guild and i just hit 50 so im not gonna reroll on another server but i hope BW is going to adress the problem!

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My server has 280+ on prime time in the empire fleet.


Started a new char and Dromund Kass has over 100 people in that area still.


Seems fine from my point of view.


Seems fine on your server you mean.

Edited by Rigota
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on my server there are 250+ people on the REPUBLIC fleet, most planets have a pop of 75+ and it is almost always marked as heavy


my anecdotal evidence > your anecdotal evidence


therefor the server pop is rising and this thread is invalid


I'm glad your server has a good population. It must be very nice for you.


There is nothing anecdotal about it. The numbers I posted came from /who results, and if you don't believe them try logging onto the Defenestrator and see for yourself. Just do a /who for various level ranges and count them up, it's not hard to do.

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http://www.mmo-junkies.net/ look at statistics, population is decreasing.

Relevant is everybody's point of view, not one person.


from the FAQ of that very site about the TOR pop graphs


"Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs?

No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more."


they are based on the server status page's 6 status flags on this site not actual population figures...



I'm glad your server has a good population. It must be very nice for you.


There is nothing anecdotal about it. The numbers I posted came from /who results, and if you don't believe them try logging onto the Defenestrator and see for yourself. Just do a /who for various level ranges and count them up, it's not hard to do.


I'm not sure you understand what an anecdote is...

Edited by Liquidacid
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from the FAQ of that very site about the TOR pop graphs


"Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs?

No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more."


they are guesses generated by the server status page on this site not actual population figures...


Yea but they monitor from Light to Full. There not estimates out of thin air.. And they are not to far off from the real values. For example see at christmas a big drop. Or when servers are down.

Edited by Rigota
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This is why I chose a very heavy server when I first created my character and put up with the queue times for the first few weeks.


At least now Im on a server with a decent population at all times.


Will probably keep losing people for the next few weeks and then it will level out.

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Yea but they monitor from Light to Full. And they are near accurate. For example see at christmas a big drop. Or when servers are down.


yes but as a means of determining actual population they mean nothing because BW has not released what their status flags actually stand for... are they homogeneous? is the difference in pop from light to med the same as from med to heavy? we don't know... if they we don't know the flags are proportionate or not those graphs mean dick other than a random number of more or less people were on or not at any specific time... could be 10000 less players could be 3...

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yes but as a means of determining actual population they mean nothing because BW has not released what their status flags actually stand for... are they homogeneous? is the difference in pop from light to med the same as from med to heavy? we don't know...


right now all the flags mean is "a few", "more than a few" "even more than a few" to "full"...


You can clearly see in which degree from 0-offline to 5-full the state of all servers is and was in the graph. And if its light its not good populated. And servers become lighter than in the first week. You can also look and search your own servers graph on the site and look in which degeree it is (0-5) when.

You don't need exact numbers to see a difference in something.

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I'm not sure you understand what an anecdote is...


Acutally I know exactly what anecdotal evidence is, which is why I invited you (or anyone else) to log onto the server for yourself if you do not believe my numbers.


Bioware has the numbers and if they really care about the health of their game for these subscribers they will do the right thing and merge the low population servers or allow a transfer off of them.

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You can clearly see in which degree from 0-offline to 5-full the state of all servers is and was in the graph. And if its light its not good populated. And servers become lighter than in the first week.

You don't need exact numbers to see a difference in something.


no in this context it means nothing since we don't know how many players "light" means... could be 1 person could be 50 percent of the server cap only BW knows... I've logged in off hours when my server was marked on this site as "light" and there were 200+ people on the fleet and at least 50 on most of the planets I visited... so just because it was marked as "light" didn't mean it was dead...


those graphs are fine for seeing very generalize trends in when people are on (like say when peak hours for the are) but are utterly useless if you are trying to determine actual server pops, sub rates or anything actually useful... for those you need real metrics which BW has not released




Acutally I know exactly what anecdotal evidence is, which is why I invited you (or anyone else) to log onto the server for yourself if you do not believe my numbers.


if you did you would not have claimed your statement to not be anecdotal because it was... even if I took your advice , logged on to your server then came and post what I saw here my post would be anecdotal because it still has no actual proof it's just a story of what I claim I saw

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