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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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I am a strong believer that a lot of the servers should be merged to provide for a better playing experience, this would be the logical response to low population that seems to keep getting worse and worse on my server.


Other things that can make for a better playing experiece that I approve of is cross-server PvP and cross-server LFG options for flashpoints and operations.


Alright I am just voicing my opinion for the approval of a change to help make it more of an enjoyable experiece during gameplay, and on my server I play all day morning till night and there is never more than maybe 40 people on each planet with a max of 70 on the imperial fleet, and PvP queues for level 50 as of right now can last as long and 2 hours before I get into a match.


I vote yes on server merges, thank you..

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I am a strong believer that a lot of the servers should be merged to provide for a better playing experience, this would be the logical response to low population that seems to keep getting worse and worse on my server.


Other things that can make for a better playing experiece that I approve of is cross-server PvP and cross-server LFG options for flashpoints and operations.


Alright I am just voicing my opinion for the approval of a change to help make it more of an enjoyable experiece during gameplay, and on my server I play all day morning till night and there is never more than maybe 40 people on each planet with a max of 70 on the imperial fleet, and PvP queues for level 50 as of right now can last as long and 2 hours before I get into a match.


I vote yes on server merges, thank you..


This please bioware, I'm not threatening to cancel my sub but I will because my m was been taking from mmo. A response would be nice, haven't done a 4 heroic in ages cause I find it impossible to get the staff.

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From what I've seen the numbers are increasing acctually.


Unless some of you nay-sayers present some facts about the drops other than that your favourite cantina had 3 less players in it last nite ill go with the fact that this game got 60k new players the last week. Thats a few servers there. :)

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From what I've seen the numbers are increasing acctually.


Unless some of you nay-sayers present some facts about the drops other than that your favourite cantina had 3 less players in it last nite ill go with the fact that this game got 60k new players the last week. Thats a few servers there. :)


We don't need to present anything else. Bioware suggested people roll on low-pop servers, and now the people who bit the bullet for the first week(dealt with que) are the ones reaping the rewards. It's punishment inflicted upon the player base, more often times than not, directly caused from Bioware saying something they shouldn't have.

Edited by Daltin
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Gotta tell ya.. i was worried at first that the servers were indeed depopulating too far, but I believe they are simpy leveling out now. Lately as I'm progressing through each planet, I come across enough people to find someone to group with, but few enough for players not come across situations where you're waiting in line to kill named hostile or anything silly like that.
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If faced with the decision of re-rolling on another server, or quitting, i'd quit. But, I'm gonna stick it out for as long as humanly possible. There are up-and-coming 50s, so hopefully it'll be better soon on Crevasse City. Last week at a given time, there were 1-2 50s on the server, but tonight there were 10 (!!!!!!).


/who 50 resulted in 17 online 50s at 8pm Eastern Time. Down to 11 by 10pm. That's pitiful.


The problem with server merging, I'm assuming, would be Legacy names. Only one legacy name per server. So what kind of problem do you run into? If two characters are named "Legacy of Davidson" , how would that theoretically even be able to be handled?

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I'm pretty sure they increased the pop for the servers and when I've rolled new characters I see that there are a ton of people on the early planets. I can't imagine that all of them are newly rolled characters but perhaps a lot of new ppl who bought the game. I've even asked in chat and a lot said they are new, which is great.


As for servers that are consistently low in pop it would be a good idea to merge the lower pop ones quickly so that there are more folks to hang out with and people don't roll on higher pop servers creating even more of an imbalance.


I had a lot more time during the holidays to play the game, I miss those days, now that I'm back to work I play only a fraction of what I could then but still loving the game and it's my new home for a long time.

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Definitely noticed a drop in players in all areas.


Don't think they will merge servers, it is a major sign of weakness.


Then again, if they don't those on empty servers will feel compelled to leave.


I disagree, it happens in any MMO, give it another month, merging servers isn't a bad thing it's a good thing, then when more ppl sub to the game create more servers. This game will have a long life. There are always balance issues and with all the history they have of other MMO's it will be much easier to manage looking back.

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Numbers increases on heavy servers and decreases on light servers. I had 1 50 and 1 41 on Ula VII and due to no people to do pvp/pve I'm rerolling on Tomb of Fredon Nad, and with me, several other people who found out this same problem.


So, 1-2 months from here, heavy servers will be filled with rerollers, and light servers will be abandoned by those same rerollers.


Solution? Merge several light servers ASAP. Easy and fast am I right?

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Numbers increases on heavy servers and decreases on light servers. I had 1 50 and 1 41 on Ula VII and due to no people to do pvp/pve I'm rerolling on Tomb of Fredon Nad, and with me, several other people who found out this same problem.


So, 1-2 months from here, heavy servers will be filled with rerollers, and light servers will be abandoned by those same rerollers.


Solution? Merge several light servers ASAP. Easy and fast am I right?


Except from what I've been told BW doesn't back up character data... so how would they merge?

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Server status does not reflect population changes, as the server caps were changed. If a cup is half full, and you pour it's contents into a larger cup, the quantity is the same.


We have no way of knowing how many people have left, how many have joined, or how many have reduced their playtime. I know for a fact, new people are joining to replace those who left. They probably are not choosing to play on a light server, I wouldn't! I know for a fact, people who played all day, all night to hit 50 ASAP do not play as much as they did before. It doesn't mean we lost them as a subscriber.


The game is a lot of fun. The Warzones are fun. Many great review sites have confirmed that. The people complaining the most are extreme and probably unhappy with their own lives. Normal people just enjoy the game and never post here.

Edited by Kourage
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At the times I play the population on my server (Kath Hound-RP) in areas like fleet and the current level planets have risen since we went live.


I play on 4 servers and every one of them has been getting lower in the past few weeks. Not a little but alot.


Bioware should have opened servers as needed not on an guess or a hope.

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