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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Holidays are over/ people leaving after first free 30 days.


so we had problems, especially with republic, on most servers before the free month ended. and now the free month is over, clearly a lot more servers will be on life support



so...why did they open up 250 servers again? did they really overestimate here or what?



I'm okay with playing with 30 people or whatever, but if there are 7 people in your zone you arent going to do jack squat in terms of grouping.

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word of mouth made wow.


i get the feeling even most diehard bioware fans are telling their friends "yeah, this is gonna be the most awesome game in a few patches!"


and their friends are going "slick dude, imma be playin skyrim till then bro"


Actually.. a decent, playable, fun game made WoW. Sure, word of mouth helped, but peaking at 12 million players isnt done by word of mouth. It's done by making a solid enjoyable game. yeah sure, now its going downhill fast. (You dont have to remind us fanbois.. we already know) but for all this time, and for the forseeable future, WoW is the measuring stick this game competes with, and its falling miserably short in every single aspect.


I *do* however, find it hilarious when these idiots spout "you wont be missed" and "Go back to wow" .. they are. In droves.. I started this game with 10 friends and my wife... all of them have "gone back to WoW" a few of them just because they were sick and tired of fanboi rage everytime they made a simple suggestion on these forums. You people whine and cry about how this "community" is so much better then anywhere else.. where? I dont see it. I see the same whiny fanboi trolls flaming EVERYONE who doesnt bow down before this unfinished, unpolished, buggy turd of a single player game.. err.. I mean mmo.


I can only imagine the poor suckers who payed like 200+ dollars for some idiotic collectors edition.. I will hereby apologize on behalf of Bioware for your flushed investment.

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Well, I don't mind the low pop... I was making a point that yes... the pop on my server seems to have dropped about 5-10 fold. Coruscant is down under 50 people (up until last week it had 150+). The zones post Alderaan are almost always 15 or less.


Fine by me... I play for the single player story. Less competition and I never did any of the heroic quests anyway.

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All west coast was very heavy or heavy with some standard and no light yesterday.


Sorry wow and rift kiddies, your raiding buddies aren't coming back.


My WoW guild lost 35 people to TOR launch.. 32 of them are back.


My RIFT guild lost 79 people (79!!!) to TOR Launch. 60 of them are back, 20 in less then a week.


Try again fanboy..

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Well, I don't mind the low pop... I was making a point that yes... the pop on my server seems to have dropped about 5-10 fold. Coruscant is down under 50 people (up until last week it had 150+). The zones post Alderaan are almost always 15 or less.


Fine by me... I play for the single player story. Less competition and I never did any of the heroic quests anyway.



Ya know.. you can pick up KOTOR 1 and 2 VERY cheap... and they dont have a monthly fee!


Just tryin to help ya out.

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My WoW guild lost 35 people to TOR launch.. 32 of them are back.


My RIFT guild lost 79 people (79!!!) to TOR Launch. 60 of them are back, 20 in less then a week.


Try again fanboy..


Not sure why I'm a fanboy because i'm having a different experience. Perhaps you can explain to me in a mature fashion why that is.


Oh nevermind, i read some of your posts..........

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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20 people in a zone? Last nigh in prime time there were -4- people on Belsavis. FOUR!


Holidays might be over but Friday night is not an off day for gamers.


They released to many servers at launch was the problem, instead of upping the server limit. Now you will have low pop dead servers because of it.


There was a 5 min que last night when I logged on, 250+ in the imperial fleet. Kaas was running 2 instances, with the 2nd one at 60 people.


Take it from me just leave your low pop server, and start leveling up on a better one. It's what I did, and I can get groups for flashpoints now. Does it suck starting over from scratch sure, but worth it in the long run.

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Actually.. a decent, playable, fun game made WoW. Sure, word of mouth helped, but peaking at 12 million players isnt done by word of mouth. It's done by making a solid enjoyable game. yeah sure, now its going downhill fast. (You dont have to remind us fanbois.. we already know) but for all this time, and for the forseeable future, WoW is the measuring stick this game competes with, and its falling miserably short in every single aspect.


I *do* however, find it hilarious when these idiots spout "you wont be missed" and "Go back to wow" .. they are. In droves.. I started this game with 10 friends and my wife... all of them have "gone back to WoW" a few of them just because they were sick and tired of fanboi rage everytime they made a simple suggestion on these forums. You people whine and cry about how this "community" is so much better then anywhere else.. where? I dont see it. I see the same whiny fanboi trolls flaming EVERYONE who doesnt bow down before this unfinished, unpolished, buggy turd of a single player game.. err.. I mean mmo.


I can only imagine the poor suckers who payed like 200+ dollars for some idiotic collectors edition.. I will hereby apologize on behalf of Bioware for your flushed investment.


Listen, there were annoying fanbois and there were also a lot of ridiculous rage posts. There weren't that many constructive posts on either side. I don't think your arrogant stance here is warranted.

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Holidays are over.


OMG! The holidays are over? Gosh! I guess I should forget about my responsibilities of mortgage, job & education so I can play swtor 20 hours a day with 4 hours of sleep.


Then in 1 week make a post that says:



Edited by sczmajor
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My WoW guild lost 35 people to TOR launch.. 32 of them are back.


My RIFT guild lost 79 people (79!!!) to TOR Launch. 60 of them are back, 20 in less then a week.


Try again fanboy..


WoW guild i was in had around 80 active people online daily. 6 onliny daily atm, almost all of them are still in ToR.


The guild that i was in in Rift had around only 30 people online daily, today the guild has been disbanded because most people left for ToR. Haven only seen 1 that came back.


And around it goes :)

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WoW guild i was in had around 80 active people online daily. 6 onliny daily atm, almost all of them are still in ToR.


The guild that i was in in Rift had around only 30 people online daily, today the guild has been disbanded because most people left for ToR. Haven only seen 1 that came back.


And around it goes :)


That's about the results i'm seeing with actually less in Rift

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i played wow since beta. i played EQ and EQ2 .. and i have never seen so much rage againts a game in my life


in my the entire time in wow i have seen sooo many errors from blizzard that is scary, swtor is not perfect, agreed. but is a fun game and i am having fun playing so far.


dont tell me about pvp balance, dont event compare pvp balance. b/c probably you guys are forgetting BH in his beginning , Wintergrasp , AV etc etc.


If you guys want to play pokemon online in MOP is your problem :D. i had enough of blizzard ******** for my last 7 years.


Every MMO have a period . high volumen at launch time, lose ppl in the next month and they regain ppl. bioware launch wasn't perfect ok. but i which some of you tried wow launch :/ ... we spent DAYS without playing for server issues. and come on after EVERY FRICKING UPDATE (except cata i have 2 aggreed) there were issues.


The game is not perfect we got it. but is fun . at least for me. and i pay 2 have fun not for politics so let the ppl who are having fun had fun.


Gw SUCKED .. AOC SUCKS, being there done that. Why will GW2 be better if his predecesor was soooooooooooo F bad.


so for now the alternatives. wow (pokemon online) or swtor . i am staying in both for the moment. as soon my year pass expire sorry no pokemon online for me.

Edited by cripito
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lol OP what answer did you expect to get HERE? So yeah its FRI night, SAT NIGHT.. your answer is.. its a work week people going back to work.. people have lives.. and so forth.


Watching my son play over the weekend PVP server very heavy and had 70 people on where he was. I never no lie as I watched him play see any other players. Chat was going but... Where are all those people? I believe the servers just can't handle more people. They need to just double it.. I really think it would be packed at 1st but it work out.


As it is now we read VERY HEAVY and compare that to other MMO's and its not the same. I think for OTHER mmos it would read low-med here = very heavy.


This happens the 1st to 2nd month. We see people leave and this is normal but on the forums you always get "back to work, people have lives, relaxing" yet its the week end.. so don't ask you will just get trolled or flamed.. let it go.. not worth it. Could be one person playing you will read.. people working..

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My WoW guild lost 35 people to TOR launch.. 32 of them are back.


My RIFT guild lost 79 people (79!!!) to TOR Launch. 60 of them are back, 20 in less then a week.


Try again fanboy..


Were you taking little tally marks in your journal?

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Oh wanted to add.. all this is way to easy to show the truth. At ANYTIME.. ANYTIME just post your server and where your at (dont have to say who you are) other than starting area or lol space station.. .. see you will never get it. We all see the zones empty. But people will only point you to the server screen showing FULL-VERY HEAVY.. not where they are at with players everywhere playing..
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And yet, you're still here.


yes I am. Trying to let bioware know they completely dropped the ball for an MMORPG, but did great at a single player KOTOR3. Dont worry fanbois, this is the last day of my sub, and you can bet your sweet **** you wont be seeing me again until they fix this broken single player turd into a true MMORPG. ya know.. with actual.. I dunno.. PEOPLE in a zone? That would be a kickass start. Then when they fix the atrocious endgame, offer 100% FREE transfers/close empty servers. Completely revamp the UI, allow mods, allow macros, allow LFG system, COMPLETELY get rid of "sharding", ..



christ why am I bothering to even make plans.. I'll see you all when it goes F2P.

Edited by Paralassa
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