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Endgame Communication


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Something occurred to me today trying to get the daily done in Ilum. There was another person there as well, capping republic controlled nodes so I asked in general to group for anyone capping. I got 2 responses but someone was still there capping,(For those who don't know, you capture 5 objectives in the battle zone of Ilum for a daily quest. If everyone is grouped, everyone gets credit for caps. The whole mechanic at work there is something for another discussion).


After finding out who it was, I asked that person why they didn't join up? There response was that they were just "lazy".


OK, obviously I wasn't too happy but could I really blame them? He was going about his business capping objectives on his own, doing warzones in the meantime I'm sure, just going about his merry way. Not giving a hoot about anyone else.


Wait a minute I thought, I am most likely guilty of this as well. It certainly was easy and mainstream to put yourself above others' needs back in WoW. You see, there is no accountability when you act like a turd. Sure, I will remember this guys name and his guild and might second guess going out of my way for them, but big deal right? I remember a day whena good reputation was the difference between getting into good groups in EQ or running around with a thumb up your wazoo.


Most popular games since wow have done a similar thing: Content on demand with no sort of socialization at all. You click a button, get a group, clear a dungeon, acquire loot. Done.


Wonder why everyone is unhappy at 50? Because no one knows how to communicate with strangers to get anything done. It's easy to call someone a noob or berate the way they play, but socializing in order form/join a group to accomplish mutaual goals?? Not gonna happen now.


I hope Bioware doesn't bend and conform to ease of access that some games have. In time I do believe we can find out how to be social again. It will take some time and effort but I assure everyone, the result will be a better gaming experience.

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Just because someone didn't want to play with you; does not make them a bad person


Are you getting paid to respond?


I'm at work just futzing around until I leave, so yes, I am being paid; by my employer.

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Nobody owes you anything. He's free to enjoy the game as he sees fit, even if it is by being anti-social on a massively multi-player game.


He's not a turd just because he doesn't play how you want him to play.

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I don't see where the turd comes in. The guy didn't want to team up. So? Not everyone likes to team up. Or maybe he doesn't team with people he doesn't know. Or maybe he was just blowing a little bit of time before he had to log off to RL .


Personally I don't like it when people feel that I'm obligated to team up with them or join their group. The reasons are no ones business but my own but if I don't feel like grouping up thats just the way I want to play at that time.

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I just want to make sure I'm getting this right because I think I had something crazy in my eye.


Are you saying this guy was a jerk for not wanting to play with you, and that game systems should be incorporated to effectively force him to play with you?

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I don't think the OP is saying be social or else... I think you all are over looking the main point of the post.


This would be why I stated my response in the form of a question. Maybe the OP can elaborate, because that seems to be what they're saying. This guy was a turd for not grouping with them, that's bad, need to make it so that doesn't happen.

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Most popular games since wow have done a similar thing: Content on demand with no sort of socialization at all. You click a button, get a group, clear a dungeon, acquire loot. Done.


If WoW handed out top end gear for LFD five mans and raids, I'd go back.


I was once in a group that said absolutely nothing and we cleared ZA (which has painful trash) quickly and effeciently. We never even said 'thanks for the group.' It's awesome.

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This would be why I stated my response in the form of a question. Maybe the OP can elaborate, because that seems to be what they're saying. This guy was a turd for not grouping with them, that's bad, need to make it so that doesn't happen.


No I understand. I'm an optimist personally so I try to see the good valid point in everything. I was not replying directly to you just everyone above. :)

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Wonder why everyone is unhappy at 50? Because no one knows how to communicate with strangers to get anything done. It's easy to call someone a noob or berate the way they play, but socializing in order form/join a group to accomplish mutaual goals?? Not gonna happen now.





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i can see what you are saying OP, but i wouldn't worry about it. hell, last night i was trying to complete a heroic, and there was some competition over spawns. we fought to pull the spawns first for a bit, but it was getting tiresome. eventually all the parties concerned agreed in "say" chat that we should group up, and we did and the task was finished exponentially faster. we degrouped on polite terms, and if i ever saw those d00dz again, i would be sure to help them out.


there is still hope. trust in the force.

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Did not expect 2 pages of replies in such a short amount of time, obviously I am not the only one bored at work.


I was merely trying to state that the way MMO's have trended towards this adventure on demand has degraded everyone's socializing skills to the point where they do not care about other players. The story about the fellow in Ilum was merely me realizing what has happened.

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Something occurred to me today trying to get the daily done in Ilum. There was another person there as well, capping republic controlled nodes so I asked in general to group for anyone capping. I got 2 responses but someone was still there capping,(For those who don't know, you capture 5 objectives in the battle zone of Ilum for a daily quest. If everyone is grouped, everyone gets credit for caps. The whole mechanic at work there is something for another discussion).


After finding out who it was, I asked that person why they didn't join up? There response was that they were just "lazy".


OK, obviously I wasn't too happy but could I really blame them? He was going about his business capping objectives on his own, doing warzones in the meantime I'm sure, just going about his merry way. Not giving a hoot about anyone else.


Wait a minute I thought, I am most likely guilty of this as well. It certainly was easy and mainstream to put yourself above others' needs back in WoW. You see, there is no accountability when you act like a turd. Sure, I will remember this guys name and his guild and might second guess going out of my way for them, but big deal right? I remember a day whena good reputation was the difference between getting into good groups in EQ or running around with a thumb up your wazoo.


Most popular games since wow have done a similar thing: Content on demand with no sort of socialization at all. You click a button, get a group, clear a dungeon, acquire loot. Done.


Wonder why everyone is unhappy at 50? Because no one knows how to communicate with strangers to get anything done. It's easy to call someone a noob or berate the way they play, but socializing in order form/join a group to accomplish mutaual goals?? Not gonna happen now.


I hope Bioware doesn't bend and conform to ease of access that some games have. In time I do believe we can find out how to be social again. It will take some time and effort but I assure everyone, the result will be a better gaming experience.


I feel like this is a dont put in LFD tool post underneath it all.


He was already almost done with his daily solo.... maybe he had to get off soon and grouping with you guys that are behind him would have put him behind and taken more time?


Why group for something you can do solo..... not sure why you tied that into ease of access relating to the LFD lol. Because thats what you did.


You should instead blame bioware for making capping a soloable thing in a pvp zone. Not the player for capping as intended by himself.


Not grouping with you guys doesn't mean hes a turd. Some people have other things to do then just stop what they are doing and spend an extra 30 minutes helping everyone that comes along out.

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