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Selecting Need for your companion


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Roll how you want, don't let others dictate how you roll, that is why you get the option to roll however you please and others can't change it.


I always roll need if I need it (I being me or any companion)


if I don't want it I roll greed


I never pass

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Common sense - by your opinion.


And you don't want to group with me? Sure, fine, I'll group with one of the other hundreds of thousands of players. Not an issue.



Absolutely, we won't have a problem. As many people point out though, if you need for your companions, you might very well find yourself in bad spots down the road.


Common sense - by your opinion.



I don't need to share that and get trolled by the forum zealots. I'll leave it at this - not once have I ever gotten a complaint in game. Not. One. Time.


I have a fairly extensive friends list, I support my groups, and I only roll Need when it's something I need. I don't mindlessly click Need to everything. I buff people out in the world not in my group. I give stuff away frequently rather than sell it. Point being, the fact that I occasionally choose Need for my companion in no one means I'm a selfish jerk. If you guys can't understand that, then I really, truly feel sorry for you.


That's the last I'll say on this. Go enjoy the game now instead of getting angry and foaming at the mouth in some forums.


Oh, I'm not foaming, don't worry. I've had my rabies shots. If you run with your friends and they're ok with you needing for a companion but that's fine, but if you do it in a PUG make sure that everyone is fine with it.... otherwise, you're just a selfish jerk as you put it, and it won't matter how much of a samaritan you are at other times.


I won't declare to know any numbers. But lots of people on these forums agree that looting for companions over mains should not be tolerated. Since you have another opinion you should make sure that the looting rules are clear before any run starts. I do this since there are people like you who don't agree with me. It's the way of life.

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Yeah...roll how you want to roll and see if you get black listed. I would drop group the moment you won something I needed for your pet and I would make sure I never grouped with you again. This being the game it is, getting yourself black listed on your own server is back...and it will end up hurting you eventually.
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No, I'm just not arguing the point anymore. I've said what there is to say on the matter. The "qualifiers/excuses" as you call them are just me pointing out that I fully understand the value of other players and socialization.


As far as proof, what do you think I do? Record every minute of every group I'm in to crazy forum people just in case I need to prove a particular thing did or didn't happen? Not going to happen. If you don't believe that I've never had a complaint in game, that's cool. I don't really care what you choose to believe or not believe. I've offered my account of events and you've chosen to reject them because they don't fit with your perceptions. That's fine. You're wrong, but please do feel free to continue to believe whatever you choose.

I challenged you to reveal your character names and server, then apply your behavior of rolling Need for your companions to see how many people would react, even if you told them in advance that you'd be doing that. You refused. Your position is weak, and you've proven it.

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No, I'm just not arguing the point anymore. I've said what there is to say on the matter. The "qualifiers/excuses" as you call them are just me pointing out that I fully understand the value of other players and socialization.


As far as proof, what do you think I do? Record every minute of every group I'm in to crazy forum people just in case I need to prove a particular thing did or didn't happen? Not going to happen. If you don't believe that I've never had a complaint in game, that's cool. I don't really care what you choose to believe or not believe. I've offered my account of events and you've chosen to reject them because they don't fit with your perceptions. That's fine. You're wrong, but please do feel free to continue to believe whatever you choose.


Don't need proof, because once again you are clearly providing false information.


Pre-cu SWG is NOT loot based economy. It is resource gathering and manufacturing based. There are no perm items. All good gears are manufactured. So your reputation is not based on loot stealing.


Funny you mention that you did that in SWG which is not a loot based mmo but not in WoW or LoTRO or WAR, which are all loot based mmos. Kinda kills the whole point of your post, lol.

Edited by aRtFuL
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To OP:


Rolling need for companions will lead to every group member rolling need on every item. Ever.



Characters will get enough companions that eventually, every type of armor, weapon, and other gear will be covered by the idea of, "My companion uses it."


And then:

Even before I get all my companions, I have alts who can use all the different types of gear...

-And I use my alts a lot, too. So I'm still rolling need for something I will be using.


In the end, it will come down to this:

Rolling need for companions/alts/family-members/etc is not accepted as a standard. It is almost always considered ninja looting.


If you want to roll need for your companion, and you want people to not get mad at you for it, you will need to discuss loot rules with your group before starting through the FP. Otherwise, people will continue to be angry at you for being a ninja.

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To me there's a couple of ways to go about this.


If say, I were to join a flashpoint group specifically so I can get gear for my companion, I believe me or anyone else in that position has every right to select Need for it. After all, it is the reason I joined and I played as hard as everyone else for it, didn't I?

However, if you do a flashpoint and something drops and you realise that your companion could really use that, then I think the player who actually needs it should have a better shot at it first.


But in the end I think the problem is honesty and communication.

Something to consider is to mention to your group that your intention from the start is to get gear for your companion. Some people can be reasonable and would be okay with it. If someone doesn't like the idea perhaps you can discuss it with each other or do the flashpoint again until you both get what you want.

Great way to make friends and establish communication.


Then again, as I said before...the problem with a lot of people is communication. Some do it poorly or not at all and that's when things get messy.

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But in the end I think the problem is honesty and communication.

Something to consider is to mention to your group that your intention from the start is to get gear for your companion. Some people can be reasonable and would be okay with it. If someone doesn't like the idea perhaps you can discuss it with each other or do the flashpoint again until you both get what you want.

Great way to make friends and establish communication.


Then again, as I said before...the problem with a lot of people is communication. Some do it poorly or not at all and that's when things get messy.

I agree with this, but I'm thinking that people who announce that they'll be doing this won't be running in too many groups outside of those with guildmates and/or friends.

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Place all your bets on that. lol


Sorry confused. Are you saying something regarding my comment?


I was mentioning that he was lying about his SWG rolling-for-whatever-he-wants thing, which I was pointing out is a blatant lie because pre-cu SWG is all about crafted items.

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Then again, as I said before...the problem with a lot of people is communication. Some do it poorly or not at all and that's when things get messy.


This is what it all boils down to. Communication and being kind to your fellow man. I have absolutely no problem discussing this before the runs and it's a good way ensure bad things don't happen.

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You guys are really confused if you think "reputations" really exist in any meaningful way in an MMO.


You're also really confused if you think people like us will care if you "join our group just to roll need on everything." That's fine, bro, because I'll also roll need and have an equal chance of getting the same item. If I don't get it, I'm reasonably confident I'll live. If I really want it still, it's a really good thing I can just run the quest again, now isn't it?



Well maybe it's just something 'people like you' just aren't aware of happening? :p I've only been playing for 5 days and there are already half a dozen players that I've been warned about by other people on the server. eg Group with them at your own risk of losing sanity.


In my other game there have and are been lots of people that just get known to be annoying for one reason or another and basically shunned when it comes to grouping. It does happen. lol


One guy even ended up transfering servers because so many people had him on ignore that his chat window seemed dead or he only got bits and pieces of the conversation. That was pretty amusing.

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I challenged you to reveal your character names and server, then apply your behavior of rolling Need for your companions to see how many people would react, even if you told them in advance that you'd be doing that. You refused. Your position is weak, and you've proven it.


And I don't care enough to prove anything to you. I don't care if you think my position is weak. Know why I don't care? Because this is just a video game. Believe what you want. Meanwhile, I'll keep playing the game how I choose to, grouping with cool people, and having a good time.


Enjoy crying in your corner and foaming at the mouth.

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This is what it all boils down to. Communication and being kind to your fellow man. I have absolutely no problem discussing this before the runs and it's a good way ensure bad things don't happen.


Yep I agree.


Then like minded people can just group together and there's no fuss.

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And I don't care enough to prove anything to you. I don't care if you think my position is weak. Know why I don't care? Because this is just a video game. Believe what you want. Meanwhile, I'll keep playing the game how I choose to, grouping with cool people, and having a good time.


Enjoy crying in your corner and foaming at the mouth.

You're not even a good troll.

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I agree with this, but I'm thinking that people who announce that they'll be doing this won't be running in too many groups outside of those with guildmates and/or friends.


Perhaps. But asking about it beforehand rather than doing "the dick move" and rolling a 'Need' for it without a warning would maybe cause less hate and blacklisting which matters more to some people than some piece of gear. In the end that would probably be worse when it comes to finding a group I would think.

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Perhaps. But asking about it beforehand rather than doing "the dick move" and rolling a 'Need' for it without a warning would maybe cause less hate and blacklisting which matters more to some people than some piece of gear. In the end that would probably be worse when it comes to finding a group I would think.


This is true, but it makes kicking and ignoring them so much easier. A noob can make a mistake, but if you have discussed it before-hand, then there should be no problem.... and if there is -- kick, ignore.

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To OP:


Rolling need for companions will lead to every group member rolling need on every item. Ever.



In the end, it will come down to this:

Rolling need for companions/alts/family-members/etc is not accepted as a standard. It is almost always considered ninja looting.



sure, until BW changes the loot system, that sounds about right, no issues there


2nd point, again, another one deciding for everyone else what the rules are, what the standards are, you will play the game by my definition, don't think so bub


ninja looting???? lol, another uniformed nobody, if you have the right to roll need, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ROLL NEED understand it yet??


that isn't ninja looting at all, that is rolling within the loot rules that BW decided that we have to abide by, you know the actual people who make the rules for the game, not you, me or any other player


If I somehow made myself some type of loot master, and gave myself whatever I wanted from a run, that's ninja looting


Two main types cry ninja in this game, or any MMO for that matter, the one who feels ENTITLED to gear, and no one else deserves it, and the holier than thou type, who doesn't care about the gear, they can't use it or don't want it, but feel the nee to tell others how they should play by saying give it to the other person, it's a "better" upgrade for them.....


bottom line, NOTHING in this game is yours, NOTHING, you win or lose gear rolls, move on with life


Wanna fix it????

Here's how


Companions no long need gear, there gear scales with yours, so the better gear you have, the better gear your companion has




When you roll NEED, it is bound to you instantly, only you or your companion can use it, no more needing to sell on the GTN, since most will need to sell, especially if orange or better, or needing for an alt


pick one,

but do not ever think for a second, I have to listen to how YOU feel I should play my game, ever, or I have to "ask" your permission to roll for my companion, I didn't need your permission to buy this game, I certainly do not need it to play

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sninja looting???? lol, another uniformed nobody, if you have the right to roll need, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ROLL NEED understand it yet??


You do realize that your definition of ninja is not the one shared by most of the community. Just because something isn't explicitly prohibited by the UI does not make it acceptable practice.

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I'm not gonna bother reading 15 pages. I will simply say this.




Your companion is an extension of you, IT IS NOT A PET. It is INTENDED to be geared, and WITH YOU AT ALL SOLO TIMES. Your companion is HALF of your solo DPS, being without it is contrary to game design.



Anyone that cannot understand that concept needs to go back to WoW, because companions need gear too.


The debate over needing/greeding is completely moot. It's back and forth with no end in sight. Stop it already, understand the game design as I have explained it to you, and kindly shut the hell up.

Edited by mattdell
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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


Real, living, breathing people come first. Companions come in a distant second.

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I might have been offended if I were actually trolling.


See this is your problem, you refuse to accept anything anyone else says that varies from your opinion. But go on, that's cool.

I asked you to put your money where your mouth is to back up your standpoint on rolling Need for your companions. You refused saying that you don't care what I or anyone else thinks. Yet here you are still posting. Can I call you a liar instead of a troll?

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I'm not gonna bother reading 15 pages. I will simply say this.




Your companion is an extension of you, IT IS NOT A PET. It is INTENDED to be geared, and WITH YOU AT ALL SOLO TIMES. Your companion is HALF of your solo DPS, being without it is contrary to game design.



Anyone that cannot understand that concept needs to go back to WoW, because companions need gear too.


The debate over needing/greeding is completely moot. It's back and forth with no end in sight. Stop it already, understand the game design as I have explained it to you, and kindly shut the hell up.




Everone in TOR has companions who use EVERY SINGLE GEAR TYPE.


Therefore you could go through an entire dungeon and click Need on every single piece of gear.


Is that OK?

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I hope the community can agree to this, otherwise we fall into anarchy!


Honestly, I had a Guildie do this the first week of release and I was pissed! Seriously, I would think this was just common sense and decency.

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