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The ANTI LFD and LFR tool thread!


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It is common knowledge that people prefer pie over cake. It is common knowledge that since cake 2.0 was released even more people prefer pie. It is common knowledge that in china they recently started preferring Pie. Cake 2.0 was just released in china. These are cold, hard facts. 97.3% of all pie eaters know this to be true.


But... I like cake! :p

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Read a poll and find out most Americans support Social Security. Then turn on the news and some guy says, "The majority of Americans want their hard-earned money to not be taxed to death by the government just to be funneled into this dead-end Social Security program."


Basically, whenever someone rhetorically says this is what the majority of people want or don't want, it's almost certain that the opposite is true.


If the majority of people did not want a LFD tool, this thread wouldn't exist.

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You may have been on a terrible server where people were already sitting in capitals spamming LFG before the LFD channels.


Some of us came from servers with much nicer communities that literally collapsed under the weight of anonymity that LFD tools allowed.


Back in the day on Shadow Council (my old WoW server), if you ninja looted you got straight up black listed because we had a strong enough community to do this.


Once LFD came along it was a lot harder to black list a guy who can just keep requeuing until he hits a group who's never heard of him.


In an LFG tool (not LFD queue) system, if the guy was like "LFG for "Dungeon"" then someone who knew he was a ninja looter could type in the LFG tool "That guy stole "this time" from "this dungeon"" and now the guy can't get a group.


Anonymity breeds douchebaggery.


The community should never be allowed to police themselves. This leads to abuse, bullying and fosters the lynch mob mentality.

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I am against a LFG tool that auto forms a group for you as well as auto transports you to the flashpoint.


I am for a LFG chat channel which spans across the galaxy that people can turn on-off at will as it still forces people to start the group themselves as well as actually invite people. It also still forces them to actually go to the flashpoint start themselves.

Edited by Kemosobe
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The community should never be allowed to police themselves. This leads to abuse, bullying and fosters the lynch mob mentality.


Worked fine on every server I ever played on.


Considering I am a person who very often "rubs people the wrong way", if I avoided becoming blacklisted over the years, then you have to really deserve it to get nailed.


There are guilds on ShC that would have raid long discussions about how I am a bad person in real life, and I still never got ousted by the community.

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It is common knowledge that people prefer pie over cake. It is common knowledge that since cake 2.0 was released even more people prefer pie. It is common knowledge that in china they recently started preferring Pie. Cake 2.0 was just released in china. These are cold, hard facts. 97.3% of all pie eaters know this to be true.


I guess the best thing to do when you have lost an argument is to try to distract the reader by making jokes.

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Just because I'm not spouting off all the numbers that have been crunched over this debate in the past, doesn't make me a liar. It has been proven, via complex mathematical equations, that LFD spamming-to-level is faster than questing. MUCH faster. Grow up, start accepting the fact that other people in this world have opinions(and sometimes FACTS! omg), and can verbalize them without spewing off at the mouth like a 15 year old. Do this community a favor and either **** or quit the game. You are EXACTLY the breed of player I want OUT of my MMOs. If you don't have the capacity to accept opinion of other, you shouldn't be playing in a game with others. Go back to xbox live, leave now and I'll let you live.




I'm still waiting to see this "proof" that you keep referring to yet are unable to produce. So far my research leads to an opposing point of view. Questing in WoW is actually faster than running dungeons ad naseum.


I have leveled a toon via PVP only. That took a long time. I have leveled a toon via Dungeons only. That took a moderate amount of time. I have level a toon doing a mix of Questing and Dungeons and that took the least amount of time.

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I would love a flashpoint queue with instant transport. I like warzones; queue, go about your business, transport in when it's ready, do the warzone, end and go about your business.


I don't see how I would talk any more or less to people in a flashpoint if it was instant queue rather than a group formed by spamming general chat. The only difference is, we would waste less time standing around waiting for the group to fill. I would be fine with a system that was not cross-server.


I'm generally against things that creates an uneven playing field, but always for things that take down roadblocks or get you started on actual gameplay content without wasting time.


The funny thing to me is that most people who are against some sort of queue/transport system seem like they are in guilds and prefer not to PUG anyways. Why would they care if people who have to PUG have a great way to get over the group building hurdle?

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Where that is true when it comes to ensuring you don't group with a bad person, it still allows the bad person to group without punishment.


A good community needs both the connectivity and power required to punish bad behaviour.


It's not good enough just to ignore the ninja looter so that you never group with him, you must ensure the ninja looter pays a social price for his offense.


Because ninja looting isn't strictly against the ToS, we as players must enforce against this type of anti-social behavior.


Bioware/EA can only do so much, much of it falls in our hands.


WOW!!!! You want the community to be the police, jury and executioner? There is a reason why we have a dedicated body to police us in RL and there is a reason why they are separated from the judicial system. Its to avoid abuse of power and a lynch mob mentality.


Bioware has a system in place where you can report bad behavior and they will take the actions that they deem necessary in accordance with how grave the issue is.


If you have a problem with what Bioware considers to be bad behavior I suggest you take it up with them.

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Try compiling a group by hand on any server as republic, and you'll see why a cross server LFD would be very handy for us. We simply lack the numbers, it's as simple as that. On a Very Heavy population server during prime time hours, we may have a total of 80 people in the Republic Fleet on Terentetek (PvP).


For many of us, asking for some sort of LFD system is about being able to actually play the game. If even not an automated queue, just a more intuitive way to mark yourself or search for people, than a simple icon in the /who window. Even Rift had a level 50 exclusive channel, which all players attaining level 50 would be placed into, meaning that no matter where they were in the game, you could broadcast for groups for instances and receive interested people. Swtor locks channels in by planets and/or stations, making it utterly impossible to find a group without an actual LFD interface.



TLDR We don't need an automated queue, we just want an intuitive interface to find groups regardless of where people are located


I play Republic on Terentatek as well, and I completely agree. The faction imbalance makes grouping ludicrous.


Even something as simple as a server-wide LFG channel would go a long way.

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WOW!!!! You want the community to be the police, jury and executioner? There is a reason why we have a dedicated body to police us in RL and there is a reason why they are separated from the judicial system. Its to avoid abuse of power and a lynch mob mentality.


Bioware has a system in place where you can report bad behavior and they will take the actions that they deem necessary in accordance with how grave the issue is.


If you have a problem with what Bioware considers to be bad behavior I suggest you take it up with them.


Wow you are comparing RL crime to a player in a video game wanting the power to be able to kick a ninja looter, or jerk from his group, in a video game.


Is this supposed to be a troll joke post? or do you seriously think it is the same thing: having a police force to handle RL crime, to prevent MOB justice, and a group leader in a video game being able to kick people he does not want in group?

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Where as that is true, you probably have never felt the joy of actually running a person off a server for his anti-social behaviour.


Where as it was not strictly ninja-looting that caused his offense, my server successfully drove a player named Packhunter off our server.


He became so utterly black listed that his own faction would stop fighting in BGs and allow us to farm him until he'd quit the BG.


Eventually he could not PvP, group, raid, nothing. He couldn't even quest as people would clear his quest mobs in front of him.


He had no choice but to switch servers.


We need tools that will create that kind of power.


What you do happily describing here is bullying. As such bullying is shunned by the community and against the TOS. You are lucky you all didn't get banned for your disgraceful behavior.


You should be ashamed of saying that it actually brought you joy to see someone humiliated in such a way that he was forced to quit the game.


You sir are probably the worst kind of player in an MMO, hiding behind the anonymity to bully and help create a mob lynching mentality where the weak will follow those that like you choose to erect themselves as the police/jury and executioners.


You Sir are a disgrace to this community

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What you do happily describing here is bullying. As such bullying is shunned by the community and against the TOS. You are lucky you all didn't get banned for your disgraceful behavior.


You should be ashamed of saying that it actually brought you joy to see someone humiliated in such a way that he was forced to quit the game.


You sir are probably the worst kind of player in an MMO, hiding behind the anonymity to bully and help create a mob lynching mentality where the weak will follow those that like you choose to erect themselves as the police/jury and executioners.


You Sir are a disgrace to this community


There is one time when its okay to be a bully.


When you punch another bully in the face.


That's all that happened with Packhunter.


He picked a fight, he lost.

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What you do happily describing here is bullying. As such bullying is shunned by the community and against the TOS. You are lucky you all didn't get banned for your disgraceful behavior.


You should be ashamed of saying that it actually brought you joy to see someone humiliated in such a way that he was forced to quit the game.


You sir are probably the worst kind of player in an MMO, hiding behind the anonymity to bully and help create a mob lynching mentality where the weak will follow those that like you choose to erect themselves as the police/jury and executioners.


You Sir are a disgrace to this community


More rhetoric to defend bad behaviour, Do you really want to be able to grief players so badly that you come here and make up garbage posts like this?


You want an LFD system so much, so you can queue for it and greif the group, with no repercussions.


NO, i want to be able to immediately kick anyone like you who takes pleasure in greifing and ruining other players gaming experience.

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I am against an LFD queue.


I have no issue with an expanded LFG tool.


I am eternally against any form of cross server play.

#1 Cross server queues are needed for instanced PvP, both for population balance and not to have the players wait too long either.

#2 Automated LFG for PvE hinders players socialization

#3 A DDO like or even better LFG tool would help a lot!



Now here's a simple quick win to promote grouping: When a player sends an invite to another player let him parse a message along it.*


For now you, 1st have to send a tell to the player, then send the invite ; as sending a group invite without a tell can be seen as rude. Might look like a trivial stuff but the above proposal will smoothen out grouping.



  • /invite [player name] [optional message]
  • Right click on a player / choose invite or invite with a message. If #2 then input box popup.


Another missing feature to help grouping is advertizing quests. But for more harcore MMO players things like LFM BT does not rings a bell at all! Too many players are clueless of:


  1. The name of the quest
  2. The level bracket
  3. The zone location
  4. If they have it


So another quick win would be to allow players to parse quests links in chat displaying:

[quest level] [quest name] [planet name]


Clicking on the link would

  • Open the quests details
  • Mark if the player is eligible
  • Inform if the player has it
  • Allow the player to hit a button to request grouping with the advertiser
    • Pops up a role selection widow with an optional /tell input box



Edited by Deewe
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There is one time when its okay to be a bully.


When you punch another bully in the face.


That's all that happened with Packhunter.


He picked a fight, he lost.


sounds like you and your server bandwagoned on a player that you havent described any offense that would make this kind of ridiculous behavior justified.

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Well my facts prove one thing, LFD and LFR and ezmode content are not required to draw in 8 million + subs to an mmorpg, WoW proved this.


No, they're not required but there's nothing in the facts to say that had those things been released during BC then WoW wouldn't have gained even more subs.


My facts also prove that the introduction of LFR LFD and ezmode content has not, in any way, drawn in anywhere close to the amount of players drawn in so quickly by BC.


Even if your facts did 'prove' that it doesn't provide a correlation between the slowing down of sub increase and the introduction of 'LFR, LFD and ezmode content'. If 90% of people interested in playing WoW signed up during BC then anything added at a later date would never be able to draw in as many new subs simply because there's not enough new people available to draw from.


The facts show that since the release of LFR LFD and ezmode content, WoW has lost millions of subs, so obviously those 3 things are not required for a good MMORPG


Again the 'facts' show no correlation between the introduction of 'LFR, LFD and ezmode content' and the loss of subs. All you have is two separate events with no evidence of a link between the two. And how do you know that introducing easier content or LFD/LFR tools didn't stem a greater loss of subs? Had those things not been introduced WoW may have lost even more subscribers than it has now.

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I spoke to a taxi driver just this morning as it happens. We chatted the whole way.


Taxi drivers always want to chat. Its how they make their job less boring. But sometimes I don't want to chat back and then they get upset and all moody.


Same thing with socials..if you don't want to chat back..they get upset and start labeling you an anti-social. Sometimes I just want to run the flashpoint without the need to tell you how I'm feeling today because deep inside you know you don't really care.

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#1 Cross server queues are needed for instanced PvP, both for population balance and not to have the players wait too long either.


I disagree.


Bioware has solved this issue with the inclusion of Warzones where you can fight your own faction.


As per Gabe Atangelo (might have spelled that wrong)'s post (which you can find on darthhater.com's first page) they are added more same faction vs same faction warzones.


This allows fast queue times without cross server queues.

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