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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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Ok, that means they might give you a free month every 15 months (2 days x 15 months = 30 days = 1 month). Are we at 15 months yet? No. Therefore you don't deserve squat...plus you are not paying for anything yet so you don't deserve any free time.


As for the EU players complaining about the time the maintenance occurs, here in Australia it happens during our peak times. We lose the WHOLE time, not just a couple of hours when people SHOULD be at work or school. Yes, we aren't supposed to have the game yet. That's why we don't care. However, watch what happens when the servers are launched down here in 3 months...so shut your traps and stop acting like spoiled children.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Everytime you don't play, should BioWare pay you?

You have too much time on your hands.. You really need to get a life.

We over here feel sorry for you.. Hope things work out in IRL.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


8 Hours a week.


Don't you people work? go to school? In general 8 hours is a full days work. Sooooooo find a job

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Oh wait, you forgot to complain about the time you are sleeping or working or doing things like spending time with your family, if they want to. That's time you paid for that you aren't playing. You know what you and the OP are? (Insert rudeness) Now please shut your pie hole.

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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


As a new community, instead of calling posters like these "TROLLS", we should have our own, new, Star Wars oriented term, like "Mynocks". Or something. Any ideas?

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Not to mention, would you expect a car company to reimburse you money lost because your brakes went out and you couldn't get to work? OR would you expect your water company to reimburse you because your pipes blew up in your house?


ZOMG FML maintnence on a server! You people would SCREAM at BW if they left the servers to sit and ROT without maintnance and you people SCREAM at BW when there is maintnence.... excuse me but


"wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want a lollipop now now now now now now"



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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Average 720 hours in a month. 32/720 = ~4%


Please post your address and I'll send you the $.67 you feel you deserve.

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It's like expecting the car mechanic to work on your car as you drive it down the road.

You accept the downtime when you have to leave your car at the mechanic.

Your employer accepts the downtime when you call off sick to play SW:TOR for a day..or two.


It's expected, and planned for.

Both parties agree to the arrangement.


Just like you did when you ignored the wall of text when you first entered this game and just hit "ACCEPT"


Instead of time reimbursement. How about we chalk this up as a 'Lesson Learned' on your part.

Edited by Fraxture
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bla bla bla legal crap bla bla bla

bla bla bla legal crap bla bla bla

bla bla bla legal crap bla bla bla

bla bla bla legal crap bla bla bla



Click [HERE] if you read and understand the terms of service.

Click [HERE] if you wish to refuse the terms of service.

Click [HERE] if you just want to play and don't care what you are agreeing to.

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Average 720 hours in a month. 32/720 = ~4%


Please post your address and I'll send you the $.67 you feel you deserve.



HAHA if this doesn't indicate the world today has a vastly over-inflated sense of entitlement then I do not know what would.


This equation cracked me up along with the entire response kudos

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People need to start realizing that computers and computer programs are not like light bulbs. And the people that are saying I pay 15 a month i should be able to play when ever I want are being unrealistic. Yes it would be nice to play 24/7 but for online games it will never happen. There are maintence windows for for a reason. Patches need to be applied, hardware needs to be swapped out, heck even cabling and server rack installation needs to be done. All this does take time and I am sure that the folks at BioWare are doing thier best to get things done in a fast and orderly fashion.


For the EU and Aus players out there. Bioware is an American company. And as we all know server maintenance 95% of the time tends to take place between the hours of 10PM and 600AM the next day. Does this affect your playing time. Yes I am afraid it dos. But it is easier for the company to roll out patches and fixes for the game all at once instead of staggering them. Am I sure that BW and even EA want the customers to be happy. Yes. But give them some frakin slack people. Maintence will almost always effect someone.

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IT's akin to if you sue the city because your feet hurt from walking on the cement in barefeet.


Completely rediculous argument and full of inflated self-entitlement


Doesn't mean he wouldn't win in court either.


In fact it seems a lot of people sue and win because a judge doesn't particularly want to hear their whining, and thinks that the person/persons/company/city being sued should have enough money and needs to be taken down a peg.

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Doesn't mean he wouldn't win in court either.


In fact it seems a lot of people sue and win because a judge doesn't particularly want to hear their whining, and thinks that the person/persons/company/city being sued should have enough money and needs to be taken down a peg.


A lot of people sue and get laughed out of court because the judge looks at it and laughs out loud

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


I'm a paying customer and I want them to put even more time into fixing it!


This game has many bugs, I love the game don't get me wrong. But with each hour it is offline and they are fixing something, it just means when I get back online it's most likely going to be better.


Hell take it down for a weekend if you need to.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Yes, because it will ALWAYS be down for 8 hours a week for the life of the game.............



Come on people, this is the phase of the game where they PATCH it. Of COURSE there will be downtime.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable

That's not unacceptable. You're still paying $15 to do something for up to 672 hours a month (if you can manage to never sleep). There are no other activities you can do for that cheap that I'm aware of.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's roughly one and a quarter thirty-firsts of time that we lose.


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable




Fixed that for ya. ^^



Seriously you're crying about 1/31st of game time in an MMO. That's NOTHING considering the servers are the most stable I've ever seen at a launch. I havent experience a single server crash myself, or even a client crash. Hell WoW's servers crash at least 2 or 3 times a months and it's had 7+ years to get it's servers stable, not to mention downtime for content patching every one to two months and atleast 2 hours of downtime every single week.


Downtime is a part of MMOs, you need to get used to it if you plan on staying in the genre. You WILL NOT find an MMO that doesn't have it.



Or perhaps you guys just prefer things not get fixed?



Overall this thread is quite ridiculous

Edited by HavenAE
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At least they've stated that they will always try and have server downtime on Tuesdays and will always attempt to provide a full 24 hrs notice prior to the scheduled downtime.


If I could sue people for pure idiocy I'd be a rich man.


Go win yourselves a Darwin award and do genetics a favour

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


And you're probably the same person complaining that X feature isn't implemented, and that Bioware is not fixing bugs.

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