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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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BTW, what's all this about no warning of the down time? I knew about the 4th's down time days in advance. Am I missing something here?


Edit: ah, the complaining is in regards to today, actually they did say that they were going to do some patching of the game to adress issues with the 4th's update and that they were going to do it either yesterday (4th) or today (5th)

Edited by Runeshard
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


When you sign contracts do you always hold your hand over your eyes?


Best read the agreement before signing if that's really a concern of yours.

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BW/EA must compensate us for 'lost' gametime.


I have just unsubscribed until such time as this policy is introduced. They have 16 days to sort things out, or I (and prob many others) will vote with our wallets.


Okay, people will say that I am moaning for nothing, after all a few lost hours gametime whilst a new MMO is bedding down is to be expected.


Well, actually no... I have paid and am being expected to pay for a MMO on a monthly subscription. In return I expect to be able to play when it suits my availability.


What makes it worse is that there was no prior annoucement that the servers were being taken offline today (Thur 5 Jan) - I have effectively wasted 1/2 a days vacation waiting to be able to play and that 1/2 day's equivalent salary is worth many many times the monthly fee.... so yes, I am really pi$$ed at BW/EA.


So.... you're pissed that you took off work to play a videogame and you couldn't? Are you 14 years old!? QQer's deserve the worst kind of hell.

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The maintenance is worldwide, it's going to affect some part of the world negatively regardless. Besides, like I said, those of us in Europe won't be that affected by these downtimes if they keep happening in the middle of the week once people start going back to work/school. It's the Australians that have it the worst.


I'm sorry, but your logic applies poorly to an MMO. MMOs need constant fixing, it's nothing like a golf course. An MMO will have continuous updates etc. In the end we just have to ask ourselves if we want a game that is being seen to, where the developers keep putting in work and money into fixing the game, or if we want to play a game where the developers do a half***** job of it and the bugs just keep building up.


Ok you got a point, It is my first MMO,


it was ironic :)


my MMO experience started from September 1997, and maintenance never affected me like this (mentally because I play only at night)


Anyway, lets hope they will start the EU maintenance at 4 AM like in US or they shorten the duration, it is normally the case since they got 2 squads in 2 different locations, US and Ireland

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Ok you got a point, It is my first MMO,


it was ironic :)


my MMO experience started from September 1997, and maintenance never affected me like this (mentally because I play only at night)


Anyway, lets hope they will start the EU maintenance at 4 AM like in US or they shorten the duration, it is normally the case since they got 2 squads in 2 different locations, US and Ireland


but everything gets deployed out of the US. How about you stay up ALL night in addition to the TWO day shifts you worked, and do that all the time. oh yeah, for no extra pay. Yeaaaaa not gonna happen.

Edited by DarthAnaethil
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Having played WoW from release (and still do), I know that Blizz suffered from downtime, but I also know and benefited from their 'good customer service' where they compensated paying customers by extending their subscription period by 1-day or more according to the disruption and period of downtime.


And as soon as ToR is down for as long as the periods of time where Blizzard actually compensated, you would have an argument, but you don't now. I played WoW for a long time, got compensated a handful of times, and most certainly not for regular maintenance or every time a patch took longer than they announced.


WoW was fairly regularly down for the full 8 hour maintenance every week when I was playing, and it was far from uncommon for it to take longer, or for there to be issues afterwards. We got compensated when there was truly extended or repeated downtime, and only then.


Stop painting an entirely inaccurate picture of something to try and sell your point.

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Then you know what to do, don't you?


Grab my forum pitchfork and lantern!


Yeah, let's have far less maintenance and more bugs, I'm sure everyone will be very happy. (End of sarcasm)


So far this has been the smoothes launch I've ever seen, there have been and are a few bugs but nothing my wife or I have experienced have been anything more than minor things. The quality of the game in this respect is far above what I expect of a recently launched MMO. If Bioware is putting in extra effort to take care of bugs and the like then I'm happy to see them do it. And before anyone asks; I live in Sweden, CET or GMT+1.


See "Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


Seriously, go try it if you think these current patches which don't actually fix what they say they fix are actually worth the effort

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Grab my forum pitchfork and lantern!




See "Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


Seriously, go try it if you think these current patches which don't actually fix what they say they fix are actually worth the effort



I smell rage :)


I think you avoided looking at the other fixes there old bean, perhaps go dust off the reading specs and have a look through patch notes dating back from 20th Dec 2011 through to 5th Jan 2012 and you may spot a few other things have been patched ;)

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If I bought and played a game that was based in Europe, and they had maintenance that favored thier own timezone, I would be completely understanding about that fact, and not qq all over the place.


The fact that you guys are complaining that you can't play for such a short period of time only proves that you LOVE the game. If it was "meh" then it wouldn't be a big deal. Perhaps you should be more understanding of what they are trying to do to make the game better for everyone, and stop being so damned selfish because they brought the servers down during your primetime. I usually play through late night to early morning, so these downtimes affect me, just as if I was in EU zone, so I don't want to hear the "you are north american player so of corse you dont care" arguement.


Someone made a really good point... servers aren't actually region restricted, it is just to try and help people find more players during thier primetime. If they staggered maintenance NA players would simply run alts on EU servers, and vice versa to compinsate for the downtime. What would happen? queues 600 people long....

Edited by Midnight_Malice
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I thought that our money also payed for the maintenance of the servers, patches and stuff like that?


LOL, exactly. Like buying a car with free maintenance. Will they next argue that the car dealer owes them compensation for free oil changes?


Really people. The level of selfishness that I see in people today is beyond unreal.


Most excellent Troll-Stomp Areka.

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If it stays like it currently is with 8 hours a week that equates to 32hours a month


That's 1 day and a third of gametime we don't have


Throw in an extra couple of hours here & there (like today) and it would work out at roughly 2 whole days


This is unacceptable


Particularly if you live outside of the NA region when all maintenance falls in the daytime for some and evening for others.


For a game they marketed and launched in Europe they sure don't give a rat's arse about us.

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I smell rage :)


I think you avoided looking at the other fixes there old bean, perhaps go dust off the reading specs and have a look through patch notes dating back from 20th Dec 2011 through to 5th Jan 2012 and you may spot a few other things have been patched ;)


Yes let's commend them for fixing arbitrary things like babynames in credits whilst bugs which should have been fixed during beta go on unfixed


While we're at it let's just bend over and let the world shaft us

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Grab my forum pitchfork and lantern!




See "Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


"Players can now use emotes while on mounts"


Seriously, go try it if you think these current patches which don't actually fix what they say they fix are actually worth the effort


Yes, because that's the only thing they did. I guess they should just give up and leave the game as is, simply let us play it until it collapses under the weight of all the built up bugs that are there due to lack of maintenance. (Sarcasm again)


MMOs have down times to fix various issues and bugs, that is just the way it is, and I'd much rather have it this way than the alternative. I'm sorry but I just see your logic as flawed.

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We do deserve a good quality product, that is why it's a very good thing that BW is putting in the time, man power and money it takes to perform these maintenances to try and continually improve the game. Like a previous poster stated, the Australians have it even worse than we do, their servers go down at 7pm ish.




Can you point me to the Australian servers please.

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Yes let's commend them for fixing arbitrary things like babynames in credits whilst bugs which should have been fixed during beta go on unfixed


While we're at it let's just bend over and let the world shaft us


so what if they have patched a few little bits that you dont care about one iota?


they have also patched plenty that needed it and will continue to do so.. do you really think they used a specialist to type out the baby names? No that specialist was probably used to work on something that required his skills to fix and others were put onto that.


grow up and let them patch what they can and will, I have no doubt they will get the more complicated stuff fixed soon :)

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Can you point me to the Australian servers please.


What are you talking about? There are Australians playing this game, they don't have their own servers though, they're either on the US servers or the European ones. The down time, which yesterday was 9am-5pm CET would have started about 7pm for them and ended about 3am. I hope that clears up my point for you.


Edit: I know the acutal down time was far less than the announced 8 hours, just stating how the announced time would have affected them.

Edited by Runeshard
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Having played WoW from release (and still do), I know that Blizz suffered from downtime, but I also know and benefited from their 'good customer service' where they compensated paying customers by extending their subscription period by 1-day or more according to the disruption and period of downtime.


I am not expecting any financial compensation (that would be silly and unrealistic), but I don't think it unreasonable for customers to be compensated by credit days for unplanned downtime. This is the typical business model within the service industry and something that BW/EA need to impliment.


Blizzard only compensated for unexpected server downtime. They never compensated for the planned 8-hour maintenance outages that happened every Tuesday from about 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. CST for the first year or so after the game was released.

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