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Bioware steal our paid gametime


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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


Yeah Bioware. You should just leave the game as it is on release. No patches, no server maintenance, no content updates, no nothing.


Originally the game was going to be $15.03. Yeah 15 dollars and 3 cents. So they gave us a 4 cent credit per month to account for a potential 32 hours of downtime per month to compensate.


If you don't feel that's enough to cover your loss I am willing to double it by sending another 4 cents to your ti++ybaby@whineandcry.com paypal account.

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Do the math


30m a day = 3.5hours a week = 10.5hours a month

1hr a day = 7hours a week = 21hours a month


Not even a full day a month, this is acceptable


2 days of downtime a month is not


Yeah, let's have far less maintenance and more bugs, I'm sure everyone will be very happy. (End of sarcasm)


So far this has been the smoothes launch I've ever seen, there have been and are a few bugs but nothing my wife or I have experienced have been anything more than minor things. The quality of the game in this respect is far above what I expect of a recently launched MMO. If Bioware is putting in extra effort to take care of bugs and the like then I'm happy to see them do it. And before anyone asks; I live in Sweden, CET or GMT+1.

Edited by Runeshard
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How old are you? Please tell me you are not of the generation in their upper 20's to low 30's like myself. If so, how embarrassing to have you in my age group. No wonder people see us as the "want whatever I want when I want it" generation.


Well said, young man!!:D

Seriously though, is the OP for real?! He's moaning about maintenance downtime that is going towards making an already excellent game even better! I'll bet he is one of those who is ranting about "game-breaking" problems that BW/EA are doing nothing about, and when they do he gets all arsey about it!! Get a grip son.:rolleyes:

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Oh, shut up already.. Every MMO has maintenance, get over it. For those that keep banging on about this and the daylight EU server maintenance times, most of us WORK or are in some for of EDUCATION during the day - so those times are fine for the masses.. For the most part it's only for the lazy gimps who don't work/study that have a problem with these times..



During the scheduled downtime yesterday in Europe most servers were either Standard or Heavy. Some were Very Heavy.


Most of us are intelligent enough to understand that not everybody works 9-5. Unfortunately some of us are not that gifted.


I was raised by my parents to think of others not just myself.

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More maintenance = more issues solved.


Frankly, I think you should be happy that they're taking so much time to try to fix things. If they only took an hour each day, guaranteed that people would be crying that they didn't invest enough time into trying to resolve the issues.


My advice? Suck it up. Nobody cares about what you think, especially when it comes to something beyond your control and Bioware's control. They're TRYING to please the community. If people like you weren't so damn impatient and greedy, you'd see that.



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We are paying for our product, we deserve a good quality product, it is not our problem to sacrifice 2 days per month to be able to play a normal final product we paid for, they can at least make the maintenance at night for the EU servers


They are not letting us play for free, we got rights, they will not forgive you if you break the ingame or forum rules, every thing got rules, that is how the reality is

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This is kinda how this plays out--




"BIOWARE your game is full of bugs, which is really unsuspected on a huge MMO"



"Point taken, Trolls. We're going to be implementing some fixes to make youre gaming experience more enjoyable"

-take servers offline to implement patch-



"BIOWARE! You owe us gametime for fixing the stuff we asked you to fix!"

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Monthly subscription is a monthly subscription it means 1 month,


So following your silly logic, if they make us play only 15 days per month, it is normal just because they did not add the number 30 or 31 days to define a month?


How stupid you are my little friend :)


I haven't read your previous posts, so sorry if I misunderstand this. But are you really claiming that there should be none of these maintenance times if they don't pay us back some how?

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Anyone who wants to leave over server maintenance issues... See ya later. EVERY MMO has server maintence .. its a requirement of the game. Truth be told the game would be in a sadder state if they didnt. Are they being over cautious regarding their servers.? I dunno I am not a Network Administrator, So it isnt my place to say. What I can say is though. I have only seen improvements come from the patches, Which is a good thing, and people need to stop complaining about it.


Yes the EU get screwed on times, sorry. I am a morning gamer. Yesterdays patch could have blown a good chunck of my gaming day away, it didnt becuase the patch finished early, But even if it did I wouldnt run to the forums to complain...



So in conclusion. and the TL : DR..


Grow up.

Edited by thomasgallant
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I haven't read your previous posts, so sorry if I misunderstand this. But are you really claiming that there should be none of these maintenance times if they don't pay us back some how?


I just said, they do whatever maintenance they want, they got all the nights where most EU people are sleeping, but it is irrational to make it from 8 AM GMT to 4 PM GMT


Of course we want a final product without bugs, but they got a solution, that is why we are complaining,


Imagine you registered in a golf club, you find it logic when they close the whole club during 1 day / week? or it is more rational to clean it during a full night per week?


It is rational when u hear or read stuffs like this?:


Announcer:Club MED / Casino / Restaurant / Pool / Parc / every service close to that

will be closed during every wednesday for maintenance

Customer: why?

Announcer: because our staff sleep and are paid 8 h per day and they can not work at night and we cant engage night workers just for your highness

Customer: sorry :(

Edited by AnarchIV
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Monthly subscription is a monthly subscription it means 1 month,


So following your silly logic, if they make us play only 15 days per month, it is normal just because they did not add the number 30 or 31 days to define a month?


How stupid you are my little friend :)


Wow you are clueless. Bioware can charge you what they like, it has nothing to do when payment is due.


How do you know they didn't base their payment plan on 20 days flat? Giving them 10 days of leway for downtime. 10 days is excessive but I am making a point as blatently obvious as I can so you can understand.


Do you get me now? I hope so, I can't dumb it down anymore.

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We are paying for our product, we deserve a good quality product, it is not our problem to sacrifice 2 days per month to be able to play a normal final product we paid for, they can at least make the maintenance at night for the EU servers


They are not letting us play for free, we got rights, they will not forgive you if you break the ingame or forum rules, every thing got rules, that is how the reality is


We do deserve a good quality product, that is why it's a very good thing that BW is putting in the time, man power and money it takes to perform these maintenances to try and continually improve the game. Like a previous poster stated, the Australians have it even worse than we do, their servers go down at 7pm ish.


This is an MMO, and MMOs are constantly afflicted by various bugs what matters is the effort the developers put into fixing these issues before they build up into an unmanageable mountain. So far BW has been doing a good job if it, heck a great job even. This is the smoothes game launch I've ever seen, bugs are far fewer than I would expect from a recently launched game and the ones that I've seen are minor.

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We are paying for our product, we deserve a good quality product, it is not our problem to sacrifice 2 days per month to be able to play a normal final product we paid for, they can at least make the maintenance at night for the EU servers


They are not letting us play for free, we got rights, they will not forgive you if you break the ingame or forum rules, every thing got rules, that is how the reality is


Great plan, and what will happen when the US servers go down and yours are still up? Hmm??? I'll tell you the obvious. The US players will roll ALTS on YOUR server and thus will flood all your servers to FULL and then what will happen? You will come on the forums and complain about full servers.


Think before you type, thats twice now you've said crap.

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I just said, they do whatever maintenance they want, they got all the nights where most EU people are sleeping, but it is irrational to make it from 8 AM GMT to 4 PM GMT


Of course we want a final product without bugs, but they got a solution, that is why we are complaining,


Imagine you registered in a golf club, you find it logic when they close the whole club during 1 day / week? or it is more rational to clean it during a full night per week?


Last time this took place on a Wednesday (yesterday), right now people may still be off work and school but soon enough those hours on days like that will hardly be prime time.

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christ on a bike....


people complain about lack of patches


then they complain about patches


then they complain about money they spent



you dont get a discount on a bus or train because of time wasted because it stops at every other stop between the one you get on and off at. Stop complaining about pointless stuff, every mmo needs constant updates and patches, get used to it.


And consider yourself lucky they have been beating their downtime estimates quite considerably, CCP gave game time only after about 4 years of consistant harrasment because of their failed windows and patch times, I have been in eve since beta and their downtimes are long and excessive in many cases and 1 hour a day as standard was still in place last time I logged in, thus equating to 30 hours a month approx (though they often beat it down), post patch... 10hours to 2 days of downtime. In the 9 years of eve I have played the basic daily outage adds up to over 3,240 hours of downtime, not including the many patches and faults over its 9 years that has led to several days of downtime and long maintenance.


I have never once complained massively about game downtime unless it hit several days, its a nesseccary evil in all MMO's... deal with it.

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Last time this took place on a Wednesday (yesterday), right now people may still be off work and school but soon enough those hours on days like that will hardly be prime time.


just FYI, I can play only at night, so all maintenance time does not bother me,I am not thinking about myself, I am talking about the illogic maintenance timing system

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love the people who say "NO heads up for maintenance"


NEEEEEWSSSSFLAAAASSHHHH every wednesday morning there is maintenance. don't live in the us? Well figure out when wednesday morning is for your and know every week servers go down then. Annoyed that it's in the middle of the day? Well it's around 4am for us, so i like the time it goes down. eu should have school or work anyways

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just FYI, I can play only at night, so all maintenance time does not bother me,I am not thinking about myself, I am talking about the illogic maintenance timing system

The maintenance is worldwide, it's going to affect some part of the world negatively regardless. Besides, like I said, those of us in Europe won't be that affected by these downtimes if they keep happening in the middle of the week once people start going back to work/school. It's the Australians that have it the worst.


I'm sorry, but your logic applies poorly to an MMO. MMOs need constant fixing, it's nothing like a golf course. An MMO will have continuous updates etc. In the end we just have to ask ourselves if we want a game that is being seen to, where the developers keep putting in work and money into fixing the game, or if we want to play a game where the developers do a half***** job of it and the bugs just keep building up.

Edited by Runeshard
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


WHAT DOWN TIME?? last night the severs were down probs no longer than an hour or two... they said 8 hours down time and they provided the patch and everything ready to go within 2 hours i'd say good bloody job mate. Also, Cheese with your Whine sir?

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