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Post your Smugglers name


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Ayang Cardani, LS scoundrel with severe mommy issues. I made it up. But I like it a lot because it sounds kind of exotic yet cute, which works for a short Mirialan who is a little bit crazy.


In my head her middle name is Serket, which is a reference to the webcomic Homestuck...but we cannot give middle names in this game, sadly.

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Mine is Jaede Eyre, Scoundrel extraordinaire.


I made up this name some time ago when I created a Stalker in Ragnarok Online. I loved the name for that kind of character, and I liked the play off of the character Jane Eyre. My smuggler is NOT as high-minded and moralistic as Jane Eyre is, but...she does want to do the right thing. Mostly. Especially if the NPC is giving her a guilt trip.

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