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LFG party system in SWTOR. PLZ..........


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Hello every one i just want to say that i am getting very frustrated with not haveing a world LFG party system ( like they have in WoW ), i cant stand sitting in one spot trying to find a group for 2 hours to run a flashpoint and it frustrates me i love this game its super fun but u can only quest for so long untill u get bored so i just want to know wat every one else thinks cause i am probably going to go back WoW untill they come out with something like this.


ps. i realy realy dont want to play wow anymore.


leave your thoughts maybe this can get herd. ty

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Hello every one i just want to say that i am getting very frustrated with not haveing a world LFG party system ( like they have in WoW ), i cant stand sitting in one spot trying to find a group for 2 hours to run a flashpoint and it frustrates me i love this game its super fun but u can only quest for so long untill u get bored so i just want to know wat every one else thinks cause i am probably going to go back WoW untill they come out with something like this.


ps. i realy realy dont want to play wow anymore.


leave your thoughts maybe this can get herd. ty


The developers say that it will kill the social aspect of group finding but you know what, i am going to say it, this game NEEDS a LFG tool, on Balmorra i have searched for much longer than necessary for groups, and you also have people trolling you because you are looking for one, earlier today i had someone say LFG BALLS IN HAND right after i put my LFG comment in, whether it kills the social aspect or not i think everyone agrees this game really needs an LFG tool.

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The developers say that it will kill the social aspect of group finding but you know what, i am going to say it, this game NEEDS a LFG tool, on Balmorra i have searched for much longer than necessary for groups, and you also have people trolling you because you are looking for one, earlier today i had someone say LFG BALLS IN HAND right after i put my LFG comment in, whether it kills the social aspect or not i think everyone agrees this game really needs an LFG tool.


At least something better than we have now, yes, though I would like it to be localized to the server you play on, because of the server reputation aspect. I want people to remember me as a good player :)

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Why a LFG system?


In real life if i want to go to a party with 4 other friends, we cant teleport? we need to go by our selves to the event. Why do we need LFG? irl we dont have one.


Well, I do play another game like say Starcraft I don't need to spend 10 minutes to "walk" to the map I'm going to play with.

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MMORPG games should NOT have LFG tools, or any tools that destroys the social aspect of the MMO genre. MMO games are supposed to be social games and not a game you play to reach maximum in a couple of days (Even through its really easy to do so in SWTOR)


Going into all of the popular games, I can only think of one game that prevents socializing*spelled* and thats WoW.

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I have to agree with some kind of LFG tool. Standing around spamming LFG is not being social, what you do in the group is the social aspect. I have dropped quest because of spending too much time standing around LFG.


There there is always the smart *** that hollers out "I soloed it".


I dont care, if I wanted to solo it I would not be standing around spamming LFG.

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Get a guild.


A general LFG channel that is cross worlds would be nice.


No lfg sytem



Yep.. LFG systems make people not care who they are playing with and just general idiots in the group.


You could also find a guild and run them together and you can all agree on how loot drops and gear yourselves in the best possible way.

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Yep.. LFG systems make people not care who they are playing with and just general idiots in the group.


You could also find a guild and run them together and you can all agree on how loot drops and gear yourselves in the best possible way.


first off not everyone in the guild is guaranteed to be a good group mate. idiots exist in guilds also. plus not everyone levels at same pace so if 90% of your guild is higher or lower level then you what good are they to you.


there is no reason why their isn't a LFG channel that spans the whole server. no one is asking to be teleported to start of flash point or heroic. just that their cries of LFG are seen server wide.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Just to say I don't know whether you're asking for a cross realm type of functionality here or LFG window which just advertises you as looking to do something on the server.


One of the best things about the game so far for me is the fact that I already know a lot of people on my server outside of the guild. In PvP, there is a healthy community of premades and groups of players I WZ with regularly. I PvE I tend to opt for more guild groups, but still know people about to ask if you need 1 or 2 more for a group.


FP are easy to get to, most of them directly available through the home city and people are grouping all the time. This might be different on low population servers, but I think the community and social aspect of a server is very important. One thing that annoyed me with the LFG system in WoW is that people could afford to act like tools / ninja loot because there was no direct consequence of doing so. With a solid server community you can avoid the trouble makers and get to know who the decent players are, and who the players are who will leave after 2 minuts / a wipe / they get their loot item from the first boss.

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This game needs a working LFG system; be it a server-wide LFG channel or a tool, it needs one. Earlier this evening I literally spent 2 hours in fleet looking for a Boarding Party group to no avail. This is nonsense.


Some of us work all day and want to come home, relax, and be able to group up in a reasonable amount of time and actually run a flashpoint instead of wasting valuable hours on end in fleet simply looking for a group.


And to those that say a LFG tool of some kind "breaks" community: *********. Spamming LFG for hours in fleet chat really builds community :rolleyes:

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Personally I am conflicted on this issue:


I would like to just click a button and be automatically grouped up with people on the same quest (But not teleported).


When I LFG sometimes I get replies like "inv" and not even a "Please" or a "hello" until the quest is done, when the person immediately leaves the group after the objective is complete.


Do I have a choice in saying, "I am not going to group with you, because you do not sound nice"? Nope, because this person is the only person at the moment who has replied to me for about 5-10 min, and I am not about to wait another 10 min, just to find someone polite (Even though people like that makes me want to stop playing and log off).


So the arguments that a LFG tool would just bring jerks and break communities are pointless, you will always get jerks and unsociable people regardless, and unfortunately in most cases you would HAVE to do it with them anyways.


Yes to a Group finder.

No to a teleport to the quest area.

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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There is one already look in the "who" and add a LFG note the main problem is only 1-2 people ever do it, if everyone did it putting together a group would be a lot easier, the in ability to shift+Click a name in chat and see class/ level would also help u will always get fools 10 levels too low ./w Inv and then having to kick them. Adding a World LFG channel would help no end though add a simple on/off button in the social tab if u want a FP: or Heroic group turn it on if not turn it off.
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I've never had issues finding groups to run content and most of the time they aren't total idiots. And an amazing thing happens in general chat, people are actually talking. About the game, about Star Wars in general, and about just things in life.


I think the LFG system they have in game now is pretty bad and doesn't work well because no one uses the tags in it. Its just LFG. So no one knows what you are looking to do. Trying to put groups together this is very annoying.


As for joining a guild this works wonders. I've probably run more content, even if it was just helping out a lower level guildie finish a heroic quest, then I did before I joined one. We have people ranging from just starting to level 50 and finding someone to help you with a quest is easy.


A magic button that teleports me to the content and requires no social interaction with my fellow peers and players is not needed and not wanted.

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Why a LFG system?


In real life if i want to go to a party with 4 other friends, we cant teleport? we need to go by our selves to the event. Why do we need LFG? irl we dont have one.


Wasn't aware this was Real Life. Does this mean I can use a lightsaber IRL to cut your head off?



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Hello every one i just want to say that i am getting very frustrated with not haveing a world LFG party system ( like they have in WoW ), i cant stand sitting in one spot trying to find a group for 2 hours to run a flashpoint and it frustrates me i love this game its super fun but u can only quest for so long untill u get bored so i just want to know wat every one else thinks cause i am probably going to go back WoW untill they come out with something like this.


ps. i realy realy dont want to play wow anymore.


leave your thoughts maybe this can get herd. ty


I have yet to spend more than 5 minutes getting more than enough players to group and help me with anything I want to do in game so far. And that was before I got into a fantastic guild on Rubat Crystal. Now they are constantly asking ME to group with them.... What server you playing on? One that's not on the list and you are the only one there?

Edited by Wrender
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I have yet to spend more than 5 minutes getting more than enough players to group and help me with anything I want to do in game so far. And that was before I got into a fantastic guild on Rubat Crystal. Now they are constantly asking ME to group with them.... What server you playing on? One that's not on the list and you are the only one there?


were glad you dont have trouble getting a group together. thats peachy. but their are people who spend much time trying to get a group together to no avail. I see it in chat everyday. People spamming LFG with no response. So just because you aren't experiencing it doesn't mean that they can't improve on the system. It wouldn't hurt the social aspect of the game to have an LFG Channel that spans the whole server. If anything it would help the social aspect as more grouping would be getting done. Again not asking for a one click easy button. Just a LFG Channel that spans the whole server.

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People keep posting this crap, but its the people who are too LAZY and ANTISOCIAL to make the groups themselves.


Yesterday on Tattoonie, I did 4 heroics with 3 different groups, baring in mind there was only around 30-50 people around at the time.


The fact is even though im a healer and not a tank, i still made all the groups and even went off from tatoonie to the fleet and did the mandolorian radiers flashpoint.


So dont tell me you cant find people, I dont even stand around, im doing quests when im making groups, or im putting things on the GTN and queuing items for crafting.


So dont blame the tools, blame the person using them!

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People keep posting this crap, but its the people who are too LAZY and ANTISOCIAL to make the groups themselves.


Yesterday on Tattoonie, I did 4 heroics with 3 different groups, baring in mind there was only around 30-50 people around at the time.


The fact is even though im a healer and not a tank, i still made all the groups and even went off from tatoonie to the fleet and did the mandolorian radiers flashpoint.


So dont tell me you cant find people, I dont even stand around, im doing quests when im making groups, or im putting things on the GTN and queuing items for crafting.


So dont blame the tools, blame the person using them!


Again hurray for you. were all so glad you are having success with LFG in general chat. Heres a cookie. Doesn't make the system good tho. your only response to our wanting an LFG Channel server wide is I'm great I never have problems.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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