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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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I hope some of you keep your subs and I'm not trying to convince anybody to unsub as I'd like to come back to an excellent game in 2 years but you guys have to get over the lame argument that standards have not risen and that products should not be competitive.


So here's the thing. Games are made to entertain people. If the game entertains people it is competitive.


This notion that it has to have some feature to be a "good" game is non-sense. To be a "good" game it simply needs to be fun. "Fun" of course being completely subjective.


It's really that simple. If the game is fun for you play it, if not don't.


Arguing over whether or not it's fun is just plain silly. We might as well argue who's favorite color is better.

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Basically everything listed there is extremely nitpicky (GM events? No faction change? Killing your companions? REALLY??), stupid and useless (housing, RP tools, swimming), or wrong (chairs, doors, etc ARE in the game).


High-res textures is about the only complaint I can give any real credit to. If you want changes, focus on stuff that actually impacts gameplay (smart tab targeting, macros, customizable UI). Fluff has to wait for the game to work out all of the kinks first.


Are you sure that these points are "extremely nitpicky"?



- No day/night cycle


The worlds now always look the same, ALWAYS.

There would be literally thousands of possible combinations of "moods" on the planets, if you have time progression, changing shadows, rain, snow. Ever checked out Red Dead Redemption? The setting sun on a wild west prairie, or the morning sun rising? Imagine that on alien planets.. Bingo.


- No swimming


Quests involving underwater areas would be awesome, also would fit very well into the Star Wars universe since Episode 1.


- No housing


One of my major disappointments.


- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...


exactly, nothing to do in between instead of the rail shooter and some crafting?


- Dumbed down character creation


For a universe full of different races, this is really weak.


- No high res textures


The game graphics are definitely not on par with Guild Wars 2 or Skyrim.


- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)


True! The environment is lifeless and there is no interaction unless it has anything to do with a quest. Where are other objects like the cantina jukebox?


- Simple combat with static enemies


True, enemies stand around in groups waiting to be slashed. Probably the worst AI I´ve seen for a long, long time ago.


- Unconvincing and stiff animations



- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around


correct, it´s not a convincing living, breathing world


- No collision detection


that bugs me too


- Restriction in choice of starship


I can live with that


- No ship decoration


would be nice to have


- Dumbed down space combat


ABSOLUTELY. This games needs to have an X-Wing Vs. Tie-Fighter space combat, asap.


- No multiplayer space combat




- Less planets than announced


correct, where is the exploration feeling in space? The freedom to travel through the universe? It´s Star Wars!


- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back


sad, but true. This was a huge downer.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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So here's the thing. Games are made to entertain people. If the game entertains people it is competitive.


This notion that it has to have some feature to be a "good" game is non-sense. To be a "good" game it simply needs to be fun. "Fun" of course being completely subjective.


It's really that simple. If the game is fun for you play it, if not don't.


Arguing over whether or not it's fun is just plain silly. We might as well argue who's favorite color is better.


I'm not arguing perspective or contradicting subjective views but I am certainly calling into question Bioware's choices regarding feature implementation and priorities. Not sure what you mean by "this notion" as I've never presented anything resembling a conflict of perception nor have am I pressuring others to follow my lead in unsubbing.

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The game aint bad.




The game is nothing special...the only special thing about it is that it takes place in the SW Universe.


This game would have a huge potential to be the greatest MMO ever but it fails to deliver. And to all saying "oh come on it just released" - seriously you could have said that like 5 or 6 years ago and then i would have said "True lets give it some time".


Today the situation is completely different. There have been TONS of MMO's and TONS of mistakes that have been made. I measure the quality of a new game by tha lack of missing mistakes that happend elsewhere...but if a game freshly releases and features most/all mistakes the other MMOs already did...or say stuff missing that clearly is a must have, i feel cheated and i feel like a Money Donkey for the Investors. This game has merely reached BETA level if not still ALPHA. And that pisses a lot of ppl who played a lot of mmos off. its very simple.


SWToR is not different to any other MMO besides it has an other storyline and some basic differences. Graphically the game is hardly an improvement. Its like WoW but just a bit less comic style...only a bit. Honestly after 8y we can expect more than that.


Fun and Gamebreaking stuff:


Fun is subjective...the feeling that something is gamebreaking is subjective aswell.


If someone is a pvp junkie he prolly thinks balancing and FPS are gamebreaking...


Fun is relative aswell....if you enjoy grinding and rushing trough Ops and FP's without beeing challenged...good for you. But don't Judge others with your measures of fun and gamebreaking. And its their right to try and demand that BW takes care of stuff like that.


Which casual player who runs Ops normal mode is getting set back if BW changes HM and NM mode to what the name actually emplys? no one. So quit harassing those who really want an improvement in this game. If you are happy with whatever they throw at you...again GOOD FOR YOU. Then be happy, shut up and quit raging if someone is unhappy with stuff you might enjoy...they aint gonna take it away from you. So stick to the stuff you enjoy and leave the forum trolling.



Trolls n stuff


Yes i believe that there are Trolls here....there always are...in WoW it has mostly been ppl that used a low level alt to post in forums so noone recognizes them. But that wasn't the majority of ppl complaining about something they misslike...same here some trolls and a lot of unhappy ppl.



Again: This game aint bad...but atm it fails to deliver what we can expect for a game thats been released in 2011/12. It has huge potential but it was released way to early.


And after intense reading in this forum i can clearly see that i'm not alone with that opinion and the amount of ppl feeling the same way as i do are growing in numbers every day.



So please BW proof me wrong and give this community what it deserves.

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Funny I remember when WOW first came out, and everyone was complaining about this bug, and that bug. The unbalance of classes, poor story or lack their of, to much grinding, not enough quests, no real endgame, etc..


Funny I don't.


Not saying it wouldn't have been the case by today's standards, but WoW's release wasn't judged by today's standards. The majority of mmo players in those days weren't brought to the genre by a television commercial either. It was a different crowd than today, much less diverse and easier to cater to. Game developers were different, the one size can fit all theory had not taken over yet. In summary, mmos and along with large amounts of their playerbase were very different before the once niche genre became as commercialized as it is today.


I think the majority of people who complain about new mmos today have been disenfranchised with mmos ever since they've gone really commercial, kind of like old school punk rock fans ever since green day. All that needs to happen is for a developer to lower their expectations in reguards to mass appeal and unapologetically try to make a good game instead of a game everyone likes, and we likely wouldn't have to see those people complain in the forums of other games for a long long time.

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A small percentage huh??


I'd like to point you toward this poll which says otherwise:



For those who don't want to click:


Do you like SW:TOR in its current state?


Yes: 700


No: 765


Undecided: 108


wow. an unscientific poll with 1500 is respondents of 2+ million players and you put faith into it? so funny. the only real numbers we have are from the investors call, which had figures of something like 85% retention after the first month which is practically unheard of for the genre.

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Man... I work in retail and what I read in these forums is exactly what it is like dealing with customers.




Honest to God, I cant believe the things people go on and on about. No day night cycles, no interactions with chairs, etc. My God shut up and play or dont play. Seriously already. And stop crying about your server being over popd or dead. When I joined this game I was on the Fatman server. After a week of waiting in ques to get in to play I said to hell with it and went to the Deadweight server. Yeah, I had to start over, so what!? Its a GAME!. A few of my friends came with me and a few didnt. Those who came with me are still playing. Those who stayed behind got bored and quit playing. The choices are YOURS and the game is also what YOU make of it.


No amount of graphics or features are ever gonna make a unhappy person suddenly appreciate the game. They will just have a new set of ideas to complain about.

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Good luck with that Gutrik. Like all MMOs there's an endgame, and when you reach that you'll be in the same boat as you are now - bored with nothing to do but the same endgame stuff over and over and over and over and over........


Difference is that 1) it has no sub fee, yet is an MMO 2) Wide open, massive maps and not AoC/TOR style which is a whole lot of loading. 3) A very passionate and open company: they actually play their games, BW seems to only make them and is about the most tight lipped dev out there. 4) When you reach that breaking point, you can quit GW2 and take a break; in TOR you are paying monthly thus feel I have to get every red cent out of it.


True.... even the great and holy RIFT was lacking here. Yet RIFT gets a pass on this and SWTOR gets an ugly red stepchild style beating over it.


Rift is far from the perfect game, I will agree. But the thing is....it was made by a newbie developer for a miniscule amount of cash compared to this game, yet they are constantly cranking out patches to fix stuff and add content. All this at max 30 min down time: how can a no name dev do something so right yet mega corp cannot? BW on other hand takes ages to do the same and don't even test their crap. While Rift is not the best, they really impressed me with their dedication; I look forward to their next MMO if they do one. TOR on the other hand has lowered the bar, which is sad.


On topic, game is not totally awful and not redeemable...but at the snails pace they are going (ie. it took them 5 months to fix Med therapy LOL), BW/EA may have a wake up call soon when other titles are released in the future. BW released this game at the perfect time: no competition and players tiring of other games like Rift and WoW. So essentially they can get away for having a mediocre MMO with terrible service and terrible bug ridden patches filled with sploits. It's also based on SW which automatically draws fanbois out of the floor boards.



p.s. BW should stick to SP games.

Edited by fixit
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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


We have some forum posters that for whatever reason just constantly attack the game content and players. Click on the little blue name under the posters picture to the left. Go to" statistics" then click "find all posts". For some reason theres a group that has been here since day one just insulting the players, the company and the content.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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OP the basic problem is this is the forums. You will always find more haters than supporters. In game you get a totally different group of players.


Except when you ask in general chat you pretty much hear the same complaints as the forum. Some people just have higher tolerance for them.

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Except when you ask in general chat you pretty much hear the same complaints as the forum. Some people just have higher tolerance for them.


You are clearly on a bad server. Mine has very little QQ.

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wow. an unscientific poll with 1500 is respondents of 2+ million players and you put faith into it? so funny. the only real numbers we have are from the investors call, which had figures of something like 85% retention after the first month which is practically unheard of for the genre.


So we should completely disregard the information then? I know the percentages aren't 100% accurate but there is some meaning we can glean from it. A lot of people are unhappy with the game for various reasons and its not just the 'elite hardcore endgamers'. Its a pretty decent junk of the player base. 50%? maybe not. Maybe more...who knows.


And I guarantee that the retention is largely due to the game being set in the Star Wars universe or the fact that people where holding out hopes that BW would pick up their game and make some MAJOR changes to the game. If 1.2 doesn't deliver some much needed change to the game then I think we will see the numbers pop down from 1.7 million active subs to 1.1-1.2 million, maybe even lower.


Edit: To answer the OPs question, its not necessarily hate. A lot of it is probably constructive criticism. Every person I know that plays this game is unhappy with it for various reasons yet we all WANT to like it. People aren't just quitting and leaving for good, they are quitting and telling BW what they want fixed.

Edited by Daluu
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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


this game is good at voice over, some story line;

and ppl tell the truth,

a lot of bad things in this game, such as FULL OF BUGS, bad engine, low population issue.


if u hate to see the truth, then u should quit this forum.

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Its not that its terrible its that I don't have anything to do if I have no desire to roll an alt for someone like me who is a 1 character person the thought of longevity through legacy means little to nothing to me.


Crafting is how I was thinking of making credits and the thought of playing the market appealed to me, but as crafting is pointless for anything other then making your rakata augment gear and will remain pointless no matter what they do to the other crafting tree's because Biochem is just too good for a raider to turn down. Because of that there's really no market for anything unless your selling raw materials for people to to powerlevel their craft to 400 to try for their rakata with augment slots.


Simple way to fix that make it so re-useable stims and Rakata crafted gear is sellable suddenly you have a market based on trading...


Raiding is a joke really not near enough stuff to do and the stuff we have to do have their fair share of bugs.

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Im a massive Bioware/Star wars fan and have been following the game for a few years and I wont lie,the game is good and I enjoyed the game it until I was 50 for a few weeks(gets boring real quick), all the bugs and glitches dont bother me because i know they will get fixed and more content will come out but the game killer for me is faction/class imbalance from the clear bias towards the imps from BW and illum is a joke!

I have unsubbed but i will also return in a few months to see where the game is at to see if things are better and im sure alot of other ppl will do the same simply because TOR has promise but if BW dosnt get thier sh*t together the game will be dead soon because of other games being released.....GW2(meh).....The Secret World(yes plz)....Planetside2.


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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


you've played for a whole week, that's why you have no idea, come back when you've played for 2 months, got 3 chars at 50, and have ran out of anything to do

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you've played for a whole week, that's why you have no idea, come back when you've played for 2 months, got 3 chars at 50, and have ran out of anything to do


I have been playing since EA and still have a blast, so everyone has their own opinion. Just because one persion if bored doesn't automatically mean all people will be bored. Not everyone fits into the same peg.

Edited by Dyraele
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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


I'll tell you the EXACT reason why.


From my experience in lingering around MMOG forums since the dawn of MMOGs when they didn't even have the term "MMOG" yet, people who really think a game is bad, don't do all this whining and bitc*ing and moaning and tantrums.


People who really think a game is bad, simply leave.



Now then, who are all these people who come to the forums, all these doomsayers?


These twirps, are the people who actually like the game a lot. They play it a lot, so they somehow assume that it automatically means they are good players.....and since they are (in their own mind) good players, and devote so much time to it, they think they should always have good results in the game whatever they do - be it PvP or PvE.


When it turns out that they aren't much good at it, they start feeling betrayed, and start blaming it on the game, on the system, and on the developers.


I mean, since I'm such a faithful player, and I loved this game so much, surely, the game must treat me as a great customer, and let me get awesome wins in PvP, or give me awesome rewards when I PvE, right??


But unfortunately, that does not happen. So, they feel wronged, and they start making delusional statements on how they rightfully deserve something. Since they are good players and faithful players, nothing is wrong with them. It is always the system, the game, the developers who are wronging them.



Hence, they start doomsaying, making threats and accusations on how the game has wronged them.



In a sense, they are the pathetic people who's been turned down by a lover, and start posting hate-posts on the blogs. That's what the whiners and moaners are.

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