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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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I didn't realize that 125 - 200 was between 200 - 300.


Silly me.

The specific number is irrelevant. It's an approximation highlighting that this game, is in fact extremely big budget. Feel free to continue grasping for straws through.
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something that cost 200 million to 300 million should be close to perfection if not perfected


things like combat delay have no place in a project that has this kind of budget backing it up


this is how 200 million dollar look like


It didn't cost that much, try again

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This happens in every newly released MMO even WoW had this .


But i gotta say it sure have escalated in numbers from that time :p


Some people would have been better buying this game a few months in but no they seem to want a spotless working MMO with absolutley no patches bugs or downtime attached to it others are just raving trolls or kids scared that people will stop playing "another" game (which is ridicilous) so therfor try to bash the game as much as possible.


Which basicly just says more that MMO isnt for them.


Personally i would say Bioware have done a really good job on this game and ofcourse they have alot of bugs and finetuning to do but that is to be expected from any newly released MMO.


And othewise the game have been very stable and i havent almost crashed at all can count it on one hand which is impressive

Edited by Varghjerta
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The specific number is irrelevant. It's an approximation highlighting that this game, is in fact extremely big budget. Feel free to continue grasping for straws through.


I was correcting someone elses numbers. You provide number that prove him wrong. I should be thanking you.

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If you're a competitive gamer there are issues. If you're some carebear casual you won't even notice the problems. If the game feels really responsive and you never encounter ability lag etc then you are likely in the latter group.:p




Real gamers received these faulty game mechanics as slaps in the face. Super scrub weekend gamers don't even know what we are talking about.

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The specific number is irrelevant. It's an approximation highlighting that this game, is in fact extremely big budget. Feel free to continue grasping for straws through.


How much went into marketing and other things, I doubt they had that big budget for pure delopment. Also it is not the most expensive game in history google, also 200-300 million and 125 is a huge difference.

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Uh, yes, they did. It's likely the most expensive video game ever made. So you'll have to excuse people for expecting it to play competently. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/arts/video-games/star-wars-the-old-republic-vs-world-of-warcraft-online.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1


erm no they didnt, you said 200 300 mill...


in the article it clearly states 125 - 200 mill. thank you for providing me the proof to destroy you own argument.


and still, read up abit on what coding is and what it does.


a game whit 14 BILLION dollars invests will as well have bugs (unless they spent 90% of the time of the game squashing buggs whit 5 million betatesters on it)

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I've played every day during the week of beta, every day of the 7 days early access and everyday of the 2 and a half weeks since release, playing around 2-6 hours a day, I'm level 25 and I have to regard this game one of the best MMORPG's I've played. My last MMORPG crack like addiction was WoW all the way back in 2006 and nothing had topped it since then.


Ofcourse I was also addicted to older MMORPG's before WoW which were Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, Planetside, EVE Online and Everquest II, these are my 5 fave MMORPG's.


Loving this game alot and I look forward to all those bugfixes and new content which will be arriving soon.

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You're right, they could of made the game bug free and perfect. I'm sure none of us would of been upset when the release date would of been changed to December 2012.


Thanks for delivering on time Bioware. I'll take a few bugs over not playing at all.

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Because Bioware keeps deleting threads with constructive but negative critics.

Instead they patch stuff which no one asked for. Acutally, they ignored beta feedback since months and did god knows what. Can't see much effort put into fixing the main problems:


-broken raids

-fluid combat system

-good engine performance WITH smooth shadows+AA


if one of those things is messed up, the game mostly will fail.

and all 3 are messed up but no fixing.

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People say it's bad because they're spoilt brats who've been playing endgame MMOs and expect all new MMOs to be working 100% straight off launch day. Even after beta testing and live test realms there's still going to be problems. Having the game being non-customizable is also a letdown, many players are too used to browsing for addons to redesign the UI the way they want it. Perhaps in given time we'll be allowed a certain amount of UI customization but don't get your hopes up, Bioware seems adamant they will not allow 3rd party addons so you may just have to live with it. On top of that there's a lot of people who raced to 50 and are now stuck on what to do and moaning there's no new content, that's after 2 weeks of launch. Slow down! Edited by MJHoyle
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The game is great, no question. Most fun MMO I ever played and amazing as the first days in WoW. It brought the thrill back...


But: Missing of fluidity in the combat system aka ability delay and some laggy feeling in BGs, is very important for people who love PvP (closed PvP if you like to call it that way). And PvP is one of the two pillars of the content once one reaches level 50. For me actualy is the only important element once I am 50 :)


That's why some reasonable persons call this game bad. That's why they mention WoW so often, though they dont intend to go back to that game. They just address an existing and important problem cause they love SWTOR and want it to succeed!

Edited by Baudrillard
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If you like this game, you should definitetly try World of Warcraf. It's like SWTOR, but better.


The bugs in this game don't bother me at all, except the ability delay, which is game breaking. I know they will be fixed.


My problem is, this game is step backwards in MMO genre. Meaningles talent trees, boring abilities, boring questing that you grind till max level and after that you grind heroics, raids and battlegrounds. Its all we have been doing in world of warcraft for 7 years now. Its the reason I quitted WOW a year ago and its the reason I quitted SWTOR now.


Guild Wars 2 is trying to change how MMOs work. I am very interested to see how it ends up.

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People say it's bad because they're spoilt brats who've been playing endgame MMOs and expect all new MMOs to be working 100% straight off launch day. Even after beta testing and live test realms there's still going to be problems. Having the game being non-customizable is also a letdown, many players are too used to browsing for addons to redesign the UI the way they want it. Perhaps in given time we'll be allowed a certain amount of UI customization but don't get your hopes up, Bioware seems adamant they will not allow 3rd party addons so you may just have to live with it.


Agreed. I survived Age of Conan's launch and SWTOR doesn't have anywhere near the problems that game had.

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Good luck with that Gutrik. Like all MMOs there's an endgame, and when you reach that you'll be in the same boat as you are now - bored with nothing to do but the same endgame stuff over and over and over and over and over........
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If you like this game, you should definitetly try World of Warcraf. It's like SWTOR, but better.


The bugs in this game don't bother me at all, except the ability delay, which is game breaking. I know they will be fixed.


My problem is, this game is step backwards in MMO genre. Meaningles talent trees, boring abilities, boring questing that you grind till max level and after that you grind heroics, raids and battlegrounds. Its all we have been doing in world of warcraft for 7 years now. Its the reason I quitted WOW a year ago and its the reason I quitted SWTOR now.


Guild Wars 2 is trying to change how MMOs work. I am very interested to see how it ends up.


WoW is only better (matter of fact: far superior) when it comes to PvP Combat Fluidity. I played it for over 6 years, and I loved the feeling in BGs and Arenas. Up to date unmatched experience...


... But to call WoW better than SWTOR? I wouldnt do so. When they get the fluidity into SWTOR I definitely wont touch WoW anymore. Balance, content and other things will come with time. The only thing I want is a playable PvP-game

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Why those people are brats?

This game has to compete with any MMOs current state, not what they were 7 years ago.

Even if they had to compete vs WoW classic, they would lose.


You know what bugs are? Bugs are things which are triggered by special events in special circumstances. What you see in SWTOR is not even beta, it's alpha. Empty content which never was created with the whole thing in mind. It feels like every programmer worked into his cellar, not communicating with his mates. At the end everything got trashed into a bucked and glued together -> SWTOR release.


This game in generel is not even slightly balanced or optimised. Crafting does not go hand in hand with pvp items, token items or drops. Talent trees are messed up, for expample the lethality tree for marksmen agents. Lethalty tree skills range = 30m, Sniper specialization skills = 35m. Now have fun combining 30m and 35m skills :~

Edited by squiek
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