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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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My personal experience with the animation delays has been 100% tied to deflection animations playing at the same time. Simply put, I want to use Ability A, but my character is busy deflecting a blaster bolt, so it takes a second or two more until the ability actually starts.


This problem has only been present when I play melee. I only have two characters; one Assassin tank (who obviously deflects a lot), and one Sorcerer (who rarely deflects). Two ends of the spectrum.


As I said already, my Assassin has a lot of delay in activation, but my Sorc has almost none. It seems to me that they could fix this problem mostly by retooling the way that deflections (or any automatic animation) is handled, but allow activated animations to have priority over automatic animations.


You have the wrong thread sir, the problem we're experiencing is damage delay due to animations.

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I just want to throw in another post on this topic (this being my third I believe) and give an update of my concerns. A brief introduction of myself: I am 26 years old. I have a career and a family and I've been playing games since I was 6 but really got into playing games online around the age of 13 (ahh Quake 1: Team Fortress *big nostalgia inhale*). Since then I have been a "social gamer" and almost exclusively play multiplayer games with competitive aspects online. I started playing WoW two weeks after its release and have almost exclusively played the PvP aspect of the game with almost no PvE except to max level a character.


I continue to notice the complexity of the ability delay issue when it comes to the mechanics of the game. I've noticed that at times there is no noticeable "lag" between the keypress and the game identifying my keypress (signaled by the highlighting of the skill on the skillbar) HOWEVER, oftentimes the global cooldown initiates several moments after the keypress and the animation start is highly unreliable. Sometimes I go through several skills without animation overlap issues, but sometimes I have sustained issues throughout gameplay.


I have attempted PvP but it reminded me a lot of what it was like to play a 2d fighting game as a kid when I didn't know what buttons did what combos. I spend most of my time smashing my keyboard and not really knowing when abilities are going to go off and/or getting a chance to learn much of a countering rhythm or tactical strategies because you never really know how something might play out. Compare this to WoW where you can enact tactics down to almost superhuman timing skills depending on your skill. I remember playing a 29 twink rogue back before WotLK for fun and a good strategy for rogue vs. rogue pvp was to snare your opponent and time your throw ability as you ran which required you to briefly stop. You could irk out a slight dps advantage over the course of a 5 minute fight which made PvP very intense.


I rolled a Jedi Shadow tank but have been afraid to attempt much in terms of Flashpoints or Heroics simply because I do not take failure well (its a personal problem) and I know I might just up and quit the game if these issues cause failure for the group on a regular basis. Also partially because I do not have the time to dedicate to the game continuously to finish these things (babies etc.).


The last thing I'd like to talk about is directed at the Community Manager or the PR Department for Bioware/EA. I will be clear and quick. WE ARE NOT ALL CHILDREN AND VERY FEW OF US ARE LAWYERS. BE CLEAR AND LUCID AND YOU WILL GAIN MORE RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING FROM THE COMMUNITY THAN YOU CAN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH.


I always respect a straight shooter. My real life job is a walking bullcrap detector, and you might as well rename the Dev Tracker to Bullcrap Tracker because other than a few informational posts on patches and server issues, that is all it is. I'll give an example:


The ability delay issue response can be summed up as: "This is a complicated issue that we are talking about so we aren't going to say anything about it yet." Instead of this CRAP, let us IN on our product! Be frank, say that you've experienced it in game, admit that it was a concern, talk about what the lead combat designer believes the fix might take, tell us what the heads are thinking, talk about the engine a little bit and give us some insight on how the engine prioritizes skill triggers, animations, and cooldowns. BE OPEN. You don't have to set dates, and you are only GAINING respect from an INTELLIGENT community. By not being lucid you are pissing people like me off. I like to know what is going on when I care about something and I really want this game to succeed. Even if there is no news on a fix for these issues I'd resub if there was even just a change in communication between Bioware/EA and its customers.

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Thanks to the OP for posting this, with all the required information to show the problem.


It will be the defining element of this game, will it be a good game or will it be a great game. WoW is a great game for this very reason. SWTOR can be a great game, if this is addressed as a matter of urgency.


What I do not understand is why it has not been addressed before?

1) It could be that they do not know about it.

2) it could be that they do not care about it (which I doubt)

3) it could be that they do not know how to achieve it, or are limited in some way.


If i were developing a MMO, i would start from what made the best MMO the best and build up from there.


I have played many MMOs and I must say that there is an issue as described by the OP. I do hope that they sort it out, to the standard of WoW on at least very close to it.

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Thanks to the OP for posting this, with all the required information to show the problem.


It will be the defining element of this game, will it be a good game or will it be a great game. WoW is a great game for this very reason. SWTOR can be a great game, if this is addressed as a matter of urgency.


What I do not understand is why it has not been addressed before?

1) It could be that they do not know about it.

2) it could be that they do not care about it (which I doubt)

3) it could be that they do not know how to achieve it, or are limited in some way.


If i were developing a MMO, i would start from what made the best MMO the best and build up from there.


I have played many MMOs and I must say that there is an issue as described by the OP. I do hope that they sort it out, to the standard of WoW on at least very close to it.


If you look at the first page, second post there is a quote from a GM saying they're aware and actively working on it.


Oh, and they pretty much jumped WoW in a dark alley stole their game and put light sabers, cut scenes, and bugs in it.

Edited by Zeetofox
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I have attempted PvP but it reminded me a lot of what it was like to play a 2d fighting game as a kid when I didn't know what buttons did what combos. I spend most of my time smashing my keyboard and not really knowing when abilities are going to go off and/or getting a chance to learn much of a countering rhythm or tactical strategies because you never really know how something might play out.


Yes, you sumarize assassin pvp pretty well there. You never know what skill you have available so you are forced to try get several of them off at once. Especially backstab is unreliable as it often available but it just wont play more than half the animation and stop there... :(

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The #1 reason I've gone back to WoW from any other MMO I've played is because it is BY FAR the most fluid and responsive MMO out there; you're a fool if you feel otherwise. Nothing in a game is more important to me than those two factors, not only because I try to be one of the best, but because it's just not enjoyable if it doesn't feel good. That said, I do think TOR has the most responsive combat behind WoW (and maybe Rift), but WoW still remains far ahead, and I think it's untouchable at this point, as it's had so many years of development.


Despite this, I still really enjoy this game, and I do not plan on quitting any time soon as it offers much more than any of those other fantasy MMOs that I returned to WoW from.

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idk anything about quake, but 51% overall win isn't that good is it?


It's not about statistics. I play on this profile since I started to play quake 3 years ago. Back then I knew nothing of it.

It's about the tournaments and leagues you play in and the tier you are at.

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If you look at the first page, second post there is a quote from a GM saying they're aware and actively working on it.


Oh, and they pretty much jumped WoW in a dark alley stole their game and put light sabers, cut scenes, and bugs in it.


Now is not the time to work on it, should have been a design concept, picked up in alpha testing or at the very least beta testing.

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Now is not the time to work on it, should have been a design concept, picked up in alpha testing or at the very least beta testing.


So by saying now isn't the time to work on it you're saying since they didn't fix it early on they should just ignore it now? Either that or get a time machine and go back to beta testing and fix it?

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I guess I am in a minority in that it doesn't bother me, in fact I haven't even noticed this supposed "game breaking issue."


Anyhoo, clearly it is an issue to many, so they must fix it I guess.


Let me guess. You are a clicker?

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So by saying now isn't the time to work on it you're saying since they didn't fix it early on they should just ignore it now? Either that or get a time machine and go back to beta testing and fix it?


Since you're a bit slow (or trolling) here's the translation:


Whatever they will come up with until January 20th will be something patchy and not very good. And we know how most temporary solutions become permanent.

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Since you're a bit slow (or trolling) here's the translation:


Whatever they will come up with until January 20th will be something patchy and not very good. And we know how most temporary solutions become permanent.



I'm sorry i don't understand how you 'know' that their temporary solutions become permanent is this from experience playing SWTOR through all of its...um 1 patch? Maybe you see the future or something, impressive in that case you win.

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I really, really hope that what Gabe said in his blog post might address at least some of these issues:


"Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on."


Please SWTOR Gods?

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I really, really hope that what Gabe said in his blog post might address at least some of these issues:


"Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on."


Please SWTOR Gods?


Let's pray they balance Project and Shock. My fear: I have played MMos long enough to know class balancing usualy happens 6 months later.

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So Xcore, this is the link we were talking about yesterday:



Great thanks, ill check it out later today when i get home and add your previous post to the OP.


Thread 5, rating as well... At this point we have well over 200 votes with an avg. of 5 Stars. Don't forgetting upvote this one to help keep momentum on this subject.

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