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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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The entire community is shouting for this and yet the developers are turning a blind eye. How hard is it to change a few numbers for the respec costs.


Yeah, the ENITRE community. Or maybe just a few loud shouters. I don't want dual spec. Its not needed. Its a cop-out for actually playing your character. And don't include me in your "entire community" crap.

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Yeah, the ENITRE community. Or maybe just a few loud shouters. I don't want dual spec. Its not needed. Its a cop-out for actually playing your character. And don't include me in your "entire community" crap.


Wow, you're just as bad at reading or paying attention to the facts as every other person against dual spec.


For starters, as mentioned a thousand times, respeccing is ALREADY in the game. The dev's already planned for it. All we're asking is to make it easier, so we're not required to leave a group, fly all the way back to the fleet, pay 50k credits or more, and then get all the way back to our group. We're just asking to make it efficient. Same reason you bought your speeder. And I guarantee you don't run everywhere in the game. And if all of you are that much against dual spec, then I challenge you to give up your speeder and tell me you're not unhappy.


"How does another player swapping from a DPS to healer spec at the click of a button to get a group run moving faster do anything but help you out? Why is it important to you that people play through each class quest 6 times to have committed characters for every tree? Two times seems reasonable to me."


It's not a cop out, we're just not interested in listening to the same storyline 6 times in a row. Just because you may have no life and all the time in the world to re-roll for each individual spec a class may offer doesn't mean the normal people who actually contribute to society do.


As a final note to all of you against dual spec: 1. Read all 98 some-odd pages of this discussion. 2. Realize that the argument to add a cap to respeccing or allow dual spec has a much stronger argument than to not do it. And if you can't realize that, then find another game and buzz off.

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Stop being lazy.

They don't need to, nor should they ever add dual-specs because it makes the game too easy. And easy games are boring.

If you want to play a game where you can do everything yourself then there's plenty of singleplayer games for you.



If you honestly think that the addition of dual-spec will make the game "too easy," I am close to speechless in response. You have obviously never done anything in any MMO that was of appropriate difficulty if you believe that spec restrictions actually confer encounter mechanics difficulty.


The only difficulty spec restrictions cause is administrative on behalf of guild leaders, raid leaders, party leaders, etc. and if you think that is the kind of difficulty that needs to be in a game for it to not be boring, you're probably playing games for the wrong reason.

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Yes, dual spec is such a terrible idea. I mean all these groups looking for a tank for a Taral V and Maelstrom should totally suffer because I don't have the creds to respec to tank and back to dps every day.



That's okay, I'll spend my time playing PVP; and when 'you' sit in General spamming "LFM: TANK for <insert instance> then good to go, pst" I'll remind you that I could tank, but don't feel it worthwhile to dump (atm) 21k to respec to Tank for a ~45min Flashpoint and then, what, ~30k-ish to go back to DPS.


So yes, have your hard game of "LFM/LFG" :rolleyes:






Oh look another "LFM: Tank, g2g" oooh well.

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This is not wow... you cannot respec from a tank to a healer to a dps. You can either be a dps or a hank/healer. There is no Advanced class that allows you to do all 3


You guys' only argument against dual speccing is that its lame and it ruins a game... GUESS WHAT IT ALLOWS YOU TO DO BOTH PVP AND PVE in specs that are both utility and damage. Would you want to pvp in a spec that is optimized to pve, no. Would you want to pve in a spec that is optimized to pvp, no. Dual spec would allow you to enjoy the game to its fullest without having to farm 500k creds every day.


I understand where you guys are comming from though because I felt the same way about flying in WoW and the 5 specs in rift. Im not asking for that. Only a dual spec system so I can enjoy both pvp and pve.


And to the lowbies commenting about 2000 cred respecs, it goes up with both how many times you respec and your level. Respec cost at level 30 was 36k, at level 40 without any respecs, cost was 60k.


Im not trying to sound like im raging or anything like that, im just trying to get something fixed that would greatly improve the play-ability of the game for people who like to pvp and pve in different specs. As well as keep the uninformed posts to a minimum.


Or you could just have PVP and a PVE char...


Not to mention i thought they wanted to make a game where tanks and healers were very good PVPers, therfore abilities like taunt and such would be useful.


To me they should not make it so that you have to switch, they should make it so that every ability is useful if you use it correctly.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


How does that make any sense to you?


What is the difference in rolling a tank and a dps on two different characters and rolling one character that can dual spec and do those same two things? Wasted time, that is the only difference, the game is no more easier if you can dual spec, the quests don't change, everything is the same except for the time you have to waste splitting between two characters; only now you're mad b/c you have to split your interests between two characters to do the things you want.


One character should not be able to do everything but there is no harm in having a little versatility within the guild lines already existing within the class. When I play solo, I like to dps, there is rarely any need to tank when playing solo. Grouping, I like to play a tank, one reason is b/c you get groups more easily but mostly b/c I know when I'm tanking at least the tank won't be terrible. Not saying I'm the greatest tank ever but I at least know the extent of my capabilities and have more control over the pace of the content we're doing. I know I'm not going to zerg fail or give up at the first sign of difficulty.


I don't like being forced into suffering through slow solo play so I can have the group experience I want nor do I want to have to dps all the time in groups if I'd prefer to be tanking. Dual spec'ing is essentially in the game already, they just force you to pay for it, which obviously isn't going to be practical for most people on a regular basis. But the argument that dual spec would some how ruin things is a moot one as paying to respec is no different than a dual-spec system aside from the payment.

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Why are dual specs needed? Simple: Some people like doing both PvP and PvE, and with the current configuration, that means respeccing about 2 to 4 times a day.


It's dumb.


And the people saying it "makes the game easy". I beg to differ, the option to respec is already available, it's just expensive and annoying.


On top of that, why should I be confined to one aspect of the game? Why doesn't the game allow me to enjoy the PvE and PvP aspects of the it?


When this was introduced in WoW, it was LONG overdue. Just like they recently introduced the feature where you have to confirm talent points after allocating them. Oh yeah, it's too easy now, if you make a mistake and click the wrong talent, you can just undo it. Yeah they're destroying that game.


Some of these features are common sense and need to be there. You're not making the game easier in any way. You still need the gear, you still need the skill, but at least you'll see properly specced players in both PvE and PvP.

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Or you could just have PVP and a PVE char...


Not to mention i thought they wanted to make a game where tanks and healers were very good PVPers, therfore abilities like taunt and such would be useful.


To me they should not make it so that you have to switch, they should make it so that every ability is useful if you use it correctly.


Yeah... No...


I don't know about other classes, but I play Shadow, and the PvE spec is quite different from the PvP spec I found works best.


Basically, in PvP you want survivability and control and trade off some DPS for that. In PvE, you want just the opposite, you want to maximize your damage output with complete disregard of things like your armor or defensive CD's (broadly speaking).


And 2 characters?! So I should have 2 identical characters, except one is specced for PvP and the other for PvE? That sounds like something reasonable to you? Because from where I'm standng it sounds mind-numbingly stupid. I'd call that a design flaw.

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I would like this to be implemented.


I play mostly with a set group of guys n gals. We like running flashpoints together. When our healer had to leave for a week we found it pretty difficult to run some flashpoints. I have a BH merc DPS spec that I really like so I popped Mako and played primarily as healer but due to not being specced for it trying to be main healer is not easy.


In the end we got through it but it was painfull enough that we are not likely to do it again. If I had dual spec I could have easily changed roles and become the healer - problem solved.


But yes when leveling and soloing and pvp I like to play as DPS. But to have ability to swithc to healing role would be real nice in some situations.


this is a game and I love to DPS, having said that sometimes I like to help friends and i have to respec to help out and heal. how about a guild member that likes to pvp and pve? where does that leave us? having to pay an exorbitant amount of credits so you can respec and enjoy ourselfs? Having a dual spec alows a person to enjoy the game in different ways, however if you would like to make a different character every time you get bored of say healing thats your perogative.

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Anti-dual spec arguments are ridiculous.


No dual-specs because I want people to play the hard way, the way I want to play.


Dude, seriously, dual specs will be optional, play your game the way you want, don't use it, yay, fun for you.


Now you want my game to stop being fun because you think it's this or that.


I don't give Popo's stool about what the way you think I should play the game. Who dictates how I should play with the options available is me, not you.


And besides I bet I'd make a better tank, DPS or heal than most of you "specializers", with dual, tri, quad or infinite specs.

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I'm against dual spec. I rolled characters for a reason. There's also a reason why there's enough character slots to make one of everything on one faction.


Stop acting spoiled.


It's interesting that you should bring up the term "spoiled". That's often a very relative term. Some people might, for example, consider someone who has the free time to roll up and level a character of each possible role as being spoiled.


Really, it's all in each individual's perspective.

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I'm against dual spec. I rolled characters for a reason. There's also a reason why there's enough character slots to make one of everything on one faction.


Stop acting spoiled.


Making one of each spec, however, would require at least 24 characters slots (8 classes x3 primary talent trees), although the potential specs for each different class probably numbers closer to the thousands.


Basically, your reasoning (eight character slots) has nothing to do with what dual spec provides (moving casually between Tank-Guardian into DPS-Guardian without returning to a city.)

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are people not even paying attention to the topic anymore? i keep seeing posts where people are assuming dual spec means i can select 2 classes.


it's not i have a sith warrior that can switch from jug to tank to marr to dps or pvp.


it's i have a sith jugg that has one spec as immortal to tank and vengeance to dps or pvp


I'm all for dual spec. especially in endgame. I love tanking but i know I'm not going to be the MT for operations in my guild since that position most likely going to guild leader or his best friend. but dual spec allows me to tank flashpoints for my group and fill a much needed role, and then still contribute to my guilds operation as dps as opposed to waiting in hope the MT doesn't show up or is busy etc. and guess what since i have dual spec i can still fill in the role of tank if the above presents itself, so I'm basically doubling my possible contribution to my guild.



Dual Specialization not Dual Advance Class.

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If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


I left out the personal opinions about other players from your quote, but I can see your point. I even mostly agree; however, I also understand those wanting a raid AND pvp spec easily available. For example, I like to tank raids but go dps for pvp in between raids. It's just convenient and doesn't make the game any easier than it already is. Having to spend credits, redistribute skill points, replace the hotbar skills... it's a pain.


All for dual spec.

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I'm sorry if someone already suggested something like this

in these 100 pages. (I didn't have time to read all the pages)


But anyways, here goes:


Maybe there could be a Skill Tree -switcher-guy (near the "reset spec" -guy), from who

- You could buy an additional spec for like 1-2 million credits.

- You'd still only have 1 current spec for your character, but you could switch it by talking to this guy.

- You could always switch between specs as much as you like, by talking him again. (After the purchase, for no fee naturally)

- And then you could of course reset the spec you are currently having by talking to the other guy.


The thing here would be that:

You'd always need to talk to the guy when you want to switch between your specs, so you'd need to do it in Fleet. Therefore, you can't switch your spec in every situation, since it requires a visit to fleet.


And when there's a such high price for it, it'd be possible to buy this thing only later on in game.

Basicly here, you would have prematurely paid for your future re-specs and it would be faster to "re-spec" when you don't need to click the skills again etc...


Sorry for the long post and sorry if this did not make any sense at all...

Just letting of some steam from my brain.

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I'm sorry if someone already suggested something like this

in these 100 pages. (I didn't have time to read all the pages)


But anyways, here goes:


Maybe there could be a Skill Tree -switcher-guy (near the "reset spec" -guy), from who

- You could buy an additional spec for like 1-2 million credits.

- You'd still only have 1 current spec for your character, but you could switch it by talking to this guy.

- You could always switch between specs as much as you like, by talking him again. (After the purchase, for no fee naturally)

- And then you could of course reset the spec you are currently having by talking to the other guy.


The thing here would be that:

You'd always need to talk to the guy when you want to switch between your specs, so you'd need to do it in Fleet. Therefore, you can't switch your spec in every situation, since it requires a visit to fleet.


And when there's a such high price for it, it'd be possible to buy this thing only later on in game.

Basicly here, you would have prematurely paid for your future re-specs and it would be faster to "re-spec" when you don't need to click the skills again etc...


Sorry for the long post and sorry if this did not make any sense at all...

Just letting of some steam from my brain.


This is a great example of how this could work. I like the way you think.

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I'm sorry if someone already suggested something like this

in these 100 pages. (I didn't have time to read all the pages)


But anyways, here goes:


Maybe there could be a Skill Tree -switcher-guy (near the "reset spec" -guy), from who

- You could buy an additional spec for like 1-2 million credits.

- You'd still only have 1 current spec for your character, but you could switch it by talking to this guy.

- You could always switch between specs as much as you like, by talking him again. (After the purchase, for no fee naturally)

- And then you could of course reset the spec you are currently having by talking to the other guy.


The thing here would be that:

You'd always need to talk to the guy when you want to switch between your specs, so you'd need to do it in Fleet. Therefore, you can't switch your spec in every situation, since it requires a visit to fleet.


And when there's a such high price for it, it'd be possible to buy this thing only later on in game.

Basicly here, you would have prematurely paid for your future re-specs and it would be faster to "re-spec" when you don't need to click the skills again etc...


Sorry for the long post and sorry if this did not make any sense at all...

Just letting of some steam from my brain.


The biggest problem with the current re-spec system is the time wasted having to travel to the fleet and back. I dont see why you can't respec on your personal ship...i mean, that's where you discuss strategies and prepare for your upcoming missions, right?


Or at the very least, barring that, be able to respec on the planet you're on, at the spaceport or at your class trainer. If you decide you want to try out healing while levelling, say to get a few heroic 4 quest's out of the way, you have to travel all the way to the spaceport, then to the orbital station, to your ship, back to the fleet, back to your ship, to the orbital station, to the spaceport, and THEN back to wherever your (un)lucky group is waiting for you.


No one is suggesting that dual spec's shouldnt be a credit sink...the idea is to make questing and grouping more convenient, and to help alleviate downtime. Having to be at the fleet completely invalidates most of the reasons people are asking for dual spec.

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Duel Spec is NOT needed.



I'm a healer, I run as a healer throughout my carrier (as evil as that may be). I heal my companions in solo content, heal myself and teammates in both group and PvP content. There's nothing I cannot do as a healer.


IF I want to learn another specification, I'll do so at the cost of paying for a respec.




However, to ask for a duel-spec is like asking for both the steak & salmon at a restaurant but for one price. It's not going to happen, you're going to have to pay twice as much for both of them, and you're going to get full rather fast.




If you decide to play one way, play that one way, if you decide to play another, play that other way. Just don't ask to do everything all the time, mixed together.

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